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Rim protection


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that is indeed my old car in the picture; if i got them again i wouldn't get them in a colour but in black like husky. they are not perfect but about 2 weeks after fitting them on to my newly refurbed wheels i got forced into a curb by an oncoming 4x4 who wouldn't move over and i curbed the wheel; but the protectors took all the abuse. and because they were fitted i just shrugged and went; meh! if i had not had them fitted i would have been fuming after spending 200.00 for a refurb only to screw one up.


for piece of mind they were great. they aren't permanent, and if you get them in black, then from most directions they look almost invisible.


admittedly from a side profile looking down the side of the car they do stick out a little.

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to bring it back on topic :rolleyes: you can slag them off all you want but i can say they have saved my rims a number of times! I lived in a crappy narrow driveway with big stones down it and other non friendly alloy bits that did some damage already. also trying to get into the coventry ikea car park i would have destroyed half of a rim (anyone who has been there knows its a death trap) but fortunately these took the hit instead. So they have very easily paid for themselves, now i've moved house i have a garage and an open driveway so dont really need them on and will probably take them off. I had them in black, they make your wheels look a little smaller and a bit wider bit its not so that bad i would whine like a little girl at "how bad" they look :p


there should be pictures with them on somewhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All,


I now own this particular car and, although I wasn't keen on the rim protectors at first, they're gradually growing on me. I think I might swap them for black next time I get the tires changed but there's no rush. By that time they might have grown on me enough to keep.


So, rtbiscuit, you're still on the forum? That's good. I don't suppose you kept a note of the security code for the stereo did you? S2000-4u keep promising that they're going to get it from Nissan but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm very pleased with the car so far. It's got a very planted, quality feel. It's fun trying to get used to a new, powerful, rear wheel drive car in the snow.




(I'm new here, please be gentle)

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:welcome: to the house of Zed, don't try too hard out there in the snow. :wacko:


Hello All,


I now own this particular car and, although I wasn't keen on the rim protectors at first, they're gradually growing on me. I think I might swap them for black next time I get the tires changed but there's no rush. By that time they might have grown on me enough to keep.


So, rtbuiscuit, you're still on the forum? That's good. I don't suppose you kept a note of the security code for the stereo did you? S2000-4u keep promising that they're going to get it from Nissan but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm very pleased with the car so far. It's got a very planted, quality feel. It's fun trying to get used to a new, powerful, rear wheel drive car in the snow.




(I'm new here, please be gentle)

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