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Everything posted by nixy

  1. BUT when do you drive the Zed? I'm having this problem - I've got a diesel clio but I never drive it unless its icy or snow or really bad weather. Soon as it's dry i'm in the zed which costs a fortune. I'm now wondering whether its worth keeping the clio at all because I just can't stop myself driving the zed!
  2. nixy

    Birthday email

    I'm pretty certain this was done just in time for me to hit the big 100 again this month! Cheers guys!
  3. Look what happened on the way home from work THIS week........ My car is 9 years old this month and so it's still relatively low mileage. I've put about 55k of those on it in the last 5 years and I've loved every second. No plans to change it - there's nothing better I could get without taking a massive loan out and apart from the usual stone chips etc my car still look like new.
  4. Oh no! Scott and Becky are my favourites! I always listen to my own music in the zed but when i'm shedding I always listen to Scott. I think he's hilarious! Greg is just a wet lettuce........
  5. I have it if anyone wants it - however, I did give it to the nice garage man....... And Heath - why don't you just pop into your garage and have a spray every now and then if you're not using it enough!
  6. Didn't realise that! I'd fine him just on the c u next Tuesday!
  7. I wonder how much the John Terry trial will cost and what evidence there is? The CPS supposedly have to believe strongly that there will be a conviction to even allow a case to go to crown court these days to avoid wasting tax payers money.
  8. Couldn't agree more! Makes far more sense - i'm sure the way we do it is just to boost car sales to exactly those sort of people.
  9. obviously chops and changes his cars a bit........
  10. New battery sorted - my mechanic tested it at lunchtime - his machine literally shouted 'this is knackered' at me.
  11. ah just spotted that....... You never know - midlife crisis and all that!
  12. no no no no no no no no no no no no no - now look at your texts...............
  13. UK front definitely in my opinion. I hate the square one on the front. Mine's stuck direct to the front bumper.
  14. Rubbish nowadays aren't I? However do you keep yourselves entertained without me! You will be getting a slap off me when i see you next for missing and not starting my birthday thread
  15. I'm lucky enough to have the choice of two cars - the zed which won't move off my estate which is thick snow or the little diesel clio which doesn't like to start in the extreme cold! A choice of two nightmares! I've recently had new glow plugs in the clio but when the temp is really cold like last night it just won't start without being jumped from another car. It dies rapidly. Once it has started it's absolutely fine and will start first time every time all day - it's just if it's left overnight in extreme cold. I was thinking about buying a 'jump starter' they look really good but am wondering if I simply need a new battery? I don't want to get a new battery just to find that it dies in the morning like the old one. It's a y reg diesel. What do you think?
  16. Sorry I missed this you old git - hope you had a good one!
  17. I have UK style on front and square on back. If you are attaching to the existing bracket it will need 13 x 7 inches but if you're sticking directly onto the car then I went for 14 x 7 to cover the holes left by removing the bracket. The gap is tapered unfortunately so you need to pack a fair bit of tape in and press it in firmly at the bottom.
  18. ehhheeem... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... l-ban.html I rest my case! Although on the positive side - they don't seem to suffer with binge drinking louts like we do in the UK.
  19. Might seem a bit OTT but as someone who has spent a lot of time in France where my family live - you should see them at lunchtime!! Even in the most rural areas the restaurants are full of workmen necking the red wine before getting back to work in the afternoon! Different culture so I can understand it.
  20. Hi don't be put off an import - lots of us have them and although they do have more varied options you can get one the same spec as a UK car, parts etc are the same.
  21. I just got a new plate for my JDM so I know what you mean. I just put tonnes and tonnes of sticky tape on it and pushed it really hard into the space. It's not moving anywhere. 14 x 7
  22. Hi and welcome! I recommend a good air freshner and some vanish......... other than that it will be fine!
  23. It's ok - it just ISN'T a mini IMO..........
  24. Hope you had a good one Mr Gob on a stick.....
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