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Everything posted by Lyndzzz

  1. true but this is uni placement work and I cannot miss it!! Have to wait for my timetable to see what's in store for me!
  2. I really hope I can get to this!! Will be gutted if I have to work!!
  3. Thanks, aiming to specialize in palliative care in the community
  4. I've been subtling working on the hubby since this was advertised trying to persuade him it's such a good deal!! Hasn't really worked but what the hell
  5. I love threads like this, everythings happy I have lots to look forward to this year.... in 2 weeks we're off for a 4 day spa break to chill me out and prepare me for the 2 weeks after that when I return to education and start my nursing degree! Then August we have a 10 day holiday booked touring The Netherland, Belgium, France and Germany on the motorbike
  6. Does the red reflector that goes at the bottom come with it?
  7. There's 2 parts to that picture the cradle (fixed in the car) and the plug in module (fits into the cradle). Do you need both?
  8. No worries, I'll drop you a PM in a minute
  9. Thanks, would you be willing to post it?
  10. Sorry just saw this post, I'm in Sunderland. Have sent you a PM though
  11. One thing ive noticed though is that women & men seem to come to different conclusions from the books. Women seem to think its a nice happy romantic story whereas most men seem to come to the same conclusion as I did. Everyones clearly reading the same books, but its interesting how men/women get a different message/opinion from it. Very true, opinions are like a***holes, everyones got one For what it's worth I didn't find it all that romantic or Disneylike, but I also didn't find it horrendously misogynistic, but I can understand the reasons for people thinking either or a mixture of both
  12. So I read all 3 books! I'm a fairly educated woman (I do own a zed )and I think on the more feminist side of things and I found the books fairly entertaining, but as said above not exactly well written. I found the description of the first book by Rabbitstew a little over exaggerated, but the book was meant to shock, it's fiction and she (the writer) hoped to make lots and lots of money I will say IMO the reason so many people enjoyed the books is because the story essentially boils down to a young girl finding a wealthy, good looking, attentive (yes sometimes overly to start with) who was "broken" and with just love, understanding and patience she "fixes" him and ends up happily ever after, albeit with a dozen or so orgasms thrown in for good measure, it's the soft porn version of a Disney story! I'm out with a ridiculously large group of friends later in the week to see the movie. I'm not expecting it to be anything but total rubbish, but should be a good night out with the girls and Ekona, I'll let you know what's on show
  13. Isn't it something like this? -Bradders-
  14. Hi and along Make sure you check out the North east meets section, we're a decent bunch
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