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Everything posted by nixy

  1. nixy

    All White!

    They look fantastic but personally I couldn't live with the old colour showing when you open the door - I would have to get that sorted as well.
  2. See, I knew I'd get some useful answers........although in terms of ringtones I just wanted to be able to use whatever music I have on my phone which I think is what Mark is saying. What's the program Mark?
  3. Dan - I'm a woman - how do I know what I want to do??
  4. moving away slightly from the 'techno' speak which had me drowsing on my desk....(sorry guys) has anyone got any good apps they can recommend. I mean useful ones - not angry birds and fit or fugly! It always peed me off that I couldn't choose an alarm tone from my music library as for years on previous phones I've always woken up to the same tune. I've now installed a 69p app called sleep cycle that lets me use any of my music so that's me easily pleased and happy again!
  5. do you mean the lap timer? You just hold the bottom button in to reset it to zero but then it starts again. Don't think you can stop it actually counting.
  6. Hiya I'm from York and also had an EP3 CTR before the zed. Up to now I have always had my car serviced at Atkins near Malton - they're an authorised Nissan repairer and have been really good. Recently I've started using a guy on Poppleton trading estate - he's not a nissan specialist but 5 mins from my work and reliable. You might see me around York - sunset orange zed with plate like my username. Zed is very different to CTR, I love them both. Think you will prefer the zed somehow though.
  7. nixy

    Lack of grip...

    me too - and also on 452's. Only problems i've had is snow on a sloping surface.
  8. That's a very pretty picture. I hope we don't get any as my folks are over and are borrowing my shed so I'm zedding whether it snows or not!
  9. Dan is this the whole story or were you actually racing with some young lads and their Asda trolleys?
  10. That sounds so greedy! What's amanda getting???
  11. I have these - brand new and unopened. £20 plus whatever postage is (probably under a fiver). Not at home so can't take photo now but same as this link. Wanted to put them up now so can post in time for xmas if anyone wants them. Cheers. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Turtle-Beach-Fo ... 713&sr=8-1
  12. Happy birthday all - and a birthday for Jay
  13. That sounds great Dan - very romantic. Congrats! As for pressies from the parents etc - I never want or expect much, Christmas is just a massive pressure for everyone. Happy with whatever anyone gets me .............although a lamborghini with a giant ribbon on is always welcome!
  14. nixy

    Washer Pump

    Not you as well! I have a pm which Heath sent me to tell me how to do it. I'll forward it to you.
  15. Ah that's a useful link. My last service is overdue and when I looked in the book I got totally confused as the car is considerably older than the miles it's done - if that makes sense......... Copied that and printed it off.
  16. Now why didn't I think of that one?
  17. Cheers for the info. Robbing barstewards!
  18. Being a research analytic freak I like to get at least two prices for everything!
  19. Just phoned my local Nissan dealer for a price on a motor for my front windscreen washers. Why the hell can't they just look in a book or on a computer and say it costs X amount? Instead I get this: Him: "what is your registration number", Me: N11 blah blah blah, Him: "oh is that a private reg?" Me: "yes" Him: "what was the number before?" Me: "no idea I imported my car " Him: "Oh it's an import? do you have your V5 handy then" Me: "No i'm at work" Him: "I can't give you a price without your chassis number." Me: "why? surely an item costs the same whatever my reg or chassis number is?" Him: "can't do it on computer without chassis number". Me: "can you use a random reg from another 350z?" Him: "I don't have one". Me: "Ok I will get you one and call you back." Him: "Ok". FFS!!!! I already got a price off Alex but as this is a dealer on the way home from where I work I thought if the price was similar I might as well just pop on my way home. Forget it, way too much like hard work!
  20. You're all a tad late now, can you come back in September when it will be six years please? Digsy will be covered in a thick layer of dust by then!
  21. Bloody Hell Digsy - who dug you up?
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