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Everything posted by lilsheepshagga_turbo

  1. as above.... you didnt mess around..... tbh.. that exhaust was too hardcore for me... lol glad your enjoying it though -ho
  2. Ho, any chance you can send the money to me via direct bank transfer (i.e. internet backing)? I'm happy to put up the money for you, but dont want to have to trash into town to pay in a cheque. If not I guess I can take a cheque, I'll trust ya, you just might not get the pedal until the final cheque clears cheers fella... i think ive just managed to set up a paypal account and pay for it... but if it fails ill take u up on your offer.... thanks man -ho
  3. hi guys... could one of you guys maybe paypal tim for me and ill send u a cheque.. its just because i dont have paypal... and obviously it all needs to go through before friday.. im sorry im useless.... -ho
  4. dont think jurgen needs to shift much on his prices tbh..... he's doing very very well for himself... you may find hes a bit busier than normal as his wife gave birth like 2 weeks ago.... but jm imports has a very BIG reputation -ho
  5. that seems expensive... have u tried adding your mom/dad as second driver.. made a huge difference to what im going to pay... ps: i will be 23...0 ncb.. 2 claims... all mods declared.. 720 quid. thats with admiral so your insurance seem tres steep.... -ho
  6. hahhahaha... no your not a chav... i went to a local ford dealership myself... unfortunately i was told.. they wont be getting a demo car in and 34 deposits had already been placed... so good luck to u... it just seems a bit of a step down from is-f etc bud??? -ho
  7. typical..... any ideas on how long roughly or is utec , haltech not giving any clues away... -ho
  8. interesting............ i mean.. i respect your work as ive seen it loads and your saying this... but polished bliss... obviously another big comp said this http://bbs.scoobynet.com/car-care-380/5 ... -grey.html conflicting views.......... hehehhe -ho
  9. hehhehe... ooo there's been a minor debate on another forum in which i go on about white cars...supposedly the best results are not had with carnuba waxes... but stuff like jeffs werkstatt acrylic... can you shed some light on this my man from your personal experience?? -ho
  10. good work man ... sums up what i consider most porsche owners tbh... rich and quite frankly dont give a toss about paintwork blah blah.... but good work...
  11. maybe even chilli's could shed some light on this.....
  12. the envy guys aren't really on this forum all that much anymore..... maybe if you posted on the O.C you may get a response.... -ho
  13. i still live at home with my rents.. moved out for 2 years with my ex and bought a house.. i sold that house about 3-4 months ago and i lost out about 50 grand due to falling house prices .... so i will be living at home with my rents for a while....but its cool.. u live and learn... -ho
  14. i dont think they ever did.......... i would have been the first customer there and im pretty certain there would have been a HUGE announcement.... -ho
  15. but surely...... as it essentially one company.. one could ring the other and ask for advice.....i have utter faith in them if it their "first go" at one aswell.. as per pingu most likely did at TDI south.... -ho
  16. im 22 i've had loadsa "decent" cars for my ages.. started with golf gti at 19 vx220 tubby at 20 astra vxr at 21 insurance has always been good for me... so is getting paid cash in hand most my life.. hehehe -ho
  17. cheers bud.. That would be very much appreciated...jus som rough idea on price and how long it would take please..
  18. Is it the same price as the other haltech unit... Sorry I couldn't find it on your website... What gains are people seeing in america with breathing mods can I ask adam
  19. alright guys... ive been toying with the idea of re-mapping/ piggybacking the the 350z for a while now... i know people are gonna say is it worth the money blah blah but i think it is... i must state that i probably wont go down the FI route ever or turbo charging the car ever... i just want that extra something... reading about andlids and pingus it works out at roughly 1500 quid... but i have also noticed that the haltech says its only for 2003-2006 models....so if anyone can give me a heads up.. i will most likely be using tdi in warrington as my best mate plans to take his evo 8 there for some work aswell... cheers in advance guys -ho
  20. tbh i think the rusty colour suits the ings more... but i prefer the look of the v2.... -ho
  21. i agree with most of the sentiments above.....with all this in mind though.. why cant we just all chill out... muslims, jews, christians whatever... i cant see how religeous belief could lead you to become violent against another man/woman... as for deporting people... i really feel that we should deport the scrouts that live on the dole/ violent idiots/ charv/chavs.. whether you be black, white, yellow, brown or immigrant... im in the highest tax band possible and it really sucks knowing that nearly 50% of my earnings is getting taken away from me so that you can sit on your arse and drink tinnies all day long... i read in reveal magazine about the carwen family (the name could be wrong) the title was "im too fat to work" essentially its goes on about how there too fat to get a job and get nasty comments on the streets... basically all they do is sit on there arse all day..watch tv.. eat biscuits all day long... they even had the cheek to say "we dont have enough time for exercise" ARE YOU ****ing KIDDING ME...they recieve over 23 grand in support from the government each year tax free which equates to a 30 grand + salary. people like that should get the hell out.. i know plenty of illegal immigrants who work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and get paid less than 150 quid a week for there hard graft and there still happy about it.. heheh rant over -ho ps: dont get me started on the B.N.P.... they really do boil my blood...
  22. ooo stickers.. forgot about them.. i think im owed some
  23. i like it enough.... not a big fan of the 2 tone but i like the purple colour.... agreed with everyone.. the wings look stunning and something i thought about doing to my car for donkies....guess your pleased... also guessing it cost u a fortune aswell.... -ho that spoiler is crazy big... really suits the car though
  24. well then its a 5zigen Pro Racer A spec.....lucky you... -ho
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