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Everything posted by Lyndzzz

  1. Very nice Phil, although not my thing Hope you get some interest
  2. Cheers mate. Strut looks even better in the flesh! Got a few more things to do under the bonnet then starting on the body work!
  3. Cheers Ceejay, the struts look great don't they
  4. Hi and along Check out the north east meet section we're an okay bunch of guys (and girls)
  5. Hi and along Pictures are always welcome here
  6. Thanks guys I'm going for a black plenum, either powder coated or painted. Ideally I'd like a Kinetix V+ plenum but I could only just afford a second hand one and they're pretty rare!
  7. Nothing spectacular or even original but I like it! Very pleased with my first attempts at spraying and fitting a pop charger and new strut on my own Before shot After shot Now need to decide on what to do with the plenum!!
  8. Hi and along I came from an MX5 to a Zed too
  9. Thank you Alfie, parts arrived today, just as you said they would. Good luck with the rest!
  10. Aw she was gorgeous Lyndzzz I'm missing my little springer so much Thank you. Me too, it's awful without them
  11. Very nice!! Waiting on my pop charger to arrive before I swap all mine out
  12. Thanks, the life and times of Nyx the Greatest Dane!!
  13. A bit of a pic overload but some of the better shots of my gorgeous girl RIP
  14. Hi and along. Good luck with the search
  15. Hi and along Make sure to post some pics when you pick it up
  16. Hi and along We like pictures here
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