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letter on ceefax


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I make no apologies for reproducing this letter which was on BBC Ceefax yesterday. I think it puts across how I and most of us feel.

' What on earth has happened to our country? We allow Muslim extremists to insult our soldiers, consider amnesty for all illegal immigrants and do not deport those that break our laws, denigrate British born Christians and treat brave and gallant Gurkhas like 2nd or 3rd class citizens. Have we bocome mice instead of men? Where has our national pride gone?'

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that's a pretty tame bunch of comments so far. I'm not trying to provoke a race riot merely an exchange of opinions. Being 'British' we will all sit on the fence and let things go from bad to worse so get it off your chests now, don't say "I told you so" later

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that's a pretty tame bunch of comments so far. I'm not trying to provoke a race riot merely an exchange of opinions. Being 'British' we will all sit on the fence and let things go from bad to worse so get it off your chests now, don't say "I told you so" later


I have been getting it off my chest for years but nothing ever changes. Its too late for this country now its been ****ed beyond repair. :dry:

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I don't think race or religion has anything to do with it to be honest.


Extremists should be tried and then deported, there is no place for this in the UK.


Foreign Nationals that get convicted of a crime should be deported, why should we have to put up with people entering our country then committing crimes?


Laws for entering the UK should be tightened. I believe that there IS a need (and a place) for foreign nationals coming into the UK, working and contributing via tax and national insurance. We do not need people coming here to sit on the dole.


I'll stop there.....


The government really need to start listening to the people they represent or at the next election we may well see an influx of BNP MPs..... This isn't something I want to see happen to the country.

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No matter how loud we voice our opinions nothing is going to change this country from sinking into a big pile of @*!#. Nothing is going to change when you have a complete tosser as a leader and a bunch of morons that make laws and a police force that are too scared to use there given powers as law.


What needs to happen is to wipe every motherf*cker out and start from fresh.


The thing that worries me the most is what this country is going to be like for my kids and there kids :scare:

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that's a pretty tame bunch of comments so far. I'm not trying to provoke a race riot merely an exchange of opinions. Being 'British' we will all sit on the fence and let things go from bad to worse so get it off your chests now, don't say "I told you so" later


Me and my friends talk about this all the time but I get so irate I try to avoid it where possible :blush:

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I don't think race or religion has anything to do with it to be honest.


Extremists should be tried and then deported, there is no place for this in the UK.


Foreign Nationals that get convicted of a crime should be deported, why should we have to put up with people entering our country then committing crimes?


Laws for entering the UK should be tightened. I believe that there IS a need (and a place) for foreign nationals coming into the UK, working and contributing via tax and national insurance. We do not need people coming here to sit on the dole.


I'll stop there.....


The government really need to start listening to the people they represent or at the next election we may well see an influx of BNP MPs..... This isn't something I want to see happen to the country.



All of the above.... we have turned into a nation that thrives on red tape, mediocrity and acceptance of all things ... A nation broken down into little fifedoms of insignificance by a soft, gutless government with no appetite for nationalistic pride.


I am as far from a racist as a person can be, i detest racists and that flies for whatever colour they are because not all racists are WASPs. This country allows free speech, even if it borders on treason .. which is unnaceptable...


God.. i'm off again... i hate the fact i get so angry about this.. my family have been career soldiers for 5 generations, (i broke the chain for reasons i won't go into), they fought through wars by choice to defend our freedom... What they defended has been polluted, manipulated and used as a defense for spineless idiots to allow, and defend, acts of treason... I am glad i am the only surviving generation because i know my father, grandfather and great grandfather, (the 3 generations of 5 that were military), would be horrified and felt like their efforts were marginalised having seen the deplorable protests recently.


They should be ashamed.... i am...


and i will stop here... before i say something i will regret... which is the English way these days.. regret and reserve.. despicable traits.

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I read the comment in the morning and if I'd have dwelt on it I would have been frustrated and angry all day.


I'm ashamed of SOME aspects of this country and wish the leaders would support the people who work and pay towards tax and national insurance to keep this country running. I don't care who my neighbour is, as long as they support the country and are not just taking the p1ss out of our welcoming nature.


We need to find a balance, not pathetically left wing like we are now and not right wing. Shame everything will probably go to the other extreme soon enough.


I'm gonna step off my podium now and get back to doing some work :)

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My first thought after reading about the protesters at the soldiers homecoming was this


Well, if you believe so strongly in what you preach, then what are you doing in the UK? Surely tyou should be fighting side by side with your religeous brothers to keep the british soldiers out of your land.

But no, you rather live in the UK and abuse the UK law so you can have your little protest. Oh btw, the UK law is also protected by all those who serve in the UK armed forces, the UK law is a result of the sacrifices that many a soldier has given in the past.

But no, you protesters are right of course.

I'm glad that someone went up on a rooftop to throw a packet of bacon at you, you bunch of deluded, cowardly, spineless gits

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I will start to believe in politics and be proud of my country when I have an elected leader with the balls to stand up for his nation and say................



Prime Minister John Howard - Australia


Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.


Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'


'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'


'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'


'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'


'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'


'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,




'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'


THE best speech I have ever heard, and the one I agree with every single word of!

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It is a great speech but doesn't have to centre on the muslim community in my opinion. I absolutely agree with it but I think it applies to ALL people that enter a country.


The English that come to Scotland included! We will not eat sage and onion stuffing or perform morris dancing or drink Pimms! :lol: :lol:

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It is a great speech but doesn't have to centre on the muslim community in my opinion. I absolutely agree with it but I think it applies to ALL people that enter a country.


The English that come to Scotland included! We will not eat sage and onion stuffing or perform morris dancing or drink Pimms! :lol: :lol:


:lol: The border police did seize my warm lager and cricket bat when I tried to get into Scotland. They didn't pay much attention to my passport tho :lol:

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I will start to believe in politics and be proud of my country when I have an elected leader with the balls to stand up for his nation and say................



Prime Minister John Howard - Australia


Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.


Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'


'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'


'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'


'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'


'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'


'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,




'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'


THE best speech I have ever heard, and the one I agree with every single word of!


Why is the Muslim community being singled out here?


As a muslim I completely disagree with the protests that were carried out but at the same time I'm completely against the bullsh1t war waged on Iraq which was completely illegal and immoral. But put yourselves in our position-the mainstream muslims that are a majority. ALl it takes is a a bunch of pillocks calling themselves muslims to tarnish out whole image. Its frustrating beyond belief but at least utilise some common sense and realise that these people don't represent all muslims (over 1.5billion of us).


Obviously people of all religions are going to wish their religious views are applied where ever they live. However, the media and the general populace in the west seem to think that all muslims have some sort of identity crisis and clammer towards Islamic Sharia in a desperate attempt to fit in. That isn't the case at all as its only a small minority of muslims who are so 'aggresively' pursuing Sharia's implementation.


Bear in mind that when the Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) and his followers went to Acre, he commanded his followers to respect the law of the land even though the customs were alien to them. That's the general rule that applies to all muslims and even more so in Christian countries as Christians and Jews are regarded as 'People of the Book'. Yes not all muslims follow this but there are black sheep in every community....and considering Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with over 1.5 billion followers, you're bound to get idiots that don't follow or understand the full extent of their faith.


It really winds me up when people go into a Daily Mail-esque sort of sensationalist rant with little application of logic at all. Some people need to get educated and realise that not all muslims are going to spontaneously combust when you're on the tube or a plane (I'm not implying that anyone here thinks along those lines lol).


There are other more important issues to consider such as immigration, employment, education, rape, alcoholism, poverty etc that we should be concerned with. Please scrutinise all facets of the governments policies please. (again not implying that this isn't the case here)

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Whether a person was born here or chose to come here, if they don't like any part of it (and that could be taxation, economy, religion, public transport, weather, women etc) then LEAVE.


To me, that applies to any single person. French, American, Egyptian, Iraqi, Polish, Indian or any other demographic.

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Whether a person was born here or chose to come here, if they don't like any part of it (and that could be taxation, economy, religion, public transport, weather, women etc) then LEAVE.


Lol then I guess we'd all leave 'cause we all don't like any part of the taxation, economy public transport and the weather! We're always whinging!

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i agree with most of the sentiments above.....with all this in mind though.. why cant we just all chill out... muslims, jews, christians whatever... i cant see how religeous belief could lead you to become violent against another man/woman...


as for deporting people... i really feel that we should deport the scrouts that live on the dole/ violent idiots/ charv/chavs.. whether you be black, white, yellow, brown or immigrant... im in the highest tax band possible and it really sucks knowing that nearly 50% of my earnings is getting taken away from me so that you can sit on your arse and drink tinnies all day long...


i read in reveal magazine about the carwen family (the name could be wrong) the title was "im too fat to work" essentially its goes on about how there too fat to get a job and get nasty comments on the streets... basically all they do is sit on there arse all day..watch tv.. eat biscuits all day long... they even had the cheek to say "we dont have enough time for exercise" ARE YOU ****ing KIDDING ME...they recieve over 23 grand in support from the government each year tax free which equates to a 30 grand + salary.

people like that should get the hell out.. i know plenty of illegal immigrants who work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and get paid less than 150 quid a week for there hard graft and there still happy about it..


heheh rant over :rant:





ps: dont get me started on the B.N.P.... they really do boil my blood...

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i agree with alot of what has been said both by john howard and others on here. We have partly been our own worst enemy especially when it comes to political correctness.


i heard a while back people in the civil service being told to only send cards at xmas that said seasonal greetings not merry xmas so as to avoid upsetting other religions. i know for a fact that the majority of other religions couldn't give a toss what we get up to and when.


i enjoy the fact that we have many cultures. i have talked to friends during ede (not sure on spelling) have enjoyed the fireworks at my mates during the festival of light. enjoyed and shared different foods with friends who are muslim and hindu. (particualy enjoyed my mates creole cooking (mauritian muslim))


and i used to get pi**ed off with the norrow minded folk down my old local who were not educated enough to read more than one paper and build there own view, or have an understanding of current and global affairs current and past to make an opinion that wasn't taken from the mail or the sun. the old saying of "knowledge is power" is very true, as the "poorly educated in my opinion had no view of there own and followed a sensationalised media opinion that was poorly written and badly guided with statistics that aren't true. i was always brought up that you take what the media says with a pinch of salt.


many poeple i spoke to believed that all muslims were terrorists.


it may be that all terrorists are muslim, but many forget not all muslims are terorists.


if i go to another country i would always respect there views and culture. i don't have to follow it, but should show the respect to not do things that would be frowned upon.


and as said before if you don't like it go somewhere else.


you don't go to a friends house and suddenly start making changes to how they do things because you don't like it, and i think the same respect should be shown to any country. and if your a visitor or guest and you break the law, you should be shown the door and kicked out.

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i agree with most of the sentiments above.....with all this in mind though.. why cant we just all chill out... muslims, jews, christians whatever... i cant see how religeous belief could lead you to become violent against another man/woman...


as for deporting people... i really feel that we should deport the scrouts that live on the dole/ violent idiots/ charv/chavs.. whether you be black, white, yellow, brown or immigrant... im in the highest tax band possible and it really sucks knowing that nearly 50% of my earnings is getting taken away from me so that you can sit on your arse and drink tinnies all day long...


i read in reveal magazine about the carwen family (the name could be wrong) the title was "im too fat to work" essentially its goes on about how there too fat to get a job and get nasty comments on the streets... basically all they do is sit on there arse all day..watch tv.. eat biscuits all day long... they even had the cheek to say "we dont have enough time for exercise" ARE YOU ****ing KIDDING ME...they recieve over 23 grand in support from the government each year tax free which equates to a 30 grand + salary.

people like that should get the hell out.. i know plenty of illegal immigrants who work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and get paid less than 150 quid a week for there hard graft and there still happy about it..


heheh rant over :rant:





ps: dont get me started on the B.N.P.... they really do boil my blood...





I'm fat and am in the highest tax band! Have been since I was 20. Can I get 23 grand PA extra too????

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i agree with most of the sentiments above.....with all this in mind though.. why cant we just all chill out... muslims, jews, christians whatever... i cant see how religeous belief could lead you to become violent against another man/woman...


as for deporting people... i really feel that we should deport the scrouts that live on the dole/ violent idiots/ charv/chavs.. whether you be black, white, yellow, brown or immigrant... im in the highest tax band possible and it really sucks knowing that nearly 50% of my earnings is getting taken away from me so that you can sit on your arse and drink tinnies all day long...


i read in reveal magazine about the carwen family (the name could be wrong) the title was "im too fat to work" essentially its goes on about how there too fat to get a job and get nasty comments on the streets... basically all they do is sit on there arse all day..watch tv.. eat biscuits all day long... they even had the cheek to say "we dont have enough time for exercise" ARE YOU ****ing KIDDING ME...they recieve over 23 grand in support from the government each year tax free which equates to a 30 grand + salary.

people like that should get the hell out.. i know plenty of illegal immigrants who work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and get paid less than 150 quid a week for there hard graft and there still happy about it..


heheh rant over :rant:





ps: dont get me started on the B.N.P.... they really do boil my blood...





I'm fat and am in the highest tax band! Have been since I was 20. Can I get 23 grand PA extra too????


Only if you can do the 'truffle shuffle' ;)




That's worth 23k a year :lol:

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