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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. You think anyone with sense would RUN AWAY!!!
  2. No @*!#! I was just discharged after my 9+1 on the 7th of dec! last post was Leuchars, also been at cot and brize. so your at Coningsby?
  3. LOL well i've had my car 4 days now! and i'm going 350 insane! it's taking over my life lol
  4. trully bad ass mate! you gota be one proud z owner mate!
  5. dude your a lucky mofo! that car is amazing! question? how much did it cost you for the nismo wing? spray and fit? or was it like that when you got it?
  6. LOL yeah it's a great place to visit but wouldn't want to spend more than 4 months there tbh LOL, however I do love the wildlife.
  7. you'd be nuts to stick a kid back there!
  8. LOL now that would be quite a conversion!
  9. LOL well I joined the 350-uk page on Facebook, y'all feel free to send me freinds requests then haha
  10. awww gee thanx! lol LOL you scared sarnie?
  11. I agree that you are ugly Well then show us your ugly mug then!
  12. HA HA HA yeah being a supplier (my trade) it's pretty easy to make friends down there to.
  13. LOL ok! i've been there twice with the RAF, 2003 for 4 months and then again in 2008 for another 4 months lol, just working Mount Pleasant
  14. LOL yeah! well i could start one! I have a thing for penguins ;-) haha So when were you there? and who with?
  15. you have? link! i have a few I could add ;-) haha
  16. Rockhoppers :-) lol the coooool ones
  17. Hey guys I know i'm new to this forum but I spend a lot of time and a lot of forums, One thing I like on other forums is a who are you post. For this put a pic of you and a pic of your motor.. I think it's cool to see how ugly you all are and to know what the guys you're getting to know on the forums are like. (i'm quite supprised there isn't one of these already) if you guys (and mods) are alright with this I'd like to start. so i'm Martin (Smudge) from North East region. Me in the Falklands My motor :-)
  18. LOL well i'm kinda glad I got the £215 model then hahaha
  19. Hey and I think a great place to find cars like the Z is pistonheads: http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/list.asp?s=299 131 for sale at teh moment lol
  20. I'm a bit lost here... 12 months tax for my Z was £215! is the band different for different models?
  21. ok, and another stupid question, is the K! with baffels out legal? I know there is some legislation about noise levels?
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