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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. Yep the SUN came out today in Newcastle so I decided to wash the car! I have to say I didn't use a clay bar or any fancy "you can eat it wax" I used a pressure washer with this amazing stuff called water, some Turtle Wax Car shampoo, A spongue!!!! and then finally some Liquid Turtle Wax - Wax. I have to say thats for not a lot of effort and with some pretty cheap products (most expensive was £5.99) you can get some really amazing results! Tax disk Holderbought of this site! and now for some artsy fartsy shots See you can clean a car without spending £1,000,000,000
  2. Smudge

    Old PC Games.

    good to know thanx
  3. Smudge

    Old PC Games.

    I have every one of those games is that sad??
  4. Spotted a (I think) Blade Silver JDM Z just before the Priory in Tynemouth. at 16.45 today.
  5. I almost felt sorry for the first one, the rest are just total tards!
  6. did you see the dashboard!!!! OMG WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
  7. call your insurance company and stick the insurance payment form for the respray through there door, use the photos as proof of damage and get some of the puntos drivers door edge, especially if there is silver paint on it.
  8. Smudge

    K1 just fitted!!

    I have to say i'm really thinking about getting a K1 when I get the cash together, it would be really good to hear one in the flesh first tho
  9. Same thing happend to me today, I haven't touched my car in 3 days and I guess the cold got to it, I had to use a booster pack to turn her over.
  10. Yeah I think it was, do you have 350z-uk stickers behind your doors now? I thought I saw some there?
  11. Is chrome wrap legal? you'd think having a mirror driving at you at night would be really dangerous?
  12. 1) back box connection 2) BOSE 3) rear CV joints 4) door cards 5) dome lights have no fuse protecting bcm 6) boot struts 7) gear box synchros 8) End links 9) Window Motors 10) 2nd Gear
  13. WOW! I really like them! What was the cost?
  14. Well those AWESOME mods have made a new shiney Live chat room!! you can access it from the Front page or from the little bright blue button in the top right!! Why not come take the mick out of the mods RIGHT NOW! lol
  15. LOL Husky Everyone does the same speed through adverage speed cameras, and it's usually between 10 - 30 mph in a 50. you always get people who won't do over 20 when going through speed camera zones, and on a road like that it's going to cause mayhem.
  16. you need to get some 350z scalextric cars HA HA HA
  17. Well around midday first saw a Gunmetal Southbound followed by a rusty then a blade! all about 10 - 20 miles apart. it's the first time i've seen more than 1 on a strech of road. I was in a big white truck lol
  18. OUCH! They look like Falkens, i'm no expert but the zorst looks liek the tips of a K2?
  19. Just as a point, I don't think posting full reg plates is taken very well?
  20. 3Fiddy! that vid is awesome dude! I have got to give that a try sometime lol
  21. Spotted at 12:35 heading towards the coast road.
  22. Well, stone chips can be fixed with resin/gel.. it's only when it's cracked that they have to replace the windscreen. so you might be lucky! I think to resit the panel above the door, i'll just have to loosen of 2 - 4 nuts re-seat then tighten them up again (hopefully)
  23. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott 5/ ATTAK Z 6/ MadMarky 7/ Patman 8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol 9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then)
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