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Could it be? A present from the government???


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easy target thats what motorists are.


and yes i too am getting peeved at the situation.


i now think twice about journeys and if they are necessary, and i also spend more time going slower to eek out the fuel abit, more to do with the fact thaqt i'm running rich at the moment and down a good 6 mpg on average i think. once my pkenum arrives its off to abbey for an uprev to fix the problem.


we need a new government and a tax overhaul. there must be a way of legally holding back roadtax and not paying as services have not been fulfilled. like paying for a service your not getting. i know in the retal market you can withhold payment if services aren't delivered as previously stated.


Unfortunatly it's no long a "road" tax, its an emissions tax so they don't have any obligations to do bugger all about the roads, thats a local council job. Aberdeen council is up @*!# creek, about £50million in debt, they struggle to fix themselves let alone a pot hole.



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Do you want to know why everything is going up in price...?


'cos everyone started buying stuff they couldn't afford in the first place on cheap loans and so on. They defaulted on the loans (since the banks just wanted cash and virtually gave it away with little checks) and the greedy bankers that sold all sorts of wonderful packages amongst themselves for huge profits got stuffed in the process as well.


Government then bailed out the banks since they hold everyone's cash and now ironically people are asking why stuff is getting expensive. :p You're paying it back via the high tax.


Don't shoot me for my comments. I agree that there should be tighter controls about the rate at which it rises but it's very easy money for the government to rake in to the ease the deficit and so on.


I'm by no means defending the government, but at the same time I am not defending Joe public. Loads of muppets gave cash to even bigger muppets and now we (including myself) are having to pay it all back. Am I annoyed about it? Yep. Is anything going to get done about it? Nope. Why? Because technically everyone is to blame in the bigger picture. :blush:

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It's just another "hidden" tax, none of it goes on the roads and it does nothing for so called "Global Warming" - time to get rid of this bunch of idiots and while we are at it can we please have an English parilament that isn't controlled by Scots? If the scots MPs are deleted, Labour are no longer the majority party and so dont get to make laws on hunting and other things that the Shire counties take as part of their heritage.


No offence to the Scots members, but you have your own money wasting assembly to make your laws, I'm only wanting the same rights for us English people


I agree. :thumbs: As for the cost of fuel duty. They have to replace the lost revenue from the smoking ban that has killed the pub trade so they get it back by hitting the motorist.. :rant:

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I couldn't care less what motoring costs me. It's my one pleasure in life and I'll sell everything I own before I stop driving my car when and where I want to, and if that means a few more trees and cute ickle bunnies have to die then so be it.



The human race spent thousands of years to get to where we are today, I'll be buggered if I'm going to let all that hard work go to waste by driving less just because it saves me a few quid. :evil:

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i love this thread guys... :p


And thats because petrol in greece is 1.50+ euros...when an average salary is 700 euros...and the taxman managed to make a 3 million euro tax bill for a company 3000 euros...the dodgy way obviously... ;)


see its everywhere the same if not worse...


i do care about england tho...the same as i care about greece...


and in the last 4 years i have been here i can see this country going down the hill!!! and it will keep going down the hill unless all the political correctness bul....t stops and the government starts looking after their own people...education is what we need and planning...schools are not working properly any more so kids stay thick and the traditional family has disappeared as well due to wrong government planning so kids are missing the foundations to be useful members in the society...

we are stuck already with 2 ruined generations of people...and changing that will be even more difficult now...


so a good few of us will have to pay for the above people...for their benefits!!!

so that 15 year olds can have babies just to leave from home...lazy blokes stay on jsa for ever and claim alcoholics allowance as well for their pub crawls...drunk people breeding continuously just to get that extra help without thinking what happens to the kids...


and it wont be me and you having 4 kids to 4 different women...cos we will probably stop at 2 and get a bl...y snip!!!! ;)


if you add on that benefits for the migrants coming here and all the expenses for wars far from home following the yanks then you can see why they have to add 3p on petrol...we have to pay 60% tax...co2 emissions are so important and atrociously taxed etc etc....


cos its only us they can get money from...cos if the government cuts on benefit expenses then all these people will be crossing the road and come to our back gardens... :dry:


not much more to say really...i just want to be fair...migrants yes...scotland yes...but english people are not any better...and i live in hull....and i see 50 different people a day...and i know about the benefits they get...and its maybe 1 in 10 foreign...


and the whole tax thing gets on my nerves :rant:


cos with the money i paid the taxman this year :rant:


i could have bought a GTR black edition!!!! :angry::angry::angry:


now i think its gym time with my friends...some of them dont work...one has 3 kids he hardly ever sees...and another one deals dope just to get some extra cash for the weekend...but oh well :blush:


ps the above sentence is called a metaphor, meaning that we live all together in the same society and rant over.. life is too short.... i dont want to think about it any more!!! :boat:

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I higher cost of living I fear is something that is with us for the long haul.


Simply looking at the UK the populaton is ageing - this results in higher medical costs, care and public sector pension costs.


Globally the poulation is balloning pushing up costs of almost everything as demand increases.


The combination of these without looking at global economic preassure is suficent to require increased taxation and more expensive fuel. :thumbdown: ok maybe a simplified view ;)


I fear things are only going to get worse, so get down the petrol station and go for a burn as tomorrow you may not be able to :teeth:

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How come petrol prices are near to what they were per litre when a barrel of oil was $150 when they are approx $80 a barrel now?.

It's not different here. Petrol is almost up to the record high it was a year and a half ago, and as you say the barrel price is around $80. Unless I need to go back to school it doesn't really equate.


we need a new government and a tax overhaul.

Most governments don't have the nous to do a proper tax overhaul, it's far easier to just whack on more taxes, and of course this require more minions to administer. [sorry no offense to anyone that works for the government]. Thusly we all know realistically it won't happen.


see it's everywhere the same if not worse...

Agreed and the more you see, hear and read on a global scale. :bang:

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How come petrol prices are near to what they were per litre when a barrel of oil was $150 when they are approx $80 a barrel now?.

It's not different here. Petrol is almost up to the record high it was a year and a half ago, and as you say the barrel price is around $80. Unless I need to go back to school it doesn't really equate.


we need a new government and a tax overhaul.

Most governments don't have the nous to do a proper tax overhaul, it's far easier to just whack on more taxes, and of course this require more minions to administer. [sorry no offense to anyone that works for the government]. Thusly we all know realistically it won't happen.


see it's everywhere the same if not worse...

Agreed and the more you see, hear and read on a global scale. :bang:


It's interesting to get a perspective from someone in another country. Our country is going to sh*t at a far quicker rate than other countries, I'm sure of that. Won't someone throw some shoes at Gordon Brown?! I'm sure we'd hit the blind b*****d!!!!

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It's interesting to get a perspective from someone in another country. Our country is going to sh*t at a far quicker rate than other countries, I'm sure of that. Won't someone throw some shoes at Gordon Brown?! I'm sure we'd hit the blind b*****d!!!!


As bad as he may seem, he is still the best of a bad bunch right now. Not to get into a political debate, but hell mend us if the Torys get into power. Surely we haven't forgotten when they were last in charge.


As already mentioned in this thread by Anubis I think, it's us that got ourselves into this financial mess, and us that are paying for it, and I use the word 'us' as a sweeping statement meaning the general idiots of our society that bit off more than they could chew.


As bad as the current government feels right now, I think things could be a lot worse.

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On top of that just found out council tax where I live is going up another £25 per month from April, how much more can they make it go up by? Surely there must be a limit?



Council tax makes no odds when you still live with Mummy & Daddy :p:lol:

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On top of that just found out council tax where I live is going up another £25 per month from April, how much more can they make it go up by? Surely there must be a limit?



Council tax makes no odds when you still live with Mummy & Daddy :p:lol:


:lol: wish I did live with mum and dad id save a fortune :surrender: seriously its getting to the point where I really am thinking of moving country if Labour get in again :rant:

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As bad as he may seem, he is still the best of a bad bunch right now. Not to get into a political debate, but hell mend us if the Torys get into power. Surely we haven't forgotten when they were last in charge.


Sorry Maz0, but as you live in Glasgow you make my point for me, if the MP's elected by city living scots are taken out of making laws for England, we'd still have the things the shire counties enjoy.


The UK parliament can stay, to run things on a larger basis, perhaps - so long as we get a referendum on the Treaty of Rome so we can remove the rediculous laws imposed by Europe.


The Welsh and Northern Irish MP's, weren't mentioned as they don't affect the outcome, it's only necessary to take away the Scots to get a representative idea of the make-up of an English Parliament


As for the BNP, I don't think my filipina wife would be very welcome there :lol::lol:

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