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Everything posted by Dan

  1. PMSL, it was worth posting just to read that Cheered me up no end, thanks mate.
  2. Last night I was out for a blast in the Monaro. I was being a good boy and just chilling out as I joined the motorway ( M6 near Preston ). There was a Saab diesel in the near side lane ( Black, 53 plate ) and he moved over to let me join the carriageway, very nice of him. There was then a Mercedes E class pottering along the nearside lane and Saab man decided it would be funny to stay alongside me and not let me pass the Merc, I didnt have room to accelerate through the gap so I had to brake down to about 60. The Saab braked with me and stayed alongside to prevent me moving out, and I looked across to see him giving me the finger ! I wondered what the hell was this guys problem, slowed down and moved out behind the Saab at which point the numpty hit the brakes right in front of me. I swerved into the outside lane and looked across and he was laughing hysterically. This was obviously the highlight of his day. I pointed to the hard shoulder because I quite fancied having a quiet word with this guy, preferably with my hands wrapped around his throat. He just shrugged his shoulders at me, so I gave him the finger and booted it and made him disappear. It made me wonder, supposing when he braked I had hit him and we both pulled over on the hard shoulder and a very annoyed 20 stone buffoon steps out of a 25 gand car this clown has purposely damaged, exactly what did he think would happen next ? Pillock.
  3. Thats a very good idea and something we have been doing on Uk Supras for a good few years. There's bound to be someone lives quite near the dealer and they may be quite clue'd up too.
  4. Kind of. We're waiting for it to clear finance. I bought it from a dealer near me and its still showing on his stocking plan. The dealer down south who I sold it to doesn't want to pay me for it until its cleared. You would think, being in the trade, that he would know how this works but he is being sligtly paranoid and won't pay me yet, so meanwhile I'm still driving it and getting more and more attached to it If it's not sorted in the next day or two I can see the guy down south getting fed up and not wanting it, which will be a shame because I'll have to keep it longer and drive it some more
  5. Seconded. Check pressures and get a few miles on them before making a judgement
  6. Dan

    BP 102

    £2.50 per litre ! I doubt they will be shifting much of that
  7. Dan

    Log Book QU

    Sorry mate, I could have told you the Evolution had the Panorama roof.
  8. Dan

    USA 350Z

    Now that is something I would love to do. I would also love to hear more stories from the guys that have already done it. I'll definitely do this one day, maybe when the kids clear off cos they would only spoil it - are we nearly there yet
  9. S2000 are a brilliant drive, great fun on the twisties and surprisingly fast if you really wring it's neck A couple of weeks ago I was running an M3 Convertible and I came across an S2000. He wanted to play so we left a roundabout in convoy - him in front - and lead onto a dual carraigeway. I was giving the M3 all it had and he was pulling away, not massively but definitely getting away from me. I was surprised because I supposedly had 343 bhp in the M3 and he was supposed to have 240 - I knew the M3 was heavy being a rag top but I still expected to get away from an S2000. His car definitely had a sporty exhaust on it - sounded brilliant - so it may well have had other mods aswell. Either way, the S2000 was just a wee bit quicker than the M3 So I went out and bought a Monaro VXR which would wipe the floor with it
  10. The new TT is getting rave reviews in the press etc. It's much more of a drivers car than the old one, apparantly.
  11. Dan

    Log Book QU

    The log book will say what the supplying dealer admin staff put on the first registration forms and is no guarantee of the exact model of the car. DVLA only know what the supplying dealer told them. Mistakes on log books are quite common so you should never rely solely on what the log book says.
  12. I used to be heavily into my cycling till a Taxi driver coming the opposite way turned across the road directly in front of me without indicating. I hit the front passenger side at an angle, went over his bonnet, across the screen and over the roof and off the other side. I immediately attempted to stand up to give the guy a good talking to, or possibly to remove his genitalia depending on how apologetic he was, and then discovered my left leg wouldn't hold my weight and fell back down again. Turned out my knee cap was detached and required surgically re-attaching. I had 8 weeks in Hospital followed by 12 weeks on crutches, which was nice. The Police told me I hit the car so hard I popped his tyre and left imprints of my knuckles in his front wing. The car was a write off. This was maybe 8 years ago and I did get back into cycling but not at the same level. Since then I took up powerlifting, gained nearly 6 stones and I'm not very aerodynamic these days
  13. It's more than likely not even his car, it will be owned by his employer or a finance company Where does he sit in society if he doesn't even own his own car...
  14. Dan

    IT Help

    Thanks very much for the info gentlemen. I'm quite happy with it working from "stand by", so that will do just fine. Thanks for the help
  15. I believe its possible to make my computer turn on when I click the mouse button. Can someone tell me how this is done ? Thanks in advance.
  16. The Scooby could be accident repaired, so could the Zed, or it could be an import.
  17. Dan

    HOLY COW!!!!!

    Someone please explain the point of it being "electronically limited to 211 mph"
  18. PMSL Yeah, thats very much how I feel ! I've been on Uk Supras for over ten years now and those guys knew me before I started the business and watched me start with bangers and work up from there. They look forward to my "reviews" of anything tasty that comes my way
  19. I like a change, my aim is to drive everything. I'm well on with it, I've had lots of interesting cars but there is still so much out there that I haven't had. I'm very strict with myself in terms of the business too, I won't sink so much money into one car that it hurts the business so it's a gradual process of re-investing the profits and working my way up into proper cars. I'm not sure what I fancy next, it might be just a case of seeing what comes along.
  20. Dammit. Some swine is buying my Monaro. I bought it last Monday, I'm still fliddling with the seat and mirrors ferchrissakes. I've barely got the seat warm ! I was considering keeping this car, which for a car dealer is like the Pope saying he fancies his leg over Sounds like it's going to be mine till Wednesday, then it's away. I hate this business...
  21. I have to agree with some points of your post, however that bit is a fallacy. The Japanese are notorious for being very hard on their cars and have no mechanical sympathy whatsoever. If the car has a 6000rpm red line the typical Japanese driver will change up at 7 !
  22. I would say £21k would be a very good price for that car, many dealers are asking that for normal GT Pack cars. But since they are asking £23,995 I doubt very much that it would come for that ! How much margin do you think they have in the thing
  23. Sorry, I forgot to subscribe to this thread so missed the subsequent answers. I was not referring exclusively to the 350z, I was referrring to imports in general. Firstly I have to point out that I have no vested interest in stopping people buying imports - I am an independent Nissan specialist so I can stock whatever I like, and I would buy an import if it was a nice car - in fact I have owned well over a hundred imported cars, Supras, Skylines, 3000GT, 300ZX etc. The vast majority of these cars had been painted, but I bought them direct from the importer and had the damage repaired myself, so I knew the extent of the damage when I bought them. I would challenge anyone to go look at ten Supras, Skylines, 3000GTs, 300ZX etc and spot one that hasn't been painted. Better still, save yourself some time and visit a well known "trade centre" where you can see 60+ imports all on one site, and not one of them is wearing its original paint Many dealers, not just importers, are in this business purely for profit and they are not particularly concerned what they buy ( and sell ) as long as there is a profit in the car. The vast majority of importers buy low grade cars and tart them up over here. That is fact, it's simple economics. There is more profit to be made that way. I am sure there will be many importers who do look out for nice high grade cars, just like there are many dealers who take pride in their stock and don't buy scruffy cars. I am not trying to put people off imports at all - although when your budget puts you into a UK car I don't see much point - my advice was to be careful and take an expert. Let the buyer beware
  24. Well I would say that is above and beyond the call of duty and really is an excellent offer. Fair play to that garage.
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