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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Does anyone do anything boring on here! Heli deck genius
  2. yeah after much hunting for a spare dash i decided it was too expensive to justify getting one. if it goes tits up i'll get a new one then was going to get a free set of centre gauges from a friend but no more. so, sod it, ive done worse things to £250k prototypes at work im starting with the door switches first to see how it goes. passenger side first, if that stops working its no real loss. i need to order a set of dials before i begin on the main face as i believe they are tinted orange stock. also need to get the stuff for changing the lcd panels. much to do. might go onto the ac controls after the doors. will need to get the bose changed for it to look right really cos thats all matching orange. edit: any suggestions what to order? http://www.blackcatcustom.com/Nissan%20350Z.htm
  3. ok i'll lie to you and say it went badly even if it goes well
  4. You drive a Z, it is indeed exciting! mickey mouse ears, i was thinking "god that boats got balls!"
  5. Guess what arrived [attachment=1]090703_125008.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=0]090703_125223.jpg[/attachment] time to get soldering!!!!! although there are a few guides already out there for this i think i'll write one up using the parts ive ordered locally(uk) with as many pics as possible. i decided to go for white for everything except the centre dots of the AC controls which will be blue. will keep everyone posted on the progress. going to order the new gauge faces today, reminds me, i need to find a guide on removing cluster and triple gauges. wish me luck!
  6. servers are rediculous! and they still always run slow i wish i was cleaning a boat right now. can i be your scrubber
  7. I have ideas! <--Joking, i very rarely have ideas about anything really
  8. +1 agreed i wonder if the company would be unhappy with someone taking pics of me in competitor vehicles to post
  9. well you could have been a gay hairdresser?............. Put your claws away or I might give you a short back and sides with my welding torch hahaha, ok! sounds painful........... now now children
  10. WE should do a syndecate
  11. Where do you do most your sailing then? where should i avoid? Edited to be a good boy
  12. Im thinking your definition of work differs little from my own
  13. Or we like someting with carachter and its own quirks. something other people consider difficult we conswider a challenge and fun. plus we have more money to mindlessly throw at it that your average trolley boy.
  14. ok i get it whos got all the horsepower
  15. what do the products you use smell of?
  16. Work for "Mystery" they've kept the discount on for a while after the sale to tata. the shocker is if i wanted to buy a volvo s60 my jaw dropped when i read we get 30% off!
  17. I have this image of your car projecting at night light the batman spotlight or an alien abduction
  18. I bet you have a big stick to get staff to work faster You been playing footie games on the xbox again
  19. we only get 2k off it boo! if i were a volvo fan i could get mega discount but then im not a volvo fan so thats no good
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