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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. Yep, that was considered... but I'm not a fan of beemers... also, one of my requirements is a bit of uniqueness - I'm still an ASW at heart!
  2. Sweet... I'm hoping to see a couple this week... taking my bud along who is a tuning nutcase... he even disassembles ECUs like on the Scuby. Here's what he sent me when I was emailing him about him coming along: "I *think* those run a JECS ecu, based on a MELPS7700 cpu. Decoding the rom shouldn’t be too hard if it is MELPS7700. I even wrote my own disassembler J J. I speak 7700 fluently " Nutter
  3. The best fun to be had is going a bit faster INTO the corners and just holding the throttle, seeing if it sticks or not.... will it turn, or won't it?
  4. I put the above through babel.altavista.com but still it didn't make any sense....
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7101867.stm Thankfully, our sarnie is of a different ilk....
  6. I am thinking of "doing a lomoto" and not wearing any undercrackers
  7. Just pissing down here in staines
  8. I'm looking for a 5K track / anything car. My requirements are simple: bit of speed, RWD, cheap enough so I won't be losing a pile of cash if I total it. It also needs to be usable around town, so nothing hardcore. It also needs to be a well known, well understood car. So, after looking at old VWs (cheap, ubiquitous, fast) I realised I don't want a FWD, I really want a RWD. That led me to the ol' Sylvia 200SX / S14a / S15... ...I've been scouring the net for tidbits and it really seems to be the right kind of car. I reckon there are some previous/current Sylvia owners on here - anyone? I would love some notes on their experience (good, bad etc) and tips (what to look for that is good, bad etc). Anyone? :-)
  9. stevie_350z

    My new toy!

    are those pictures taken outside lomoto's house?
  10. I have no intention of changing the Z, I'm just incredibly nosey! Thanks for the answers - I agree, buy a light car in the first place... but I fancy spending a couple of grand on a track toy for my next trip to the Nurburgring... so far the best sites I've seen are those for the old Sierras...
  11. Can't believe that it's not possible to renew/enable Xbox "gold" online - you have to go to a f* retailer to buy a card! Bag of bollox.
  12. Remove the spare seat Remove the spare wheel The bonnet is apparently light enough? The RAYS are light enough? What else?
  13. For some strange reason, I like the cockney cross dresser too. I think it's his irreverent **** you to people that I like. He also reminds me of sl114
  14. I flashed and got a wave back from the blade/GM (how does one tell the difference? ) Saw an azure parked up near where I was house spotting in Wharfield.
  15. LOL - didn't you see that 5th Gear... the Z won all the tests but they still voted Z4! Only because the Z4 was the give away car! ;-)
  16. Tiff rocks, he's the best car reviewer on the planet - his natural excitement and honest appraisal is second to none. And his taste is impeccable - he loves the Z! (even if him and Plato got it wrong the other week )
  17. It took me a couple of goes... I can feel the "Old Man" in me starting to develop (losing patience, looking forward to the day I have a stick to hit people, etc.)
  18. I am behind the times, I know, but I first saw this on the plane flying home on Virgin, Thurs. Then last night the new series has started. It's whacky and I love it, though I can see that some folks just won't get it (my missis, for a start - but then again she didn't like bo selecta! either!).
  19. A Z with a brushed aluminium bonnet... like the (bentley?)... nice!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6p3b5trUrs ?
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