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Everything posted by Husky

  1. I agree its class but for the money theres a huge choice to buy, and not front wheel drive. theyve done an amazing job with it.
  2. I kicked up stink!!! BUT stupidly so. By kicking up stink i got an apology, no compensation, and if instead i had just pretended i hadnt got it and kept quiet i would have got another one free from insurance! anger got the better of me though and i needed to shout at someone!
  3. one of the bosses just got one. what an insane car I'm glad i went for the Z instead. anyone else notice that there is a large number of electrical/computer engineer/tech's ?????
  4. better than them leaving your brand new £180 computer case out the front door and forging your signiture, i walked past it twice without noticing it. it rained too.
  5. i dont know what page of the carma sutra you were reading for that one
  6. I suppose it would help to say what im doing. Im gathering the integration dates for all models 11 &12MY and pouring them into one document so we can create test plans... zzzz And. testing brake switches on porsche, lexus and BMW. thats insane!
  7. http://www.funmunch.com/funny_pictures/car/pictures/funny_car_pictures_01.jpg
  8. thats beyond worrying i'll just take that blame now cos lets face it its going to all go wrong 11 weeks off all i got was an extra 3 hours a week to work and less benefits
  9. Lets face it, most of you reading this right now should be working is there anything interesting anyones working on right now? A new intercontinetal ballistic missile? New aerodynamics for a F1 car? A new handbag design? (you know who you are) Your tan? All interesting leaked confidential info welcome
  10. Surely its still drivable, just now under the category "difficult"
  11. You look up information on sheep in your spare time?
  12. very sorry didnt mean you and didnt mean it towards members of this forum. i feel like a bad person now. (bad past experiences provoked auto comment mode )
  13. using my vast amount of knowledge and expertise I think i know what may be your problem there... take a pic with a garden chair in it and photoshop it to look like your going down the motorway
  14. makes me think of rooney, and grannies I have never thought of it that way. You have just ruined a.) my nickname b.) my numberplate c.) my username! oops! sorry thats mean
  15. She'll sell you one Oh and don't lie. We all know you just had a porn marathon alone! No, shes a great lass, we had a really long chat on IM, had a great laugh and I told her I was going to wind her up by posting that porn marathon! I deleted this line because it was a horrible thing to say and i have been accordingly criticised for it. the correct order is *think then type, not, type then think...* Anyhow. first car was blue lightning, it was, well, blue (but not fast) only really named one other car "Lana" was a green fabia with a golf Gti engine What a beast! I would really love to name the zed but need something fitting. i do talk bout her as a girl though cos shes got a nice ass and waves it about now and again
  16. Hmm, i made Husky up when i was a kid cos i really liked the dog used it on most games since and then on forums cos every other name is always taken.
  17. I assume the sales dept sell them on to unsuspecting buyers as "ex demo" as in demolished!
  18. i loved those machines they don't have them in big boy shoe shops they do in climbing shops!! but then they are usually filled with big kids
  19. didnt realise there was this much to shoose.. not that i care or anything...
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