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Everything posted by Zedd

  1. . That's the one right there !! +1 Subtle but classy
  2. I saw on fb a GTR R35 had been stolen, the owner was in bits(emotionally) scary stuff. Would not know what to do if my pride and joy got stolen. So much time and money goes into them. Hope it gets found.
  3. Thats awesome, you should get a go pro camera on him as well lol would love to see what cats get up to on their wonders!
  4. Haha i sorta stood in the pool for 20 mins with a beer, before taking off like iron man.....to late lol
  5. I jumped into a swimming pool with my iphone in my pocket......... Needless to say, its completely broke.
  6. Ah the one GMballistic posted!
  7. I just got a blox neo chrome one off Tarmac, looks great and theres a good weight to it....and makes changing gear more of a pleasure
  8. Oh go on then put me down for 10, just so I can say I got 100 more bhp than you
  9. Just gave mine a shiny new knob, and pop charger. Sounds even more awesome now (Thanks Tarmac) oh and face lift rear leds.... New tyres and wheels to go on, rear bumper, double din....... + more to come in the future Ive caught the bug bad Now off to go and fondle my shiny new knob
  10. Zedd


    Following this now, look forward to seeing your work +1 will be good to see how it goes
  11. He needs another two scoops on the other side of the bonnet
  12. Zedd


    How much will that cost you to do, just out of interest
  13. I use Dodo Juice Sour, smells awesome and does a great job imo
  14. Nice one mate! Bet you cant wait to get it up and running! As for oil, get it off ClarkMotorsport ^^^ and youll have it super fast
  15. Yeah they've pedestrianised it there now, so all the boy racers have to go to maccys carpark
  16. Yeah I just nipped in so you were still in there when I came out Then i got some kid trying to get me to rev my engine or somthing on the way out as he was right up my arse revving the balls off his clio......
  17. It was packed in tescos as well! Yup there was a setting sun about that time, completely blinding anyone driving in a westerly direction
  18. Spotted this in Tescos Carpark today anyone on here?
  19. You have a super charger as well granville! But yeah, I personally wouldnt bother with winter tires either unless I lived in Alaska...... If theres Ice on the road or snow, im staying off it as some other idiot is bound to slide into me. Although i used to love hooning around in it in my old 182, not in the 350 tho
  20. Cheers mate just found it lol I was struggeling to see behind there so missed the tab, thought there was somthing more complicated to it!
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