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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. is sl114 bringing his "photo gear" - I guess that's why it's a night meet, so he can take moody shots and perhaps we can take our tops OFF!
  2. I think it was terry venebles' **** bottle
  3. this hurt is nothing... I'm a leeds fan, and we have it MUCH MUCH harder! (yes, we like it hard fnarr fnarr)
  4. shall I bring my Tesco sponge in case anyone needs to clean their car?
  5. yeah, baby! come to compare muscle size.... I personally favour a barrel over a six pack
  6. another kuro in surrey - see you at the weekend, bud!
  7. I reckon it's all the lovely curry smells in wembley putting them off - have YOU ever tried to concentrate on football with the distractions of tandoori and keema?
  8. 1. Zedrush 2. Limiter 3. Andy+1 4. N15MO 5.Sl114 collected 6.Pingu 2 7.Rickya 8. Cavey 9. Strider 10. stevie_350z
  9. I can make sunday - tomorrow night is impossible as I have to work in the Shitty - too hard to make it all the way back to Staines at out to Bluewater. Strider, why don't we do a convoy? I am M25 J14, so I could pick you up on the way?
  10. Hi & welcome to the site!! Whereabouts in Surrey are you from? Course you are welcome to come down mate, the more the merrier! If strider goes then I'll go! I'm in Staines, strider!
  11. THose are 31mm... so do you need 38, 31 or 30mm? confuddled
  12. that's right! What I cannot understand is why oh bloody why people join the M25 clockwise from the M3 and IMMEDIATELY MOVE TO THE RIGHT HAND LANES - there are five f*ing lanes, and as soon as people join they move over to the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drives me fooking insane, even though it does free up the "slow" lane so I can do 120 (km, obviously ) straight to Staines! http://www.middlelanemorons.com/
  13. Looks like yer caps lock key is stuck too...
  14. I roared up behind you, then undertook you and all the other dozy buggers as I careered towards Staines in the rain!
  15. Thanks for the input, lads. I've been on sxoc, and I think my budget/requirements are definitely S14A, not S15. I want to keep to the 5K mark so if it all goes wrong, say at the Nurburgring, then I'm not too much out of pocket. I will want to tart this bitch up tho, so a respray + decals is on the cards! Leave the Z stock
  16. I've only ever used London & Country (very good), but am about to try out them again + another in the next few months. They make getting a mortgage much easier! Banks suck.
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