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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I would imagine zero toe will make it feel skittish, its why they have some toe in the first place. Doesnt take a lot to make it feel more stable at speed.
  2. Loads of films have been shot in this for the past few years. TVs are starting to appear, but the biggest blocker to it will be how you can broadcast it. Standard TV delivery systems just simply wont handle it, unless you drop all the dross channels and keep the first 5 only I would question the use of 4K atm, your standard amateur user wont be able to edit and process it too easily. But would be good if you have loads of spare HDD space to keep it for processing in years to come when computers become faster and it gets easier. It does look awesome though
  3. Quick outing to Hamble yesterday as the sun was out for once and the wind was off-shore so nice and warm. Also a good excuse to try out our new Cobb BBQ. Interior is largely done now. Last weekend I fit the bed end panels and swivel base to the passenger seat. Just need to box in where the table is stored and tidy up the water containers as they dont currently get strapped down, and I think its done in terms of practical usage things.
  4. See if you'd just been around on the forum more matey, you could have had mine for that budget. Still not sure I'd want you calling me as soon as anything went wrong Your budged looks realistic to me, just need to find one for sale. Not sure what mine went for in the end from the dealer, but private sale, it would certainly be within budget.
  5. Fixed the text. You were very lucky, very very lucky.
  6. Rich just couldnt drive and still cant, thats the problem. Its why he now has a Granddad car.
  7. 46 with our bus on the end? We'll be looking for somewhere a bit quieter and out in the sticks to camp down, but will be popping in to say hi for the afternoon/evening on Saturday
  8. Good job we've got the bus, looks like Moreton will be full! Good work chap and chapettes
  9. Think its about time for some forum maintenance
  10. Who needs a reason True. Still I'm impressed the forum hasnt crashed yet Is that a challenge Not with your background. Unless you want all your cards with a little V sign on them to stop working as long as the forum is down too
  11. Not til I decide who to ban, I want my prize Tell you what, I'll ban them and then everyone can try to work out who it was
  12. Agree, I mean does it matter, most of the stuff people post anyway is all boll0cks. We'll send the bandwidth and storage bill your way if spam doesn't matter
  13. That seems to ring a bell. I think you can have it set to tell you about them all the time, or only on the route you currently have set (when its set). All sorted now, so thats good
  14. Who needs a reason True. Still I'm impressed the forum hasnt crashed yet
  15. As he posted me does that make be best supporting poster Yes, you get a prize at Wales - you can wash the bus Told you all the post had come and gone, we'd deleted it ages ago! Still we can stop the spam now huh? And I believe I get to ban one member of my choice as my prize, hmmmmmm......
  16. If you are all spamming to get the 1m post, we've already passed it and deleted it
  17. Hmmm maybe you are the exception..... Never, eventually the Audi Borg will assimilate him
  18. Yeah its not like Immy's been around for 3yrs+ previous to you Peter Think we should look at putting joined dates back under peoples usernames. Lucky for you she has a good temperament
  19. A Zed aint nothing a good driver cant handle, male or female. My wife drove both the 350z and 370z just fine, not problems, except the clutch in the 350z taking some getting used to as its quite heavy. In fact she lapped the Evo triangle in the wet quicker than the lads did it the next day in the dry on our club outting in Wales :
  20. Blimey Nismo's a big lad now! Good to see you putting Nismo power to proper use
  21. Poor Rosie Good on you for taking it on the chin Will. Sure TGM will have her back in tip-top condition soon. If you find you need a lift to/from Fleet station and its during work hours, let me know and I'll get Amanda to give you a lift, she's just down the road opposite the train station Wait.. what?! I assume by "his" you mean your lads? If not, I wouldnt worry about the guy that did its no claims, get the car fixed and make the fecker pay!
  22. Good result in the end considering the robbing bar-stewards that are Nissan. If you really wanted to fight NMGB I dont think you'd have had a problem (he says!) getting all the money from them. Paying something admits they are wrong. Saying they wont pay for it all because the car was not serviced at a Nissan dealer is not on. They should have covered all of it and I think if you'd chosen to threaten them with legal action you may have gotten all of it, but I think I'd have paid the £200 and done a runner too. Just remember to pull the fuse in 11 months time
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