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Everything posted by mouthwash

  1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion indeed but this isn't a decision that should be based on yours or anyone else's emotions. If they took everyone's vote and used it to sway informed decisions, I'd be a bit more on board with that but for the general public to have the entire say? Nah, we can't be trusted. I've got to say, I don't really care but it's still an interesting topic (not the vote but what decisions should be left to the public).
  2. Good theory, so who decides who is on the committee? This is one of the main complaints about the EU, we have european mp's, unelected by us, deciding on our fate, isnt that the same as a unelected committee anyway? Anyone who pays tax (controversial i know) has a right to a vote imho, it doesnt matter if he or she are barking mad, if they are contributing to the country coffers, why shouldnt they have an opinion? You're right I don't know who would decide. I think for choices that relate to who's going to run the government or local policies or what-have-you are what people who pay taxes should vote for. I think this goes a bit beyond that. I don't know, maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of it than what needs to be but it almost seems like having a vote for going to war or something. You wouldn't let people vote on something that has that much impact.
  3. Not that I'm singling you out or anything but one thing I don't get is, why are we encouraged to vote about things we do not understand? I reckon if you went and asked the majority of people in the town I live in what their opinion is on the vote you'll get them repeating the sh1t they've been shoveled by the people in a position to influence them (people with things to gain from being either in or out). Or they will be voting based on their prejudices or what the weather is like that day. This sort of choice shouldn't be for the everyman on the street to decide, it should actually be left down to a committee of intellectuals that can actually make an informed, unbiased, media absent decision. Not the guy that read in the Daily Mail about the latest wave of Muslims entering the country and the reason why they're behind everything wrong in his life. I for one won't be voting because no matter how much I read and become informed about the situation, I do not understand or comprehend the scale and impact of my choice... How can I? I'm not an economist nor a politician. I reckon most people who will be ticking one box or the other won't either... I think it's a shame that those people could be sealing our fate. Obviously there will be people on here who will be upset or disappointed at my comments, those that assume they're in the know (a few actually might be) but I'd wager all the literature they have access to is what the ones publishing it want them to have. The other way to look at it is, it's a 50/50... So we've got a chance we might just accidentally vote for the right option.
  4. What's the big problem if they have a picture of you or your car on a record. If they had done it for your entire life in secrecy and in your dying moments they popped in to say "Alright mate just so you know, we've got all of these surveillance images of you" would you really care? I doubt it. I mean, I could follow any one of you about and take photos at my leisure as long as it's in a public place with or without your consent (obviously without causing you aggravation). It's the same as everyone driving around with a dash cam/helmet cam on. What right do they have to capture and store images of me or my possessions.
  5. It's actually something that quite frustrates me when victims or friends/family of victims blame firearms (or knives for that matter) for killing their loved one. It wasn't the firearm that did this to their loved one it was another human being. The firearm may have made it easier to do but it could have just as easily been done with a house brick. ...And we all know banning all the house bricks in the world wouldn't stop people being killed by other people. If you could magically make all the guns in America disappear over night there would still be a high murder rate over there because (and this is only imo) there is something wrong with the way they empathise with other people & relate to life in general. Something needs to change in the mentality of the general population over there before they see any large decline in murder rates imo. Can't do a drive-by with a toaster.
  6. I'm guessing the wheels aren't made to order because then they could alter the ET?
  7. Don't run a huge spacer at the rear, can you reduce it by 10mm? Or are you running that big because of the suspension??
  8. All I'll say is do it, the running gear for the 350 is noisy anyway. You'll hardly notice it and if you do then buy a supercharger, that'll cover it up.
  9. Just delete the source footage, keep your little clip and say it's all you've got. I'm sure they won't be looking for an excuse to penalise you at the same time.
  10. Can you report and send the evidence to the police? Stupidly dangerous. edit: added for those that can't be bothered to click the link....
  11. There is quite a few of those videos, I find it entertaining to watch everyone off their nut plus I can appreciate the beat... People seem to be loving it so who am I to judge. Instead of being my usual sarcastic self I'll say I can see the appeal... I don't think I could be a cheesy quaver though.
  12. I'm not really in to it but I imagine this is what you all get up to: Now this is either 90s in England or 3 weeks ago in Ukraine, I can't tell.
  13. Not allowed an opinion unless you've owned a modified 370 behave.
  14. You can get it off without taking anything off. The guys at abbey know the technique, give them a shout.
  15. I recognise that old silver banger.
  16. And upon my glorious return these are now sold, FINALLY!
  17. Guess I'd better bump this. wheels still here if anyone wants them!
  18. So is the Hyundai Coupe so don't take much notice of anything on there.
  19. Cats couldn't give a monkeys backside about you, they use you for food and a place to defecate. If they could open tins, they would call out a hitman and have you done over in the blink of an eye and inherit all your stuff. They take away your freedom, you have to constantly feed them and clean up after them, hair everywhere, I just couldn't imagine anything worse... ...I have never owned a cat. Sounds like kids to me. ...I have never owned a kid.
  20. Yeah, they aren't stupid if they can see your car is going to get beached / damaged they won't make you go up the ramp. I'm sure there was a case where someone claimed some damages because their car was lowered and they were made to go to the upper floor. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103697-unauthorised-modifications/ Maybe they are stupid.
  21. They'll put you on the lower part if you car is too low, however I went on the upper part with coilovers and a Nismo V2 front bumper (standard sideskirts).
  22. When I talk to people that have kids that's the one part that really gets me. What they fail to realise is that you can apply that to just about anything you haven't tried. You like a bit of uphill gardening, you just haven't realised it yet... Just wait.
  23. Those poll questions
  24. The bit that makes me smile is......................... What if your parents had thought that way ? Other than that I can't say anything. As I left work to bring up mine. (now retired because they only need my wallet) That was their choice, this is mine. Luckily I'm not my parents because I wouldn't want to bring me up maybe that's what's put me off... Me.
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