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andy james

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Everything posted by andy james

  1. Kat and I are staying in Worcester city centre with the the legendary Muxlows so will be heading up to Shelsley from that direction Ian.
  2. Along with so many other members I’m looking to seeing this amazing project come to fruition.
  3. Congratulations she looks stunning. My brother had a new one in red, traded it in for a Mitsubishi 3000 GTO. (bad move). Even after owning a 370 and a M4 he still hankers after getting one again.
  4. I will upload more tomorrow as for some reason after my I phone update all my pictures are upside down!!
  5. I was lucky enough to get an invite to attend in the Z last Sunday. An incredible collection of the best cars we all dream about owning when those 6 numbers come up! Going to call an admin group chat as I think we need to up the game with our club stand set up! ……….
  6. Just a quick reminder that the deadline for club tickets is Monday 16th August at midday. Also even if you have your tickets please check you have the free club pass on your order otherwise you will not gain entry to the event.
  7. You definitely tick all the boxes with your collection now!
  8. Do not want this sort of behaviour in our well respected seaside resort.
  9. Bloody shame this clashes with the Japanese performance show due to the pandemic. Both are excellent events.
  10. If you look at your original order it should show all tickets, passes, track times, free mug, guide etc. All tickets will be emailed a week or so before the show to either print off or show on your phone.
  11. From previous experience if you are not in the queue before 8am you will be in for a long wait.
  12. She looks spot on mate. Love the colour and its suits the car very well.
  13. Really enjoyed today as at last some semblance of normality! It was so good to catch up with you guys after almost 2 years. Hoping this is the start of many more forum meets to come.
  14. Just to throw something in the mix. I have these Cobra Misano Recliners. Hand stitched leather(you can have any colour), carbon backs, polished alloy frames and are incredibly light.
  15. I was told last week that there were no club stands but I could now request one but to be honest Steve the amount of cars we currently have attending it wouldn’t look very impressive! I think we are better off tagging along with Fuji and hopefully next year we can gather more interest.
  16. Tickets are still available guys. If you have never been to Beaulieu before it’s a great combination of car meet, a fantastic museum and at £13 is a significant saving on the general admission charge.
  17. Tickets now available so get in quick if you want to attend.
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