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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Really? That's a bit poop. Might as well delete this then. People's choices should be private. That was a joke dude
  2. I've had just over 70 litres in mine too, that was from leaving Slough on the light, and about half way to Basingstoke having --- then getting stuck in traffic! Was an interesting expereience to say the least
  3. Is now a good time to tell you we can see exactly what choices people have made in their vote?
  4. Giving it a quick Google, it looks like a few have requested it and failed, so I wouldnt hold your breath that its coming any time soon
  5. Probably remembering her from her younger days on Moto GP, but I certainly wouldnt say no. True shes no model but she knos her stuff about Moto GP, sure it will be the same with F1
  6. Had a play with the GP3 at Gadget Show Live a few weeks back. Must say I'm very impressed. IQ is another step up (like going from GP1 to GP2) and the wifi bits are very impressive. The app they have sounds like it will have some very tasty upgrades soon. If I used my GP2 more then I'd be tempted to get a GP3 while GP2's go for good money. GP3 is deffo worth the money over a GP2 if you dont have one. Red One pi**es all over GP3 all day long I'm afraid. GP3 is amazing for the form factor, but cant hold anything to a Red One in terms of proper hi-def shooting. Great footage is all about control and GP3 with fixed lense can give you any image control really.
  7. Oh jog on Sky boy, you wouldnt say no
  8. Stars? This isn't a bush tucker trial?? What's this Mod star lark?? rating system, perhaps there should be a moderator/admin appreciation thread, see who gets the most positive comments Feel free to start one. I want to see who locks it Unfortunately Ian, saving a draft is a feature that the board creators have failed to implment. Although we had it on the old board, this is one small loss for a lot of gain. If they do ever make an add-on/update to allow it then we will add it right away. We are staying away from customising the board this time around as it makes our admin of the place (updates/security patches) very hard work. If it were me, I would have my webmail open in the same session and just paste over the thread to there. Easy access wherever you have the forum so no need for dropbox and Word. I use Gmail, but any others will work just the same.
  9. You need this !! More than happy if you're paying mate The DoubleBack looks amazing, but actually, although it does give you all that space, it doesnt feel like twice the size.
  10. Knew I should have gone for the long wheel base version, could have fitted this in then
  11. Happy to keep any drinks cold that the club supply We'll need Stan to supply us some cakies too
  12. Think Mrs I will give you a thick ear for that one Jimbo is the closest, altough we already have the cooker and fridge, and its not pink but carbon and brushed metal (effect) Will of course post pics when its all in and fitted.
  13. Anyone beat a whole pallet? AK has seen what it is already, Photobucket decided to announce it to Facebook!
  14. Needs XX1 - do it properly Looking very nice matey. I think you shall be taking that when we visit and see if it will slow you down a bit!
  15. Chris`I

    Wanted my first Z

    Either you need to read a little better than you do or cut the sarcasm and offer your charm elsewhere, just not here please. I think you children should play nice for xmas Just FYI my old 370z (40th Anni, 2010 w/15k miles) went for trade in over £20k so finding a good example for £15k will be almost impossible, but it depends if you want all the toys or not. Trade in of the BM will definately be needed to bump it up from £15k.
  16. I do cash, none of them have realised its fake money yet
  17. If you're happy to use bank transfer, then just do PayPal as a gift, it does the same thing and offers the same protection (ie none). If you want the protection of getting the money back should the stuff not turn up then use PP properly and pay their fees.
  18. Do we need to update your name to SDD then?
  19. She'll be laughing at you when the snow comes and the all powerful Panda gets her off to work while you sob in the corner in the Porker
  20. A lot of the arrogance is just for show to others, almost as a defence mechanism. If you are too nice then you are likely to get **** on at some point. Same as in real life. You need to have some arrogance in sport to be able to promote yourself to top teams and get a place, like, oh say at the top of Team Sky? They dont just hand you positions like that you know :1:
  21. Law change this year i think it was that any taxed car has to have insurance whether on the road or not, supposedly to help reduce the number of uninsured cars on the road Thats what I heard. Also any car that is SORN and on a public road will be clamped/towed. Happened to a chap on the VW Camper forum I'm on. He has a project van which is SORN and on his drive. Pushed it off to do some work on his driveway (laying a new one) and left it over night. Woke up to his van clamped and a fine
  22. Its only the blumin SMD's sig init Dave use Photobucket please!!!!! Until Dave fixes his sig, please goto your settings, then "Ignore Settings" and disable signatures (first tick box). That should fix it for now til he takes his sig off the dodgy site
  23. The only thing I can think is that its one of the trader banners hosted on there. I havent got these issues and cant find reference to the site mentioned in Chrome on the site. One for Mr Chesterfield I think. Will try on Chrome when I get home but I only have FF at work. Can one of you hit "Advanced" next time you get it and see if it gives any more details? EDIT: Might be in someones sig - I have them turned off. Will turn them on and see
  24. Top one looks the best in the pic, but I think the bottom one would look best on a car.
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