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Everything posted by nixy

  1. Sorry I'm on iPhone so just posted absolutely nothing!! Well impressed with that link. My light is currently at stage 2 and is just all blurry!! I have a detailer booked to polish it up but thank you. :-)
  2. Happy to help:- http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/73925-healight-refurb/
  3. I think beemer of some description.
  4. I'm more interested in whether you wrote it off on the test drive.........
  5. Yeah i've used that before but it just keeps coming back - I definitely do however deserve dumb woman status for that!
  6. Hi guys Firstly, I popped the bonnet yesterday and noticed that the cap on the plastic cooler tank is missing. My coolant was also really low, under minimum. I've been out and bought some coolant today but are there any consequences to driving without a cap on the plastic reservoir? And is it easy to get a new plastic lid? Secondly - a few weeks ago my car just randomly went into what I think is 'limp mode'. I was pulling out of a junction and thought I had just stalled but that wasn't the case. The car literally would not go above about 10mph and the slip light, engine light, traction VDC light etc were all on. I stopped, switched off, switched on and it was fine. Then it did it again today but WHILE I was driving, luckily I was going quite slow having just come off a busy roundabout but could this happen while I'm doing high speed?? It has been suggested I try the ECU reset but I'm a bit of a scaredy cat! Now for the dumb.......I tried to get rid of some exterior oxydisation on my headlight using the finest wire wool you can buy and have totally f'd it up! I spent ages yesterday cursing myself, kicking myself and generally worrying about it and then after a bit of a google found that actually you can actually sandpaper your headlights as long as you get a rotary polisher on them afterwards so I've got a call into a detailer and hopefully all will end well! Finally - I had my windscreen replaced after a stone hit it and cracked it. When at very high speed it whistles! Would you get them back out to do it again?
  7. Hiya Vik - how the hell do I drive this website! It's been so long since I was on here it's all changed!
  8. I should have put a bet on that the bloody scary clown would give me a wave! Although you are one of my fb buddies anyway!
  9. no I don't but i'm sure it's just as bad, got home in the dark today for the first time since summer and I only live 10 mins from work!
  10. Hello everyone. Give me a wave if you remember who the hell I am! I've not been around for a long long time for a couple of reasons, the main one being a new job I started about 15 months ago which is very time consuming and has a gestapo like internet policy! I have NEVER in all that time been on the internet other than for work and only one person has my work email and that was sarnie as he was doing my new mortgage! By the time I get home the last thing I want to do is spark up the lap top which is now so crap I want to throw it out of the window and it's too much like hard work on my iphone. I need an ipad obviously! I got a wave last week for a guy in an azure which was nice. Had one or two glitches lately - one this weekend which was my own fault and one which I think might be electrical, will post in the relevant area on those! Anyway - still adore my car after nearly 7 years ownership and there are still a fair few fellow zedders that I am in touch with via facebook (something I CAN do on my iphone at work!)
  11. That would be brilliant thanks! Just tried to pm you but apparently I need to delete some messages which I don't think I will attempt at nearly midnight on an iPhone! Will give it a go tomorrow. Thanks again :-)
  12. Erm where is that then? And will it be the same as a uk car?
  13. Hi all. I need to get a touch up kit from the dealer for a scratch on my bonnet. I need to provide a chassis number to get a paint match for this apparently but mine is no good as its an import. Would a uk sunset owner mind letting me use theirs?
  14. I know I'm not around much but had to post on this. I met Mark and Amy last time I went to Wales. Mark was the winner of the "names in a hat" I did for my old tonneau cover. We made friends on face book and I've followed his posts and bravery in awe of his upbeat and positive outlook on life. The fact he and Amy married just before he passed is so typical of the way they came across as a couple. I wish I could be there at the celebration of his life and I sincerely hope that this forum being how it is that there will be a line of zeds waiting for him. Rip Mark x
  15. Yes that's right, it was a bit of a joke between him and me. A 'sprinkling' of girls on the forum is how it started.
  16. I was absolutely devastated to hear this news. I found out on Facebook after getting in from a night out and I was so so shocked. Keith was indeed a true gent and a friend, both on the forum and in person. 59 is no age. Life is just too bloody short. I'm so sad I hadn't spoken to him for a while. RIP Keith x
  17. I swam a bit deeper in the 2007 floods in mine after I'd only had it a few days - it turned out fine and hasn't put a foot wrong since.
  18. Nobody got any goss then? Is there a list somewhere of who's sold?
  19. Jesus they made you a mod! Don't know if I've got the time to get to grips with this new fangled forum! Thank you.........I think I wasn't calling you Jesus!
  20. fembot more like I like it rich Sounds like something you use in the shower............ very very very very funny Stew..........NOT! Although I haven't been back to that branch of Tesco!
  21. Jesus they made you a mod! Don't know if I've got the time to get to grips with this new fangled forum!
  22. Been mega busy with work and stuff and generally not been online for like EVER! Decided to have a look see what's happening and everything's changed!!! I'm totally confused now - and what's the meaning of putting a yellow car up there instead of a sunset?? I've been so busy with my new job it's made me realise just how much internet stuff I did at work in my old job! I haven't looked at a single personal website or sent a personal email from work in the last four months and when I get home I just can't be arsed to fire up the lap top. I manage to keep up with people on FB but only because it's on my iphone and it's so easy. Anyway, still got the zed, still got the massive gouge in the bonnet, had a broken windscreen a week or so ago from the biggest bloody stone in the world (apart from the one that gouged the bonnet). It's getting to that time of year where I need to get an MOT on the shed and tuck the zed up. What's everyone been up to? Playing nicely I hope!
  23. nixy


    I think this is my first ever spot by name in 5 years of ownership and I've only just seen it! I ALWAYS wave (unless I have a passenger and feel stupid!)
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