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Dogs and Fireworks!


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I've got 2 small dogs (lhaso apso's). Both are just over 2 years old. One of them could not care less when fireworks go off, but the other is a total nervious wreck every time one goes off.

I contacted my vet who told me I should have installed plug in diffusers which release chemicals into the air that have a calming effect on pets, a month ago.

As I'm to late to op for that option my vet said I will have to sedate my dog on fireworks night. Problem is that the local arseholes are setting fireworks off all day and night. I've tried everything I can think of to calm my wee dog down but nothing works.

I honestly think she's going to have a heart attack as she is rattling from head to toe. If a firework goes off during the night I end up getting no sleep as she is in bits all night and cant settle.

If only they knew how much suffering they were causing when lighting fireworks they would hopefully think twice. :angry:

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I know how you feel bud :thumbs:


14yr old Rotty who goes nuts at the first sign of a firework...... then barks for the following 4 hrs after they have finished :dry:


It would not be so bad if it was just for one night at least you could prepare an and put up with it...... but from now until January we get quite a few nights where they go off :bang:


We try to make sure all the curtains are closed, and turn the TV/Music up to try to drown them out. Seems to work most of the time :thumbs:

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This really winds me up. Fireworks used to be on Nov 5th, maybe at the closest weekend if that was midweek. Nowadays its every night for a month. If my stereo is loud the council are straight on the case, if my car is loud the police pull me in. Yet fireworks are allowed every night.


I love animals and can take it for one night per year. Its about time som common sense was applied. :dry:

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Unfortunately it's no longer about Nov 5th any more in this country. This week it is the Indian festival of Diwali traditionally celebrated with fireworks. It's a five day festival.




If its an organised event with a start and finish time fair enough.... us dog owners could make arrangements to be else where. But when they start at 5pm and continue to the small hours... or in your case go on for 5 days :angry:

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Apart from the 5th it is illegal to let them off after 11pm

So you could get the police involved. They will do sod all undoubtably, but at least you will get something for your tax dollars.


Agreed though absolute pain in the arse listening so late.

Most estates sound like a night in Helmand province! :angry:

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A few 5th Novembers ago I popped over the road to the pub and had to leave my little mate (cat) in the house so I left radio 2 on to kill the sound a bit.


Imagine how I felt when I came back to find Friday night on radio 2 was classical and they were playing the 1812. :surrender:



On a serious note IMO this is just another tradition which was fun but has now been allowed to get out of control. Halloween, "gis a fiver or i will trash your car". Thank god for small villages.

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In my case? What makes you think I've got anything to do with Diwali?


Did not mean anything buy it :surrender: After your comment just thought would may have a dog going nuts for 5 days :scare:


I'm assuming DoogyRev thought you were celebrating Diwali (or the Hindu festival of lights) because you brought it up.


It was a unharmful assumption. Just like you made the assumption that Diwali is an Indian festival rather than one that is followed by people who follow Hinduism.

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Not much help to anyone,but they need to be brought with the noise from pups.

All my dogs have always been out with the gun from pups and none ever flinch in Nov/Dec.

My current labs do want to go out and retrieve when they hear a bang though. But they are just 3 years old and thats what they are supposed to do. :shrug:

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Not much help to anyone,but they need to be brought with the noise from pups.

All my dogs have always been out with the gun from pups and none ever flinch in Nov/Dec.

My current labs do want to go out and retrieve when they hear a bang though. But they are just 3 years old and thats what they are supposed to do. :shrug:


My Casper sits on the back steps and watches the fireworks....which is funny as he is a pansy with everything else! :lol:

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Another long story cut short. Mate who owned the local pub asks me to look after their german shepherd as they were having a firework disply at the pub. Lovely dog so why not.


It was all going fine until the noise started. :surrender:


Turns out the dog was trained for the forces but failed the gunfire test.


Not a mate anymore. :dry:

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Not much help to anyone,but they need to be brought with the noise from pups.

All my dogs have always been out with the gun from pups and none ever flinch in Nov/Dec.

My current labs do want to go out and retrieve when they hear a bang though. But they are just 3 years old and thats what they are supposed to do. :shrug:


My Casper sits on the back steps and watches the fireworks....which is funny as he is a pansy with everything else! :lol:

ChrisS is spot on.


If they are nervous now, it is pretty much too late.

Worst thing you can do is actually acknowledge the fireworks in the first place when they are growing up.


My crazy EBT couldn't careless about them.


My in-laws have a dog who don't like them and those "plug-in" things do nothing, even if used right and in conjunction with a CD of fireworks.

Pointless I am afraid.

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Not much help to anyone,but they need to be brought with the noise from pups.

All my dogs have always been out with the gun from pups and none ever flinch in Nov/Dec.

My current labs do want to go out and retrieve when they hear a bang though. But they are just 3 years old and thats what they are supposed to do. :shrug:


My Casper sits on the back steps and watches the fireworks....which is funny as he is a pansy with everything else! :lol:

Casper is hilarious. Too clever for his own good :lol: if he had thumbs he'd be dangerous

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Unfortunately it's no longer about Nov 5th any more in this country.

It's now about the 6th now. That's when I turn the big 24!! The 30 marks closing in rapidly... Where has my youth gone?? :scare:


LOL, yer still living it mate. Wait for the big 30 when the switch gets flicked and yer hairline goes north and yer waistline goes south!

I just dinged 40 in august. Just tell folk yer 20, very few folk will say "you look older" LOL

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Unfortunately it's no longer about Nov 5th any more in this country.

It's now about the 6th now. That's when I turn the big 24!! The 30 marks closing in rapidly... Where has my youth gone?? :scare:


LOL, yer still living it mate. Wait for the big 30 when the switch gets flicked and yer hairline goes north and yer waistline goes south!

I just dinged 40 in august. Just tell folk yer 20, very few folk will say "you look older" LOL

Hahaha the problem I have is that I do look older. When it was my 21st people at work were guessing I was turning 26ish :lol:


Hard paper round as a kid :lol:

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