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Everything posted by MCook

  1. I should not have worn head phones for that.. :bose:............
  2. Ha, good luck with that. If it ain't written down it ain't worth poo also they forget to mention if you have over 5! Mods you insurance is invalid. Cheap yes, would I use them again, yes, for a banger. Been insured for about 3 months now, 2 mods declared and all the paper work I need!
  3. Have to agree with that 100%!!
  4. I am half way through, cannot say I am enjoying it. !
  5. Had an appearance for a few seconds...
  6. £1400 with Admiral, all mods declared, at 19 years old No others came close!
  7. Thinking about the 19" rota grid drifts in steel grey.......
  8. I have to admit, at times I do think they look out of place, and a bit too much. As for new alloys I would not know where to start... too much choice...............!
  9. My car came with 20" Jade R alloys when I bought it, I am now contemplating whether or not I should keep them and get them refurbished (I admit, in my first few weeks of driving they did meet a few curbs. One incident I did catch on my GoPro, it was not pretty.) or sell up and find some new shoes. Along with the curbing damage the front drivers side has a dent, which I believe is causing the tyre to slowly deflate, I have been pumping it up weekly but I do not let it go below 25 psi before doing so. I love the look of the wheels on my car, but if I go down the refurb route I have been thinking about colours... Mainly graphite or gunmetal, or does the silver on silver stay?! I was wondering if anyone who has the same alloys may have some 'inspirational' images, perhaps them in a different colour? The only thing I do not like about the look of mine at the moment are the tyres as they are to small for the alloys, mainly the rear which are stretch quite a bit. Here is a picture as she is at the moment.. Here is a quick Photoshop of the possibility....
  10. Managed to get mine fully comp with Admiral for £1400 and I am only 19! Its my second car that I have ever owned, a true bargain. Don't think I will be getting rid of mine for years and years..... well maybe for a 370z......... and then maybe a GTR? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  11. I was heading the opposite way (fareham way), white 370z passed me, it had just come off the Park Gate exit.................
  12. I see this zed everyday, not once have I managed to spot the owner though! I live just round the corner and see it on my way to work... Thought there might be a chance the owner is on here!?
  13. Funny you mention the C63, I was accelerating pretty hard onto a 50mph road earlier today, next minute this C63 absolutely rocketed past me, scared to sh*t out of me! The noise was incredible!
  14. Just had both pumps, front and rear along with the valve replaced! Only found out on the drive home after just buying the car that they were both knackered
  15. Just curious.... How many miles has your Zed done?
  16. I live in Fareham, have not seen another zed for a few weeks now! D:
  17. Hello and ! Go for it, you will NOT regret it. I am in love with mine!
  18. Oh and I don't experience any wobble in my wheel at all that I have noticed. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  19. Sorry but wtf!! Should say they did you for £300. Lot's of people just wire brush the rust off and hammerite paint the W-brace but if it's that bad you could have got a second hand one from zmanalex on here or the better option would have been a £129 aftermarket W brace from eBay. Link: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f315013a8 Honestly I'm mad for you ~ don't let that garage shaft you for money mate even if you can afford it. It's a garage my parents have used for years, but the price of doing the brace combined with the fact they cannot even pin point the problem, and that when I left the car with them, I was waiting just around the corner for my mother to pick me up, a guy jumped in it to take it in, lets just say he made a bit more noise then necessary, even once stationary over the lift. God knows what he did on the test drive!.............. I am now going to find a specialist, have the car serviced and aligned, soon..
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