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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. You're a jammy git Dan . Who cares...you're having a lambo for the weekend, just jump in and drive and see where you end up, up I'd say Cornwall would be an excellent trip. Enjoy
  2. Aye forgot you liked the haggis. ...All is forgiven my friend lol
  3. It's really easy to go off people very quickly Colin ya know
  4. stuff that. .....everyone NOT running on MPSS' s would get hanged
  5. I'll chuck in my tuppence worth. For 32 years I've voted snp and been a strong advocate of Scotland being independent. Back in the days before Holyrood came about the snp spoke my kind of politics and were very sceptical of the EU since its inception. Over the years I've watch closely the snp turn into another tory party, but I still voted for them as I have never had time for tory or labour as a political party. I spent a number of years working in both the Westminster Parliament and the Scottish Parliament since before its official start day back in 1999. I voted yes in the 2014 indy ref and was gutted we didn't get back then. Fast forward 2 years and NS taking over from AS and the party is a f#cking joke. They have strayed way too far off to the left for my liking and NS' s love for the EU turns my stomach. I have always disagreed with the EU and it's format and even more so with its modern day policies. IMHO the lot of the EU mp's ministers, commissioners and every thing else they call themselves are nothing but robbing trough grazing leaches. One of the main reasons I voted yes in both the referendums was to get shot of the EU. When the scottish indy ref battles were going on, sturgeon conveniently side stepped the fact she was so pro eu and hate her for that. In my immediate family of in laws, parents and children, a total of ten adults, with an English son in law and English daughter in law, every single one of us voted out of eu, whilst only half of us voted yes for the Scottish indy ref. I accept the majority vote in the Scottish ref and we stay as the UK, it's been voted for and decided, end of for me. IF the indy 2 comes to the fore, then I think NS is in for a shock, she is turning her loyal supporters off her party and is seen by many life long snp voters like me as a dictator.The problem in scottish politics is we have always been labour voters in the majority, but the labour party under Blair f#cked that right up by becoming the red tories, hence why the snp have gained traction and momentum rapidly in scotlands political sphere. When indy 2 comes round, then it will be a big fat NAW fi me. My only issue with UK politics is, for the foreseeable future the tories will rule supreme because labour are completely unelectable with their current leader and shadow cabinet and are just as bad as a so called opposition party. However, I do have to say, strangely for me, I actually trust TM to do us good on Brexit. If the way can't be found for all the UK parliments and assembly's to come to work together with every country getting a fair say in how brexit rolls out then I can see the entire UK breaking up into 4 separate nations within the next 10 years . On a final note, I've watched many posts and responses on the political pages of Facebook, with many scots being very worked up about the union and how It came about, but the problem is far too many are Ignorant of how the union came about over 300 years ago, and blame the English for all that's wrong in Scotland. I actually take great pleasure in telling them the history and story of how the union came about. Five words Scottish nobles and Panama canal.
  6. You can now change your Avatar sig from "waiting for V8 power" to GOT V8 POWWWWWER
  7. Yeah, I suppose is the answer mate, but for the UK market. Was just looking to see how many members had frost seats or know a car with them, really just wondering how unique they were in the uk you and ZMan buying them up or something? Lol mate nah, just that I saw Zmanalex had posted up a pic on a thread for another car part for a member and noticed the frost seats, which I've always liked as a different option to the black or Alzean, which I had originally in my Zed. Swapped the Alzean out for 370z seats but just not getting on with them and found my 350z seats much more comfortable, so pm'd Alex and bought the frost ones from the pic. Just wanted to know if they were as rare as I thought they were as I've only ever seen one other car with them.
  8. Agreed if it's used as a daily, but mines isn't so shouldn't be much of a problem for me.
  9. Yeah, I suppose is the answer mate, but for the UK market. Was just looking to see how many members had frost seats or know a car with them, really just wondering how unique they were in the uk
  10. This bit That's because it's top secret between me and Zman
  11. What part of my post don't you understand ?
  12. No worries there Ian my fat ass is plenty warm lol
  13. As above, anybody know how rare / common this OEM seat option was in Zeds ? Zmanalex. ... your not allowed to comment ;)
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