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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. True, but it's not always the end user that they hassle - it's the "portal" such as 350z-uk... Besides, before working @ VMware I worked for a web hoster and while of course you can do anonymous posting, the average user is very exposed and easily traced. I think that, ethically, nobody should unfairly diss someone - and I don't think that people on here do. But posters on news sites, and have you seen youtube comments, which are generally sh1t, are really bad. I think the people on here are ace IMHO but I thought it was worth posting anywayz...
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7056659.stm This article is about Sheff Wed footie club getting the emails + details of people who slandered them on a website. Do we all need to beware our use of Stealers, ***frauds, etc and any naming and shaming of businesses or put this site and ourselves at risk of prolific litigation. Heads up peeps!
  3. agreed - not enough bling for ye, even with the orangeboom interior!
  4. stevie_350z


    fair enough, you have a vision, I'll give ye that
  5. stevie_350z


    I agree with the super car bit in that it will never be a classed as a supercar at £50k with a nissan badge. I also agree with the cost analaogy too. Owning a supercar can NEVER be about value for money. When you buy one you know that generally you'll lose £10-£20k in a year, servicing is beyond extortionate and performance can be matched by a £25k modded EVO and the like etc. I agree that most people who own a 'supercar' would not be seen dead in anything with a Nissan badge on it. I don't think i'm in that category and would get a GTR if the price was cheap enough. That's a Top Gear description of a supercar, and I agree. But to the petrol heads, the GT-R will be a supercar.
  6. That's the kind of bootie Zedrush could dance round allllllll night! Dee Eye Ess See Ohh
  7. was a good crowd - your brother and the nutter in the BMW were awesome! be good to have a race with them some other time - on private roads, of course
  8. where's the SE meet? could we match it with the japfest - does that still happen? I thought Bluewater was a cool venue - some fast strips, nice roundabouts, and great indoor parking - "well litted" as Jay would say (when he isn't panting, dancing to Kylie with Strider)
  9. kuro with white wheels? I saw an SX200 S14a with black body and white wheels... too chavtastic?
  10. stevie_350z


    i know a lot of people who are car nuts and grew up with skylines and now have the cash to afford them (e.g. IT Directors). So I expect them to sell well.
  11. how did they get past andy's spoiler, anyway?
  12. haha!You know its pronounced Louie dont you, not Lewis? I'm from up north, you have to expect crap humour
  13. Stuey, as in, family guy? Wow, we have a "Louis" (the wife) and now the baby "Stuey" - where's the rest?
  14. She's Latvian, her name is Emilija when she said it I said oh you Albanian, she gave me a dirty look I said I was going to give her a sponge cos we got 8 350z sitting outside, she saw the funny side Told her you were too shy to talk to her as you don't have much contact with women, she said give her a call. Hope she dont think it was me trying it with her Id be dead meat lol, Must admit she was hot Hmm, I have her number... decisions decisions I bet you try that all the time! "My mate's a bit shy, not like me, so I'm after your number for him, not for me, hey look at me do the bootie call dance... blah blah..."
  15. I don't know about attention seeking whores... just 'seeking whores"! Jay was the nearest we got to a pole dancer, with his rotating arm jig in TGIs when he thought nobody was watching and kylie was blaring out :kicking
  16. mebbe they don't work in the dark
  17. I think binfield is up there with staines in the silly names league next you'll be telling me to move to cocking!
  18. I blame Louis for the video quality, if he'd have turned up with his porno gear we'd have been golden!
  19. youtube is slowly processing two more - one when we set off, and another going through the tunnel - last one has dodgy sound because the camera was out of the window and suffered from wind noise. Setting off: Tunnel: (put sound down or go deaf)
  20. A clip of us setting of from the lights... The noisey exhaust is pingu with his nismo + hiflo cats!
  21. Heres a clip of Pingu celebrating his birthday. Not sure what the rest of TGI's thought when all 15 of us were singing "Happy Birthday dear PINGU"...
  22. mental, home safe at least! We have a video of pingu accepting his birthday cake, some rather hypnotizing footage of going thru the tunnel, just have to work out how to upload the bloody thing now!
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