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Everything posted by Stutopia

  1. Is that the shadow of a giant wicker man on the reflection of your garage door? Nice job. You've inspired me to get out there!
  2. I loathed iTunes on Windows, so unreliable and slow, but it runs like a dream on my iMac (the 520GB SSD probably helps!). Can't decide if apple make it deliberately rubs on windows or if they simply don't put in enough effort on the transfer. I've got Windows VM, for those odd applications I want. It's the best running windows machine I've ever had!
  3. Office as standard is a massive win. I got pages and numbers (apple equivalent) they fill the gap but aren't as good as office. When I was at school, the whole school's IT suite was Macintosh (this is early 90s) that's when they got their hooks into me! I'm in Blackpool, seemingly local to no one...
  4. Sounds logical. Fine for tablet/touch, but on desktop why not let you disable metro and have proper start menu? I'm not convinced by touchscreen desktops, too far to reach! I'll no doubt be adding this to my old man's PC at Christmas, so better learn to live with it by then!
  5. Yeah each to there own. I always play it safe and buy the next best thing then hardly use 99% of it's feature's! I know what you mean, when I was looking at the windows surface tabs, I was going to hold out for the full windows version, but had to sit down and think, what would I actually need from it. And it made sense to get just the RT version. Which I'm on now. And I can't fault it. But then I love it because it isn't apple. Not because apple aren't good, its just I'm not an apple fan. My wife has apple everything, and she loves it. I've tried it and its not for me. But I won't slag one thing off over another just because I don't like it. How you finding the windows "app store"? Decent selection and reasonable price? I really quite like the look of the surface on TV but not handled one yet. There's rumours their making a compact size tablet soon too. I'm not a windows fan, but I certainly wouldn't write their stuff off without trying it. Windows 8 does make me rage a bit though!
  6. I have an iPad 3 and a Nexus 7 (which I bought mainly for my folks). The iPad is simply brilliant, especially as it synchs beautifully with my iPhone and iMac. As stated before, it's not the budget choice, although the iPad Mini is well priced (for apple) but I'd really want a retina display. However, I was really impressed by the Nexus 7. It is a straight google tablet so you get all the updates straight through, no waiting for your manufacturer to catch up, or stupid skins getting in the way (my main bug about android). The screen is beautiful, size is great, it's light, fast, decent battery time and it's ridiculously cheap. My folks don't have any problems using it either. For me, if I ever strayed from apple I'd go Nexus 7 or possibly (if budget fits) Nexus 10 for the extra inches. Not used one but reviewed well and if the Nexus 7 is anything to go by, it'll be a great device. In short, go iPad if budget permits, Nexus 7 if it doesn't. IMHO.
  7. What, with them one inch thick, solid plastic, front grills?
  8. I know this is an old thread but I found it really useful, so I've created the PDF attached. I found this thread hugely informative and thought someone else might also want to have a printer friendly hard copy. Detailing Starter Guide.pdf I dropped images to save on ink and also size, to squeeze it in as an attachment. I knocked up this PDF purely as I wanted something handy printed out when I got down to the job at the car, and I didn’t think leaving my iPad lying around as I splashed water and products all over the place was such a swell idea. Thanks to the OPs for the useful info, hope you don't mind me roughly pulling it together like this. I'll remove if anyone has any serious objections.
  9. I'm happy to report that I am lucky enough to have both!
  10. Only just spotted this thread, some really nice work on here mate, looking forward to future updates!
  11. I'm just pleased I own a car that's described as exotic. Now I'd just like a lady who's described as exotic...
  12. I think that's a 93 era PowerBook, I remember seeing these when I went to big school ('94) and being blown away! I owned one from about 95-99 but it was a newer model than that. I think my current iMac is more powerful than all the computers I've owned up to now, combined!
  13. Snake is the best one I found round there when I lived in Sheff. Sadly, it does attract a special kind of nobhead sometimes though, I've seen some crazy overtakes of three and four cars on tiny straights with dirty great blind corners at the end, where you're just waiting for the massive crunch. Usually a mid-range saloon driven by Mr. I Have To Get There 3 Minutes Sooner, Even If I Do Plough Into A Micra With A Family In It.
  14. Think how many jazz mags you'd have to stack in that 1993 photo to represent what can be stored on a 64gb smartphone.
  15. I'm trying to find the same (Blackpool area) not much. I had a look on here when I first joined and Chorley Nissan (several branches) seemed to get reasonable feedback (for dealers), not used them yet but the Blackpool one gave me some free plastic clips for my bumper! http://www.chorleynissan.co.uk/ Worth looking through here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/6183-dealership-praises-and-woes-now-inc-independants/page__hl__+nissan%20+chorley#entry78205
  16. I got pulled on holiday in Nevada at the end of last year, the copper was really polite and didn't give me the customary UK patronising patter, just had a word and sent me off on my way. So much more pleasant than any encounter I've had in the UK. Obviously I didn't give him any sh!t, he was packing a piece and he could have buried me in the desert! This isn't from my dash cam, but it's actually pretty close to how it went down.
  17. Has anyone contacted Mel Gibson about being King yet?
  18. Yeah, but as we would be responsible for our share of the nations debt we would also be entitled to our share of it's assets!! Have we got any left? I think Scotland's economy of oil, whiskey, beef and Glasgow, Edinburgh & Aberdeen is pretty promising. We don't make or export dick anymore on a large scale in England, and building an economy on the finance houses of London has worked out really well for the UK so far!
  19. I'm all over a 5/16 basic spacer if you wouldn't mind. Ta
  20. Fair play, if the oil's up there, it's Scotland's. Not quite sure how extracting the oil fits in with the relatively high profile green policies that Salmond has been peddling, but he's not the first politician to be a hypocrite, he won't be the last either. What I don't understand why Wales, England & NI don't get to vote too. The vote is to dissolve the union, it's all our union as much as it is Scotland's.
  21. I was really pleased with a plastidip spray, at first, but it's ultra fragile. I'm trying black satin spray next. From this To this
  22. Is it not a long exposure shot and some one wanders through with a bright torch?
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