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Everything posted by matth76

  1. Hi I have a really weak handbrake. Even on the tightest setting using all my strength the car will still roll very slightly on a steep incline. I always leave it in gear but even so I want it fixed. I have heard the 350z has this as a common issue. Can it be fixed under an extended warranty - has anyone here got it sorted under extended warranty? Thanks for any help.
  2. Your speedo will be slightly out due to the smaller overall diameter.
  3. matth76


    xStric9x and rentech - do you know which version of the RE050's you have? Do you have the "Pole Positions"?
  4. matth76


    The re050's have a couple of varieties I believe. RE050A "Pole position" is one if I remember and are for ultra high performance with very good grip but as a downside will have a high wear rate, whereas I think there is also another variety but just called the re050A (not Pole Position), and there is also the RE050 (without the "A"), which I think doesn't quite give as much grip as the pole positions but has better wear rate but better grip than the oem re040's (which have the best wear rate as they are harder compound) but not quite as good a grip. I've heard the re050's have a softer sidewall meaning you would lose a bit of feedback but not sure on this. Will be interested to know how you find them.
  5. How did you get on with your test drive? Did you like it or have second thoughts?
  6. It's about the same as my old Golf VR6 (2.8l) around town low 20's and about 33mpg motorway driving. Not too bad to be honest for a 3.5l. My Golf used to get about 36-38mpg on motorways so not a huge difference. The 350z has so much more mid-range torque and power than my old golf though.
  7. Update: now have an adapter. Thanks.
  8. It's just a "characteristic" of the 350 - new and old ones do it. It shouldn't vibrate too much though, just a very small amount. My old golf used to do it. Personally the gear change in the 350 is one of the best around in many cars I've compared - very tight and small throw movement. Although it can feel a bit "jolty" after the change - again just a characteristic.
  9. Cheers guys. Please can anyone confirm if there is only one universal bluetooth adapter? ie Will an adapter designed for a 2007/2008 350z also fit the earlier 2005 model?
  10. Best colour too! Good luck with the sale. Let us know what new car you get and how it compares.
  11. Hi Please PM me if you have or know where I can get a second hand good condition bluetooth adapter for the 350z. Or alternatively if anyone knows any places where I can get a brand new adapter for less than £85 please let me know. Thanks for any help and info.
  12. Cheers Bullet. Does anyone have one going second hand or seen any on Ebay? I can only see new ones all for £99 which is the same price as my main dealer. Thanks for any help.
  13. Cheers guys for your help. MJP seem to be the people then - can anyone else confirm the £80 price? Seems to be the best price.
  14. Cheers too for the heads up. There are plenty of shoddy traders out there. I was stung once with my old VW. I advertised what they did on all the main vw forums to warn others to avoid them. It's the best way to affect companies like them and make them treat us fairly in the long run.
  15. Finally managed to clean my car too - lovely sunny day, no rain, no snow and totally dry roads all along the south east to test it on afterwards Drive ten miles north and it's like the arctic
  16. Cheers guys. Anyone know what may account for the increase in factory advertised power though?
  17. matth76


    I'd be interested to know how it accelerates compared to the rex too. I've only just bought my car too - the mid range torque in fifth (yes fifth) gear is amazing - always feel like I am in a lower gear. Then when you want to move you only need to press the pedal a bit - other cars have to drop a couple of gears.
  18. Thanks for your replies guys. The ones on Ebay all seem to be £99 which is the same price or more than my local Nissan dealer. Is it not possible to buy any second hand ones on Ebay for around £50ish?
  19. Hi My car has the cradle etc and the buttons on the steering wheel. I am just missing the bluetooth adapter. I've done a bit of searching on this but can't get any info. Please can anyone suggest the best place and price to get one? I want to avoid Nissan if I can as they charge will charge a lot. When I do get it I assume I simply plug it in and then what do I do (in simple terms) - activate my bluetooth on my phone and then somehow pair it up with the car? I am pretty good with my phone's bluetooth but don't know anything about the car's bluetooth as I have only had it a week (and loving it by the way - get so many comments on it!) Thanks for any help and info. Cheers
  20. The US have a lower octane fuel as standard compared to us. I can only assume they use the JDM ecu which seems to be a mystery as to how different it is to the UK one ...and perhaps they do in fact liberate more power from the engine. Anyone know about the US cars?
  21. I have see a lot of references (mainly US) to the mark 1 350z having 283bhp (287ps). Whereas here in the UK we have 276bhp. Do the american 350's have slightly different ecu's to account for this small change in factory quoted performance? The US version also has more quoted torque at 274 lbs/ft compared to the UK's 268 lbs/ft. Thanks for any info.
  22. Was reversing today in my work carpark and someone said I only had one reverse light come on on my passenger side. There was no reverse light on the driver side. How many reverse lights does the 350 have as I know some cars only have one?
  23. Cheers guys. Thanks for the offer Alex. Did you find the standard one Alex? Also, not sure what the carbon finisher spoiler would look like - does anyone have a pic?
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