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Everything posted by Av8er

  1. It feels great when you pick up a heavier weight and push yourself further. I was sat at 35KG dumbbell press, I'm now on 40kg and can squeeze 42.5-45's with a spotter. After dislocating my shoulder and ending my rugby career I put on masses of fat, in 6 months I've got myself into a position where I'm happy with my body (well kind of). I'm squatting 220, benching 90 and can curl 20's, and that's after only 3/4 months of real hard training. You can ask people for advice as much as you like, but I find the best thing to do is say to yourself how you want to be. No 1 training regime will suit 2 people, we all have strengths and weakness' which you can only work to in your own manner. I think we should start a photo thread so we can see each others progression... Sounds massively homosexual I know, but when other people comment on your results it gives you a massive boost and pushes you even harder!!!
  2. How much is the restorers kit? I need to do mine badly but hate spending money if I can use stuff I've got already 600-2000(I think) wet and dry paper in the workshop.
  3. Vinyl wrap - doesn't count as a colour change
  4. After a bit of trawling I've found something that fits your budget - May not be exactly what you're looking for but it's a 350Z none the less http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002QEB7PA/ref=dp_olp_0/183-0349168-4847469?ie=UTF8&condition=all
  5. HaHaHa, you savage man! If only we could get a few of us to attend this one!
  6. I wouldnt even sell my 03 JDM with 72K miles at that price!
  7. I can vouch for the cobra system mate, I recently fitted a de-resonated midpipe and box. It's not that loud, trust me, if you heard my car drive away in a spirited manner you'd be annyoed if you chose a different option! I heard it for the first time the other day when my mate took it for a drive, I fell in love with the car all over again!!!!!! If it's too loud, you're too old!
  8. I'm up for going buddy if you want? Romantic meal out afterwards too if you'd be up for it?
  9. You'd gain strength, but not neccessarily mass. Your body needs excess calories so that it can repair and grow. If you aren't providing it with enough energy to grow it will just metabolise the proteins to repair the muscle and little growth will take place. I've got 2 months of bulking left before my cut ready to move to Florida and get me some USA hunnies - I'm taking about 6000cal a day It gets addictive and is a very slippery slope - you saw me 2 months into my bulking stage I think - Now back to a 42'' chest
  10. With bulking yes you do gain fat, but the ultimate aim is to gain muslce mass which is the leaned during the cutting phase. It's one of those things which sadly come hand in hand, to gain muscle you need an increase calorie intake, and no matter how hard you try, fat will always increase as well.
  11. Hey bro, do you even lift? Sorry, I was getting bored of waiting for someone to say it haha If you are cutting then you've chosen the right option - but don't be surprised if you dont lose weight for a while, I found this when I had to lose 11KG IN FAT. I was still increasing muscle mass whilst I was burning fats, so even though I lost a lb of fat, a lb of muslce was gained - this can make it disheartening as you don't see the results, but it's worth it... How long is your cycle? I do a good 4 months of cutting which make you feel really small Creatine won't cause you to gain muscles though mate, it will only aid the repair of your muscle tissue - in turn it will seem like it builds your muscle, but ultimately it's the protein which will do this for you.
  12. Having a laugh aren't ya!!! All the girls I've taken out must have missed out on the memo, they stayed securely pulled up!
  13. A dislocated shoulder paid and end to my career... And some would call it fat opposed to stocky haha Cutting mate! Then just trawl the whey that they can offer, avoid the carbs. There's not really a selection of protein types in all fairness. The flavours are good, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry are what I've had so far. They all mix really well too. Only other stuff I'd suggest is hitting Thermopure and buy some creatine powder at the same time to make things a bit easier.
  14. Ahhhh a man after my own heart, outside centre that ran 100m in 11 seconds flat, it's been a while though I did my max squat yesterday 220KG - That hurt I'm finding it difficult to decide whether I want to have size or definition... I'd love to be 100KG at about 10%BF but at 5ft 7 supporting that would be extremely difficult - I'm up at 87 as of this mornings weigh in which is a 11KG increase from my cut last October. If only fat burning and muscle building could be done at the same time hey!!!!
  15. This. Patience, dedication and hard work are the things you first need. You can drink shakes, take supplements and hit gear every day of the week. But if you don't train you won't get big. My cutting starts in 2 months - Time to feel small again
  16. Creatine is good, but it doesn't build muscle in itself. It replenishes the bodies stores and aid recovery making it easier to train harder, hence why you may feel you are gaining more. If you're bulking, my mates recommends Mutant Mass - its a good 1000cal per shake, but the protein content is very low, so unless you are supplementing that by proper dieting to get your protein I wouldn't say it's ideal. In my eyes every protein is different for each person, you need to find something you get results with. I use MP and the stuff there is very good IMO, 11KG gain in 4 months is okay. If you want to get big quick, dianabol stacked with test - it's a whole different world of bodybuilding though - and one that I steer clear of!
  17. What are you doing? Bulking or cutting?
  18. I'll be flying wolly chopters though... Hope that's not too boring?
  19. Doogy, I'll be in Florida in next January... Something could be arranged?
  20. I'll take you for a PAX trip in August/Sept if you want to?
  21. Av8er

    HKS Defenser

    Looking for a HKS Defenser to fit an 03 Manual JDM
  22. I recently got the unresonated pipe from CS. People say that the cabin noice is a lot higher, but for me I didn't really notice much difference. It sounds amazing at high revs, especially if you're lucky enough to have a tunnel or highstreet which mimics the tunnel effect. You wouldn't regret the decision of unresonated...
  23. Av8er

    Bumper help...

    I'm pretty sure that middle one is actually my car... ETA: And after looking for a replacement, I can safely say, I will not be replacing it!
  24. Av8er

    Bumper help...

    They look alike but it's not... I love how my zed looks but the bumper has seens better days. It needs a full rub down, fibreglass repairs and respray... But I think it would be cheaper to just buy a new one
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