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Call from Police


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Looking for a bit of advice on here.

Had a voicemail this morning from the local Roads Policing department, basically said he'd been trying to get hold of me for a few days (despite this being the 1st voicemail received), nothing urgent so dont worry but he does need to speak to me.

Have tried calling back but no joy, no idea what this could be about. Any ideas welcome.

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Think you'll have to wait and see mate. Could be any number of things. Quite how he got your phone number I dont know. Have you googled the number he gave you to make sure it is the Police and not just a joke?

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last time i heard of something like this it was because someone had taken the car reg (not me) to report about driving style shall we say. they came round to have a word. thats all. could it be that? Noisy exhaust, anything like that?

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last time i heard of something like this it was because someone had taken the car reg (not me) to report about driving style shall we say. they came round to have a word. thats all. could it be that? Noisy exhaust, anything like that?


I've got the ESR K1 exhaust, so that could well be it!!

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yeah, well they came and knocked on our door once because my son had done a dumb wheel spin thing in our local small town. Someone reported him so they just came and knocked on the door to 'have a word'. It could be a sad neighbour or something that thinks your car's too loud. As long as its all legal i wouldn't worry. Just wait until they turn up!

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Trying to think back if I've done anything report worthy but I'd say I was quite considerate on the roads, despite some of the idiots round here with licenses. Never on my mobile, it gets stuck in the cubby hole. Still no callback so cant be urgent.

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Personally I wouldn't worry about it, and neither would I make any sort of effort to get in touch with them. If it was that urgent then you'd have had a knock on the door, but since you haven't then I'd carry on as normal.

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Amazing. They can take time to ring about your number plate but have something stolen & they just give you an incident number for your insurance. When my son had his Type R stolen from outside the house, in the middle of the day, they didn't even want to come around. :rant::rant:

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I once had burglars in my house....WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE HOUSE!!!

I was upstairs in bed when I heard the noise downstairs, sneaked to the upstairs landing and heard them right below me.

Quietly went back in my room, grabbed my baseball bat and then charged downstairs, they all bolted out the backdoor they came in.

I thought they were gonna come runnig round the front, so I went out front to head them off.

but they jumped the fences out back.

Called the police to report it and it only took them 45 mins.

Good thing I wasn't laying on the floor in a pool of my own blood tbh.


Now here is the stupid burglar bit.

They chose a house that had a car in the drive.

Upstairs front window, you could see light on and if you'd looked at the ceiling, you would have noticed a TV was on.

Why they thought it was a good idea to break into my house while I was at home is beyond me.

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It was for number plates. The officer had seen the car and noticed the plates were 'illegal'.

Previous owner had cleverly placed the screw caps. Guess it saved me a £60 fine at least.


They chased you up by phone for that! I'm gobsmacked! Pull you over if they can be arsed yes, but follow it up like that? Amazing!

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I once had burglars in my house....WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE HOUSE!!!

I was upstairs in bed when I heard the noise downstairs, sneaked to the upstairs landing and heard them right below me.

Quietly went back in my room, grabbed my baseball bat and then charged downstairs, they all bolted out the backdoor they came in.

I thought they were gonna come runnig round the front, so I went out front to head them off.

but they jumped the fences out back.

Called the police to report it and it only took them 45 mins.

Good thing I wasn't laying on the floor in a pool of my own blood tbh.


Now here is the stupid burglar bit.

They chose a house that had a car in the drive.

Upstairs front window, you could see light on and if you'd looked at the ceiling, you would have noticed a TV was on.

Why they thought it was a good idea to break into my house while I was at home is beyond me.

Thats just madness.........I guess what they need is a forum like this where they can share tips and idea's :dry:

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Yup! Had been trying to get me all week aswell, did have a few missed calls from withheld number.

Kept going on about 'of other people are driving the car, its them that get the fine'. Not sure what he was trying to get at, but only one person has ever and will ever drive my car since I own it and thats me! Said it might not just stop at a fine, depending on the officer, they might want to refer it to the procurator fiscal and i could get points. Blah blah blah, young man with a flash car, blah blah blah, i dont have anything better to do police talk, blah blah blah, letters spacing and sizes. All in all a pretty wasted phone call! Just creates an even dimmer view than i already have of our boys in blue.

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