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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. I used a 300mm lense, I was about 60 meters away from the aircraft maybe a little more
  2. Thanx guys, The lotus is one of my favourite cars! I'd love an Exige but alas no money lol. That one belongs to a friend who let me drive it all the way around scotland lol
  3. Well as promised here's some of my Photography, Nothing special really just photos I think I took well lol. All photos are raw unedited.
  4. Yeyy more northern folk to play with!
  5. Some nice pics there! Rather than tie this thread up with all my favourite pics i'll make a new one soon once i've uploaded a few to photobucket for you to rip apart lol Edit: Yeah bevis it is the Sally B parket at Duxford, but it was 'borrowed' for the film Memphis belle and has kept that piece of nose art since
  6. FECK ME!!!! there are no words that can describe how stupid that was!
  7. I did mean me!!! Can belive I have 2 stressful hobbies... Car Modding and Photography!!! How is photography stressful?? I love photography, mostly of wildlife and aeroplanes (harry potter plane spotter ) I find it really relaxing!
  8. Just shop around... Use carsupermarket or go compare, i'm 27 with 8 years no claims and i paid £460 fully comp with brakedown and legal assist. there where some quotes by elephant and admiral of over £6000 I think the AA was highest at £9000! but I went with AXA, who gave me a great deal.
  9. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Photography-Dum ... =8-8-spell it way sound daft but the 'for dummies' range are really helpfull
  10. Thats a beautiful car!!, I'm curious about the front splitter? what make is it?
  11. LOL indian your not wrong!!! I'm saving all my pennies to get one! just waiting to find out how much the spray and fit will be
  12. Well i've been playing the BFBC2 beta... it's pretty decent! it's a good cross between COD and BF the visuals are amazing and the sound is out this world, but the gamplay and multiplayer coding still has some issues and a lot of the servers are fraught with lag Edit K0bi send me a friend request when you have it we'll sort out a game... My tag is 44smudge
  13. Looking awesome!!! I really do have a thing for that Nismo V.1 wing to! I love it!
  14. If you trade your old car in for a new one if it's past a certain age it's worth £2000 from the govenment
  15. LOL @ K0bi! I hope she's ok! lets hope the insurance claim from the C1 isn't to bad!
  16. Smudge


    Well when you’re as think as I am edumucationally you're forever correcting yourself... I get used to it. My brother (who is the Educational type) is forever correcting my speech and grammar
  17. THE best sound in the world!!!
  18. Great, I made the list of dumbasses.... Have any of you read the book, Eats shoots and leaves? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Eats-shoots-lea ... 1861976127
  19. Smudge

    0-60 times

    I believe there is law or legislation that they can be upto 14% over but ARE NOT allowed to be under the speed or vice versa?? under over up down left right lol if they are a car will fail it's safety review and the manufactures will face a fine.
  20. Smudge


    well i'm dysloxic I can't spell for s**t
  21. Smudge

    0-60 times

    the speedo on my civic after 30 mph was nearly at all times 4 mph over the GPS, I drive HGV's for a living and my truck speedo is spot on with the GPS, same with the Lotus Elise I took around scotland I think there was a 1 mph variation
  22. Smudge


    ok funny f***er were or should it be we're or hows about just we are
  23. Smudge


    where not on twitter, but where on facebook!
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