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Mrs Buster

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Everything posted by Mrs Buster

  1. But I have a perfomance filtre and velocity stack fitted
  2. Ferndown, Dorset - approx 7 miles from Bournemouth
  3. That would have been Buster taking me to work (Town Hall). I spotted you around the same area in my car (azure zed). Saw you a couple of times
  4. Or plasticoat it http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/72638-mrs-buster-build-threadmore-updates-29713/page__st__80 You may struggle to match the original colour so try a contrasting one instead (admittedly I have changed the shade of blue since)
  5. simple response is "neither do you"
  6. Throw them in a room and starve them to death!! Total scum and we should waste money on keeping them for the next 30 years!
  7. AmyZed has started a thread in the events section - or PM her for info
  8. Don't diss my knob Matthew - i love Buster fixed that for you! True story
  9. Flippin eck Amy - dont rub it in :( I bloody well love this show and am gutted we are gonna miss it!! We even moved our wedding day for this a couple of years ago Sign up everyone - you wont regret it
  10. Heading into Bournemouth town centre this morning
  11. BTW Christian -that was me waving like a crazy woman in the azure as you pulled out of the zed shed
  12. Wondering what you were looking for when you came across this
  13. Oh dear lord now I've broken that too! I changed that BB code thingy to html and now I cant set it back how it was ----- HELP!!!!
  14. Well I like it - and with the exception of crude submissions from obvious members you are the only one to help so I am gonna use it! It's too big for sig tho and I am not capable (apparently) of changing the size so I used a thumbnail Thank you Matt x
  15. Simple prevention - I use baby oil before i venture outside - I dont know if it's coz the little feckers slide off and cant get a grip but I hardly get bitten now
  16. LOL @ you lot OK so somwthing maybe with a field of bluebells with my car in it
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