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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. http://www.richersounds.com/product/speaker-packages/pioneer/htp072/pion-htp072 ?
  2. I quite like that one you've found...Really wanted one this weekend lol! I'll have a think about it.
  3. Yeah, going to pop in there today and see what they got...Problem is, I'll go in there and end up coming out with a TV and Speakers -.-
  4. http://www.richersounds.com/product/tv---all/lg/47la620v/lg-47la620v
  5. I agree, I wouldn't buy a TV for 3D, but if the right TV just happened to have 3D (which most do now) then I wouldn't discount it. Same. God TV Hunting is hard. lol, Think I'm just more curious as to why people say don't go Plasma, get LED etc.
  6. £100 more and I can get LED, however you lose the 3D and it's 100hz Refresh... http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/tv-dvd-blu-ray/televisions/large-screen-tvs-32-and-over/lg-50ln578v-smart-50-led-tv-21326034-pdt.html
  7. This ^^ And aye I've shopped at richer sounds quite a few times.
  8. Oh I really like LG lol, my last TV was LG
  9. I know a lot of people Slate Plasma's lol, but there not that bad
  10. After some input on what TV to buy. 50"+ Pref LG, Plasma or LED Budget £700ish Max. Pref Smart (However my PC plugs into any way so not a biggie) 3D Optional. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1029963.htm Seen that one, went into Curry's. They couldn't sell a £10 note for a £5 if they tried! There sales is terrible! Anyway any recommendations from people?
  11. Yeah, thinking about saving for the next 2 and a bit years till i'm 25 then going over.
  12. Cool I'll be in touch next year, had the car 3 weeks, still need to plan other mods and decide on what colour to go with on the engine bay.
  13. Grundy

    How low can you go?

    whats the point of them sexy high heels ya girl wears they aint cause they comfortable or convenient That one sentence right there...has just made me think about lowering again (Said no after lowering the Golf too low!) but that makes sense lol...
  14. I'm sticking with the 4s, build quality is better, made from better materials. Heavier doesn't always mean better build quality.... Sent from the golf club... 5 and 5's are made from plastics. 4s was not. Not sure about the screen on the 5's but I know on the 4s they are the same material (ish) that are used on helicopter screens.
  15. I'd only have an Ipad if someone gave me one, just don't see the point in them, Have an iPhone. and if you go, you can watch films on journeys, battery will just die after a couple of hours etc. I'm sticking with the 4s, build quality is better, made from better materials.
  16. Thats my plan to go from Chic-LA, just need to find the right car.
  17. While you're holding it, could try and sell the ring, and give your boss/or friend the money if it sells
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231085184398?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fdsa.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D231085184398%26_rdc%3D1
  19. *Edit* Messed up the image - ignore me lol.
  20. Oh you might bump into me, I'll be the man running out with a large bag
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