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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. What's this 'fifth gear' programme you both speak of.........? A crap car programme with only one thing worth watching it for My god is that Butler-Henderson!!! Phew!! She looks amazing in that photo -
  2. What are the agreed terms of trade/swap?
  3. Fifth Gear is dead..... My viewing position will be firmly on BBC for the new Top Gear!!
  4. Congrats....! I know what you mean about spending money on the car - I owened the car for 6 months with the impression that I would NEVER mod the car. Just shows how some excellent examples on the forum and the need for more speed and enjoyment just overpowers the will to keep your car standard, except for Nurrish who's gone to one extreme to another!!
  5. Yes that's true it was an XS - rather than an SXi - still quicker than the darn thing I have for the duration of this week!
  6. What are the wheels in the pic, as they are my cup of tea - also a Azure owner and they look WICKED!
  7. thought we fitted , XYZ with race cat and de-cat pipes....... The torque is what is the gain , I have never seen a Rev up give what the bhp that Nissan say.But your car will drive 100% better. Stand corrected by the profesional!! I was close though.... Cheers Mark for the work you are doing for me - I'll be in contact with WON tomorrow to give them a hard time if they don't re-deliver a "working" controller to you by WED!!!
  8. Considering I should have been driving her today and have been let down by WON - with a controller that is not working correctly, I'm now facing extra costs! I'd love you all to assist with collecting my car, although I've waited two weeks, and now potentially another week - so I'm afraid I'm taking first dibs!! Hey guess what, in place of what I should have been driving, I've just collected my replacement car for the week. I didn't want to shell out loads of cash for an overpriced car, so I've ended up with a 2009 1.2 SXi Corsa!!!!!!! My foot was heavily planted on the go pedal and heck this car has no engine!! The slight blowing wind was going faster than me!! The cheeky people at vauxhall have claimed this to be a SXi - hmmm me remembers the 205 sxi - pretty quick for a small car. This though has big time eco friendly.... it even tells you when to change gear at the most economical point in the rev range - I thought I'd hit 6.5k already, but no it was flashing at me at 3k - HELP - I need my car!!!
  9. ARC Air Induction Plenum Spacer XYZ Pipe Berk Race Cats Uprev I have to be honest I was hoping for more - than 258, although it was showing 240'ish before mods.
  10. Please don't tell me you've had a sneak preview!! You've stolen my surprise! I am totally confident of all at Abbey, I guess they are just stuck with finding a solution - especially as WON do not have any technical hands available on a Monday!! It's their day off on a Monday, so I guess it's a waiting game until resolved. I have now agreed with Scott to keep the car on a day to day basis until resolved. I just wished they were a lot closer to me - that way it would be far more simple to collect the car. I believe after the first dyno tests the car is now producing 258 at the wheels which is purely based on the recent mods applied. The NOS (once working of course) should give me the extra beans when needed. Starting at a 25 shot for now working my way up to 100 in due course.
  11. I guess I shall be finding out shortly what's happening so I shall keep you posted....
  12. It was delivered to me as new - and given direct to Abbey for install. The unit is the Max Extreme. It personally sounds as though the controller has the issue.
  13. Well, Charlie is waiting for Mark to work on the mapping and then Charlie start on the final wiring test and confirm if all efforts have been exhausted and the controller is actually at fault. In terms of who's taking the cost I really don't know at this stage. I'm hoping Mark and Charlie have managed to iron this out ready for my phone call at 1pm. Thing is, if the car is not reay I need a hire car, potentially until the end of the week, so that's a good £150. If the controller is at fault the unit will have to come out and be sent to WON for repair, yet this should have clearly been tested before being sent to me. If Charlie manages to resolve the issue - the car will then be mapped accordingly and ready to collect. Although Abbey have been trying to resolve this RPM issue for quite some time, so my thoughts are the controller is at fault - I am currently praying they have found a solution! I'll deal with the seriously bad news if and when it comes I guess!
  14. Well... I'm back in the country. The car was schedule to be collected today, although whilst abroad and in contact with Scott there have been issues with the Progressive Controller. Abbey have been in contact with WON to try and resolve what would appear to be a RPM signal issue. The pain in the bum here is the controller is now wired into the car, which if at fault will have to be taken out and sent back to WON. MORE COST!! Not only that but I need the car for work tomorrow!! So I'm scheduled to call Scott at 1pm to see what they have to say - although I have serious doubts the Nitrous install will be complete today I just hope the controller issue can be resolved!! I think I need a 2nd car!!
  15. There are some significant differences with version 4. Claimed to have a OLED screen, longer battery life, increased screen pixel capacity, run multiple apps at the same time. Plus a new facia/casing. All positives I'm sure. I've just spoken with Vodafone and they claim that sales will probably start in July. Expect to pay considerable amounts for the phone and or monthly rental charges! (Words of the Vodafone customer services).
  16. I use Autoglym - and interestingly enough I put two products on test over the weekend. 1. Super Natural Wax 2. Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection Both products came out with top marks, although application of the Super Natural took longer than Autoglum. Super Natural Wax will last longer in comparison to the Extra Gloss Wipping off after application the Extra Gloss was preferred, again quicker. There are pro's and con's to both, although for simplicity and for a very smooth and almost oily feel to the body work Autoglym wins for me. (Note: This was after applying a wax coating) I'd never touch Mer!!
  17. I could potentially lend you mine and being a West Midlander I'm sure we can sort something out. I am going away for two weeks so when I get back maybe we could sort something for end of June? I've attached a link to the item - I guess this is what you are looking for.... viewtopic.php?f=25&t=34944
  18. Blue ray is not possible at the moment as they "claim" the costs are too high at the moment to incorporate such playback. I was looking for the same functionality also.....
  19. I would guess that ANY tyre is naff in the snow driven by a Z - so to combat the problem I will be purchasing these if the snow falls again - there's also a video on their site, seems they are very good!!! http://www.snowchains.co.uk/main/weisssock.htm
  20. Where can you purchase "Elbow Grease" I could do with some of that stuff!! Is it expensive
  21. I think it depends on where you get them. I personally don't think they work very well. Oh well bad times....
  22. I'd like to know this also for my trip.....
  23. Martin, there's a colleague at work who invited me to see him play in his band - "catch-23" if you search for them on Facebook under catch-23 there is a link to myspace with further info. He's the lead singer in the band and also plays guitar, there's a really good variance of music, although mainly covers - he's quite entertaining too! He's asked when is the gig required and the location - take a look at their pages etc and if interested let me know. Oh he mentioned that either on Facebook or Myspace there's a link to their music.
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