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Everything posted by stanski

  1. I dont know but that car took a proper beating. I went to pick up some things today and the repair garage showed me the floor and the alloy wheels were trashed. The rear one actually split with the impact. They also mentioned if the reat set belt was clipped in even with nobody in it , all the bags would have gone off? Not sure how true that is but worth remembering for the future.maybe?
  2. Thanks yes glad the car did its job. M2 supposed to have a lot of sensors all over the place? Apparently some systems can deploy airbags twice, maybe initial deployment with a gradual decrease not sure. Fortunately the M2 seems to have a stiff bodyshell.
  3. All scans clear thankfully ,she is at home now, on painkillers, still a bit fussy but ok. Has to do physio, doubt she will be driving for some time. Re car she wants another M2 but different colour, doesn't want to be reminded. Trouble is the limited choice for that type of car, although she might look at a few options, but its early days. Thanks for asking mate kind of you.
  4. Quick update to this. The car has been written off cost too much to repair apparently needs a new bodyshell! Further discussion with the garage revealed that the O/s alloys were damaged in such a way, the car must have been crushed against the roads kerb, rear axle took the hit and the floor under the back seat was crumpled proud like a moutain! My daughter was so lucky as that was her normal seating position. (She was in the front this time) Just glad the car did its job and protected them, but still confused why no airbag or pretensioners went off , when this car was hit with such force? Anyway stay safe out there folks and wear your seatbelts.
  5. Where are you located? Auto trim Manchester always had a good reputation but I have been out of the game for years now. https://www.autotrimltd.co.uk/ If you search for car or furniture trimmers locally , either can fix it. There are lots of smart products on the market these days, Woolies trim sell kits too, but its the faff of taking stuff apart thats the issue. The best long term solution if you are keeping the car is new leather replacing the side panels which get the beating getting in and out. A single leather hide is still about £100 each just to give you an idea of cost, rest is labour. Hope this helps? Stan
  6. Yes which is understandable but at the same time foolish! Although some burglaries already taken place! Scum!
  7. They would knock then fly off within 3 secs!! https://www.facebook.com/100000064629916/posts/2679105812101547/?sfnsn=mo
  8. Think some of my daughter's teddy bears were using the Lego house nearby to do the same! Thankfully I caught them! Those Nismo alloys are not cheap!
  9. Probably the local Cat Burglar (well cat!)
  10. I do feel sorry for people living near that dam in Whaley Bridge , just waiting and hoping their houses wont be effected, but just like the slag pits in welsh mining towns being located at the top of villages, why the hell did they think it was a good idea to build them so close? Or were the villages built afterwards? A Victorian dam built 200 years ago using basic building techniques and materials, clay and soil, has managed to survive all that time until the storm this week. I read it is tested only twice a year? Surely something like that should have some sort of electronic stress or movement sensors keeping a more regular alerting structure in place? But once again like the leaking water pipes and drains our Victorian friends built all those years ago, they dont last forever and there appears to be no money to fix or replace them? The only time any fuss is made when something life threatening like this occurs? Now the MPs are making a noise to be seen to deal with this issue for pr reasons, do they really care? I doubt it? I hope it holds up imagine having your entire belongings and house wiped out in minutes and not being able to do anything about it, but stand and watch from afar?
  11. You get those knatty plastic rim protectors but I doubt they are really that effective? Best thing get some smaller rims and super high profile tyres (taxi stylie) keeps the rim off the kerb , car wont look very stylish though.
  12. The easy alternative for public power generation is to issue M&S nylon underpants to everyone - problem solved! Did you see that article about harnessing power inside a tyre? Falcan are working on it, same principle but with undies. Simples.
  13. Thanks mate, Lucy is in a lot of back pain lay flat. They are doing a full.mri scan to be safe. Thankfully my 9 year old daughter is fine. Deffo speaking to bmw tomorrow
  14. Deffo contacting BMW tomorrow thanks, guy must have been doing at least 35 maybe 40mpg?
  15. Thanks. It was an elderly couple they think the guy had a medical issue and just lost control. I have dashcam footage from a nearby car at the time, just seen it today and puts a totally different picture on events. The other car was right over on the wrong side of the road and smacked Lucys car with some force, enough to shunt it about 3-4 car lengths forward half onto path! I never knew this. It was a major impact. They are going to take his license away apparently?
  16. Unfortunately someone went into the back of Lucys M2 yesterday when she was picking our daughter up from school. She was stationary and some idiot on the wrong side of the road hit her rear n/s quarter panel shunted the car a few metres. Thankfully they are both ok although Lucy is in hospital with concussion. Her nose hit the top of the steering wheel in the impact but the airbag didnt go off? Why do you think? Because it wasn't right on the front or back bumper? Do they not have impact sensors to pick that up? I am guessing the car is a write off see photo? Frankly I dont care it did its job and protected them? Looks like the rear axle took the hit and the wing absorbed some of it? Thankfully they had just got in, seatbelts on she just turned the key to start the engine. Be careful people.
  17. I liked those too, almost purchased one but parts are scarce these days. Decent cars 4 inch thick metal! Ended up with a Rover P5 instead .
  18. Ok my Rove-Stang-Porter trio. Rover is up for sale, soon as I tune the engine, bugger knows I want to sell it and is messing me about! Cars eh!
  19. I imagine at that price Porsche themselves would probably built a brand new 356 or 911 from scratch for you!
  20. Ernies having a system upgrade , you will have to wait a bit longer.
  21. I am not a huge fan of Porsches but I do like the 356 and early 911s, but look at this rascal? There seems to be a spat of companies offering bespoke or remanufactured original cars in new guise for stupid money! Aston, Alvis etc. Are there really so many multimillionaires in the world for these toys? https://www.topgear.com/car-news/classic/someones-built-ps500k-carbon-fibre-bodied-porsche-911
  22. Couldn't agree more. Just imagine those tv broadcasts will be making their way across space , any waiting alien civilization thinking about colonisation here will have second thoughts.
  23. In a similar vein I hope the people in the whitehouse that hold the continuation of power, ensure Trumpster does not accidentally press that nuclear button. We are putting a lot of trust in the people behind the curtains to keep the world from fighting and bickering. They should give him a 5 min delay function on his phone on his Twitter app so there is time to proof read his crap before he ends up starting a war.
  24. Sadly looks as though you get into politics for 2 reasons to make a difference or promote yourself to power. Unfortunately if you actually do care you probably get pushed back by the power hungry ones to ensure their way of life is maintained. Simple gang mentality eh? Strap in and lets wait for the ride. Radio 4 news at the ready.
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