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overfilled the oil


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is it a big issue if ive overfilled the oil. Oil pressure was a bit low on idle so checked the dipstick and thought it needed a top up. Forgot to run the engine first before checking the dipstick. oil pressure was between 30 and 60 on idle and over 70 at around 5000 rpm so no issue there but the dipstick is now covered in oil so overfilled it. :blush:


Will it cause an issues it having a bit more oil than it should?



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Depends what quantity of overfill your talking about I believe.


You are aware that by starting the engine you will kick oil all up and over the dipstick aren't you?


I take it you've turned it off, allowed the oil to settle and cleaned the dipstick before testing again?

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This is all under the misguided impression that the dipstick is actually usable, which it isn't, at least in this dimension. Seems as though it was designed by a 2 year old with a crayon... .in his mouth...during an earthquake...whilst on a rollercoaster. Stupid thing it is.

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This is all under the misguided impression that the dipstick is actually usable, which it isn't, at least in this dimension. Seems as though it was designed by a 2 year old with a crayon... .in his mouth...during an earthquake...whilst on a rollercoaster. Stupid thing it is.


+1 :lol::lol::lol:

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I have just had a similar issue with the completely useless designed dipstick!!!


Driving the Zed over past few days I just knew something wasn't quite right......I couldn't put my finger on it but something seemed not to be 100% and she seemed slightly slugish.


I knew the Zed was coming up to the 9k service reccommendation but with work being really busy....soon enough a few hundred miles had crept onto the clock with my high daily mileage and before I had noticed I was 1500 miles over the service mark :scare:


With the service point passed and the Zed feeling unusually slow, I booked the service on Friday for today (12th) and thought I best not use her over the weekend! Started the Zed on Monday for one last day of careful driving before the service when all of a sudden the MI light flashed on the dashboard :scare: ....not happy and rather scared that my hectic work had possibly caused a very expensive problem to my pride and joy I called the garage for advice.


They told me to take it straight into them as long as I thought I could make the 25 mile journey.........told to stick to 40mph and not to accelerate or brake heavily to prevent stress. After my most stressful trip ever I eventually arrived at the garage and left my Zed for 2 days whilst they investigated the problem and gave her the well-deserved P2 service.


Now with the Zed back in my possession, the stress has been reduced :) service complete and MI light has gone out so fingers crossed it was just my Zed telling me to get a service and top up the very...very...very low oil level.....mechanics said I almost ran it dry :scare:


So if I could offer anyone a small piece of advice it would be to "check your oil level every week and if you cannot seem to get a proper reading just get it checked regularly by the Pro's!!!"

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