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Everything posted by sasha@lazytrips

  1. I wrote the code to express my *enthusiasm* about the holiday. As for the driving. Other than time consumption, I don't mind. I love driving. I've done 21.5k miles since buying the car in September and feel like I haven't even been anywhere. By my quick calculations, I'd be able to get to Oslo in a day and then do the mountain dash the following day. I used to think that there are ferries from north england/scotland over to Norway, but can't seem to find anything of the sort.
  2. Hi guys, I have had a pretty mental thought and wanted to hear opinions. Background: My parents are thinking of organising a family holiday. They live in a different country, so we don't see each other too often, it is my dad's birthday at the same time, etc, etc. So they have devised a plan of going to check out a load of fjords on some sort of a package deal and invited me to join. My initial thoughts: I read through the itinerary which sounded something like this: *** Day = 0 Do until day = 7 1. arrive in some random small Norwegian town. 2. look at a fjord. 3. drive 200 miles on a minibus through some mountains. Set day = day + 1 GOTO 1 Loop *** This to me sounded incredibly boring. Despite all my attempts to try and get them to go to somewhere vaguely warm and/or more varied, they seem set on Norway. I then had an idea: What if I go there in my zed?! Now the issue here is that it is a 1500-mile trip each way + going round Norway when I get there. Sounds kinda scary and will no doubt take a while to get there. Anybody done this or some similarly mental trip before? My thinking is that I DO NOT want to go if it means spending a week sitting on a bumpy bus, but the prospect of mountains, fjords and all that as a drive holiday sounds.... appealing. Plus my Do-Luck rear and uprated brakes should be on by that point, so the car should be all up for a holiday. ----------------------------------------- So gimme your thoughts/past experiences/advice.
  3. Put it up on Pistonheads. Free & fairly popular (I got mine there)
  4. The thing that amazes me is that it would appear the vast majority of people do not actually know the meaning of the word. I am no labour supporter, but I really can't see what is so incredibly offensive about being called bigoted. Blown completely out of proportion.
  5. Sticky tape? Either that or paper clips to attach to the mesh.
  6. You could always take the nurrish approach: get some pink spray paint and write your number plate on the front bumper/bonnet.
  7. Get two nice long nails and a hammer. Whack a nail in either end of the plate through the bumper. pull out your air intake, a few wires and liquid containers out, whack them nails down so that they don't fall out. Put the bits back under the bonnet. Bob's your uncle. If you're seriously techy, you could do the same by drilling a few holes, shoving a few screws back and then screwing on nuts on the inside but that's like complicated and stuff.
  8. You fool. If you got the coupled pair, your figures wouldn't look so pathetic. Why install something if you're not going all the way?
  9. It's amazing how far away that person in the orange car has parked from your shed.
  10. I've been a member for a good 9 months or so and was lurking for a while before then. BLASPHEMY! P.S. I have good reason as well. This one time I made a crucial error of driving in front of a woman and look how that turned out...
  11. Anyone outbid me yet? Thanks, Sasha
  12. Parking next to women is asking for it...
  13. Dave, you miss the point, you need to strap these inline with the SC O dang!! Ordered!! Massive amounts of win for me in the future You could order 20 of them, cut a hole from your engine bay, through the passenger seat and through one of the speakers. Line them all up and hey presto! A 2000 bhp zed is at your mercy!
  14. I don't know as I don't have Windows 7, but you have yourself a resizing tool if you have MS Paint (Start -> Accessories since Windows 3.11 methinks There is a Image -> Stretch/Skew function. Bob's your uncle.
  15. It's the lottery principle. I know the chances are zero really, but you never know thats a supportive outlook
  16. Did you write your username & date on a piece of paper and take a picture of the item with that in the frame?
  17. I'll start off the proceedings with a bid of £4.99 You never know... maybe you won't get any better offers...
  18. If I had everything else on the car that needs doing about 3 weeks ago sorted and £300 that I had to spend on something today, that would have been mine
  19. You know those people who robbed the Jeweller's in London and nobody knows where all the goodies went? One thing I do wonder is... With all the costs, it must be not too far off buying and installing a Cosworth or something like that. On another note, has there ever been a zed converted to have a rear-based engine? I know about the weight, etc, etc, but if you're doing all the work, you can probably figure out what to do with the weight distribution too.
  20. Did it first go... Not sure what the difficulty is. Maybe it's just me but there are very few choices of what to do and the basic premise is that you do not ever place two of the same frog next to each other... hmmm...
  21. Where do you get these from and how much for?
  22. Last 5 visits to Shell all cost >£90 for me and we're talking 124.9 or less.
  23. I'm beginning to think that maybe my car has some kind of a stealth mod which I had no idea about judging by the posts of the majority on here.
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