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Everything posted by geoff-r

  1. You can make that steamed milk easily at home, I use a small cafetiere, pop some skimmed milk in, pop it in the microwave for a minute and just pump it, instant steamed milk
  2. I can't stand the 'coffee' they sell in places like Starbucks, it's the worst stuff I've ever tasted - bland, tasteless. I'm particular about my coffee, a percolator is the best way to make it then I just add some steamed skimmed milk, nothing bad for you about that the best coffee I think I've had is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.
  3. MR2s seem to be the car of choice for modification criminals. My mate had an MR2 not long after passing his test, it was soon fully Veilsided up! Thinking back it was truly shocking and looked like an extra from Fast and Furious.
  4. Ruddles, I sympathise with you on this mate. I currently work a similar job to you whereby being qualified by experience doesn't count nearly as much as being qualified and getting qualified is very hard. Employers in the field I work in are reluctant to offer full study support, I'm pushing to get put through ACCA but it's proving very difficult, there's a lack of jobs in the area and competition is fierce. I have considered training up in a trade as all the people I went to school with who dropped out after GCSEs went on to get apprenticeships and have since done really well for themselves, some setting up businesses etc. Whilst a large majority who went to uni are now struggling and not doing as well. I'll be honest I much prefer getting my hands dirty to sitting at a desk 5 days a week. Unless I get qualified I can't see myself doing this forever.
  5. Went to Austria a few weeks back, gutted it'll be my last snowboarding trip for a couple years as I can't see myself being able to get away next year
  6. Definitely looking back worst mod I ever did was put neons on my first car, I fixed them on good and proper, smashed both of the side ones when I went over a speed bump a little too quick.
  7. Very nice! Wish I was able to supercharge the 370.
  8. Nice one for posting the pics, some interesting cars there
  9. Haha insurance won't save you on that one! Probably best not to risk it.
  10. I had a moment in my 370 when it had about 200 miles on it. I came out of filter going left and stabbed the throttle, despite the road being dry the car bit me in the arse as the rear end over took the front and left me a few feet from a 10 foot solid concrete wall. I haven't had an incident since
  11. It's true but think of the confidence that might have translated to on the pitch had they been allowed the try.
  12. Great game but I think Scotland were denied a try with that call from the ref. Triple Crown has to be on the cards now!
  13. Sorry, this is exactly the point. If I have a Zed (max NCD), premium £500 and buy a BMW 330D (no NCD) and then have an accident with the BMW, are you saying I don't have to declare it to the Zed insurers and my next year's premium will be unaffected assuming they're not mirrored? My company always asks if I've had any convictions or accidents in the last 5/3 years, full stop. Not which car it was in. If you do not declare a claim that was your fault regardless of which car you were in then your insurance would be void.
  14. How does this work with bikes? If I crashed my car would I lose the NCB on my bike and vice versa?
  15. This happened when the company I work for was acquired last year, a number of senior people had to leave as part of the acquisition regardless of how good they were.
  16. They're all a bunch of overpaid, bad mannered 'role models'. I cannot stand the mentality of footballers, kids look up to these and what are they learning?! Treat women like dirt and act like little brats.
  17. I didn't like Whitney Houston. However, I feel for her family, but then what family did she have left? I'm sure the drugs drove them away.
  18. geoff-r

    2013 370Z

    Step backwards towards the 350, dislike the front bumper, hate the look of the DRLs.
  19. Shorts in February! I need to move to warmer climates, nice pics and cars
  20. Update for anyone that cares. The insurer listened to the original sales call. As I was in work at the time they left a message stating that I told them I passed my test a month prior to taking out the policy, yet I wasn't asked for a specific date so they said I was liable to pay the additional premium. So I called back and literally spent half an hour trying to get through to some idiot in customer services who was thick as two short planks. He finally accepted it was their fault and said he would speak to the sales guys to sort the policy out. I'm not an aggressive person and I try to remain well mannered on the phone as I understand the mistake wasn't exactly the fault of the person I was speaking to at that moment in time but I expect them to understand basic mistakes made by their sales team. Anyway I got a call back from some guy in sales saying sorry for the balls up and that they would cancel the policy and re-start it due to the costs they would incur from the underwriters. I thought 'fair enough', he explained no additional premium would be taken, we confirmed the two pieces of data they consistently got wrong, the registration of my bike and the date I passed my test. I hung up the phone feeling quite glad I'd finally got the situation sorted. Today the new policy documents hit my doorstep and low and behold we have a different policy premium, nearly £100 more, a different registration and another made up date of when I passed my motorbike test. I couldn't quite believe my eyes. The funniest part (if you can call it that) is that they have copies of my driving licence so they can reference the dates, they corrected my registration on the previous documents and I haven't supplied any further card details for the payment they propose to take and if they do take it I will swiftly lose the good manners I have kept throughout this situation. I called their customer service department to find out about the errors on my policy and the woman on the phone couldn't have cared less, she took the correct details and offered no answers about the new premium. Checked my bank to see if anything extra had been taken - it hadn't. So I called back, hoping to get through to someone else, and I got through to the same woman who quickly dismissed me when she realised she had spoken to me 10 minutes earlier. Disgusting insurance company. Prior to taking out the insurance I wish I had read the reviews of this company on moneysupermarket. I would strongly advise anyone who gets the best quote from them to go for the next cheapest quote and not give this company your business.
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