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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewie_Griffin
  2. there was something bigger than your spoiler andy... louis bottom lip sticking out cos he wasn't there!
  3. PBUK Problem Between User and Keyboard
  4. that was pads.. right? what about discs + lines - IMHO that's ane engineer
  5. Direct Debit is 5.89% you truly are a prolific whore.... but .1 must mean alot of LAMBO to ya!
  6. the bloody wuss! I have to get up at 7 in the morning... But it's been good banter
  7. Is it a basic premise that, to replace all four will cost > grand @ stealer for OEM, but you can upgrade the whole lot via BigPhil for a few hundred less? I would imagine / know that the most cost from the Stealer is labour, so the question is, once the cost is from BigPhil, what's the installation cost - shut up all you privateers, I'm asking as someone who wants a professional to do the job! (ie. not me! or you!) Cheers Steve
  8. I am definitely two out of those three
  9. Squeeling brakes is perhaps the worst thing in the world. Imagine slowing down at lights and having horrendous squelling like a double decker bus Maybe I did something wrong, but I had them out three times and could not prevent the squeeling. I put the shims on, took them off and put them back on and still *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHHH* HORRIFIC
  10. So you're trying to claim that you're like a Top Gear supercar - makes no sense, far too much trouble, but all together worth it? lovin it
  11. no, i'm flying to Egypt for a couple of weeks on thurs. Will you still have it in 2008, or will the housing market downturn have affected you by then
  12. I was reading the wikipedia entry about clutches, and I read this line: Friction discs once contained asbestos, but this has been largely eliminated. And we worry about brake dust affecting our precious alloys! After growing up in Leeds, where there was an asbestos factory that created a lot of suffering + killed people, I'm worried about the "largely eliminated" So when you smell overheated brakes, think of your lungs! I'm sure someone will be here soon to tell me there is no asbestos in brakes... or that there is.. who knows ?
  13. Sarnie, you're one of the originals! I've met you, you're a good bloke, you now drive an even more awesome car, and you are still contributing. How can someone not like that, unless it was personal?
  14. when are you bringing your lambo to a meet you big ASW? Can't wait to see it, smell it, sit in it, and then feel all heartbroken when you take it home and I'm in the Z....
  15. Thing is, a lot of people are net savvy and register to websites with false details (DOB, addy etc) - but lots of people don't... But I do think that even if you are surfing on one site anonymously, there are agreements and methods that the General Public don't know about that can identify you unless you use anonymous proxies via unregulated countries. Who goes to that length? I don't think that any law force could be arsed to trace down Mr Smith for calling A Stealer a "cheating bastard" on Some Portal, but I think that A Stealer will be well inclined to hassle Some Portal to make sure it regulates its users. This forum is good, with good people, although some may bitch it is not tecnical enough (there is plenty, and there are more sites that do techie stuff) - my humble opinion is that this site is a community and therefore self policing with great mods - I can't remember the last crap post I read (no jokes), compared to other sites when you have to surf through loads of crap and slander to find measly morsels and tidbits. my 2p! I'll shut up now
  16. I love the fact that a Lambo driver is advising someone on a budget to buy an import Z. Classic moment. And credit to this community!
  17. How many miles on those discs/pads?
  18. sh1t the bed, really? do you think people sometimes fail to post bad experiences.... I would hate squealing breaks - I drive a grand tourer after all...
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