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Got pulled by the boys in blue


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This is so funny.....


On Friday I was pulling out of Halfords in Wrexham and was driving around a one way system. A 05 MY Black Ford Focus suddenly pulled into a parking space in front of me and then I had to brake suddenly, he then tried to manouvre in the space and was making a right pigs ears of it, anyway I got fed up and drove around him, didn't floor it put just enough for the k&n to make some tunes :lol:


Next thing I know this Black Ford Focus put it's sirens on, it was an unmarked police car !!! He pulled me over, the conversation went like this:-


PC - "So what's your problem, revving your engine like that " he said with a grin on his face

Me - "I just thought you were a crap driver making an arse of parking, and you didn't indicate"

PC - "I did indicate"

Me - "You didn't!!!"

PC - "Look if you going to be funny about this I'll take you back and give you a fine, you don't want your car taken off you do you?"

Me - "Look, I take your point, but you didn't indicate"

PC - "Look, I haven't got time for this we have a prisoner in the boot of another car and I need to deal with that....."

PC - "Look, this is a really nice car, don't be revving your engine around town, go and find some back lanes and GIVE IT SOME BEANS"

ME - ....gobsmacked, smiled and said "OK"


and off he goes....so I took the car around the horshoe pass to test out my power steering fix, and gave it some beans :teeth::teeth::teeth:

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Me - "I just thought you were a crap driver making an arse of parking, and you didn't indicate"

PC - "I did indicate"

Me - "You didn't!!!"


Good for you! :yahoo:


PC - "Look if you going to be funny about this I'll take you back and give you a fine, you don't want your car taken off you do you?"


Knob :angry:


PC - "Look, I haven't got time for this we have a prisoner in the boot of another car



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I've been stopped in the Zed once and it was my fault for running a ridiculously small plate on the front. Fair cop!


Was harassed in my younger days but found most were ok when they realised I was a polite and respectful young lad! Others were total tossers though.

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If it'd been Gene Hunt he'd have been joining the other bloke in the boot!


There are some nice coppers around then Derek. ;)


I only know one good copper and thats Ming B) Most of the others are prats :rant:


Derek is a nice guy ;)


Whos Derek? :blush:

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