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Everything posted by theheff

  1. My opinion on solicitors is based on experience with them at that level. It is however only my opinion and others will obviously have different opinions. From my experience not worth the time or money. On another note, the police have obviously linked your vehicle to the scene of the accident Andy the specific incident, are there cameras in the area that will have caught he accident. If it ends up in court the judge will consider what has happened before. If you go no comment or worse lie and video evidence disproves what you've said and shows it as lies then the judge can hold that against you in his decision. The police already know your mums car was involved so I would suggest they probably have CCTV of it. As I said earlier. Answer only questions you are asked and keep it brief.
  2. That wouldnt help you mate, my coupe roof doesnt go down either
  3. Personally i wouldnt worry about a solicitor at that point. Big waste of money. You will get a legal advisor at best and all they will do is make sure that the po po dont beat a confession out of you or use appresive methods, which is highly unlikely. We dont live in an american law show where a solicitor comes in and ties the police up in knots and mugs everybody off and you get off scot free. Big money is not in minor criminal law cases, most decent solicitors will go into other areas of law, property etc. Honesty is the best policy, only answer questions your asked. They will ask you to tell them in your own words what happened so make it brief and truthful. Id be surprised if they wasted there time with it if im honest though. And you obviously didnt want to waste police time by calling them out to a dead lampost, they have better things to be doing, you cant exactly exchange details with it. Worst thing youve done is not report the accident at the police station. As said no one was hurt, its a lamp post.
  4. Pads are all on now. The right way. Took the rears off and the wear indicator was on the outside on those aswell. Should have pads and tires bedded in around the same sort of time so I can get a review up of both. Also bought these today. Didn't need them for today but they're on offer, £39.99 instead of £59.99 and I've been after some for ages.
  5. Cool, I'll rectify that tomorrow then. A least its all clean now so it all comes off easily.
  6. Cheers for the help on the phone earlier. I could have sworn the old pads with the indicators came off the outside. I couldn't see anything electronic on the calipers that they would connect with. Am I ok with them on the outside pads or should I swap them tomorrow?
  7. Fitted the front pads this afternoon. Was hoping to get the rears done but had a mare, noticed once I'd done one side, tightened everything up and started to fit the other side and noticed that the 2 remaining pads had little metal tags on, im assuming these are for sensors on some cars. Noticed them on the old pads but assumed they weren't on the new ones. That will teach me to rush things. Then ran out of day light. Rears tomorrow. The slab is there so I could drive onto it to get the car high enough to get the trolly jack under, and that dirty cause I used it to soak the pins and bits in wd40 to clean them.
  8. I would say if seller is taking the plates they need to sort it all out
  9. Welcome along mate. Were going to be meeting at colchester football club on 10th november if you fancy that. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=66566
  10. As title. I bought this off ebay and ended up having an offer accepted on another so ended up buying 2 to avoid bad feed back. This is bnib. The box hasnt even been opened. Its still sealed as it was when it left the factory. This set also includes the flexi extention and various fittings, and the eazi twist technology for changing the bits over. Im after £55 posted for this. Bank transfer only though please guys.
  11. As title. I bought these and they didnt fit and ddnt sen them back in time to be able to get a refund. They are brand new in the box. Never worn, literally tried one on, it didnt fit so they went back in the box. They are a size 11 but probably more suited if your a size 10 as they come up small, especially if you have wide feet like me. http://www.sportsdirect.com/puma-drift-cat-4-mens-trainers-117015 I paid £47 plus postage for them, im after £45 posted. Bank transfer only though please
  12. Have a look at the tein s tech springs aswell. I think the drop is just about right, not as much as rib eibachs give, probably half way between eibachs and stock. Camskill do them for £129
  13. Fitted the rear ARB drop links and rear ARB bushes today. Had to adapt my wheel brace to make a breaker bar to get the ARB links bolts off, didn't have to cut any off or heat any up. Was pretty smooth sailing really. The make shift breaker bar and socket wrench Adapted some old oven gloves to create a cushion on the axle stand And used the remainder as a rag for my hands, along with a stolen tea towel. Got the old ARB links and bushes off. Bushes looked ok to be honest, but while I'm doing the rest of it why not, only took an extra 10 minutes. The new bushes and the Drop links side by side with the old ones New bush fitted toe the flakey paint on the anti roll bar OSR drop link and bush fitted NSR drop link and bush fitted Any one know what this is. It's attached to the bottom of the NSR drop link? The W brace underneath the car is a bit rusty. Think ill have that off at some point and get it powder coated. Maybe the antil roll bar aswell, the paint is flaking off, either powder coat or a set of eibac bars? Over all a successful day. Took me just under 3 hours. I always get a great sense of achievement when I do stuff myself, plus I saved, I recon, about £100 by not taking it to a garage.
  14. Where can I get spare nipples from? Let me guess? by any chance? What size spanner do I need, the HEL lines are, what are the stock ones? I'm hoping the nuts are not too bad, when I did my suspension, everything was fine, no seized nuts.
  15. What are the concerns please matey?. I've read about ensuring the clamp placent causes no issues when turning the wheels.
  16. Cheers for the reply Does it matter which order I do the brake lines in. Should it be the same order that they need bleeding in? And do I leave the cap on the reservoir for bleeding and changing the lines?
  17. Are you able to do this with painted feet and the brace itself, I was thinking red feet with a black brace. Would you have a price for this please?
  18. No problems at all. Ive been out in some shite weather aswell. From what ive read you literally need to submerge the filter to have any issues.
  19. Hey guys, I plan on replacing the brake lines for HEL lines, my pads and bleeding the system in the next week. I've never done anything like this before but I'm quite practical with cars so plan on doing it myself. I have a few questions if people would be so kind. What order should I do this all in? Do I need to drain the system before swapping the lines? I have read that the bleed nipples can round off. How do I prevent this happening? When bleeding do I pump the peddle till the fluid changes colour, how do I get the air out from the new hose ensuring there is no air in the system. I'm going to be doing this at home so no ramp, is there any issue with doing it one corner at a time? I have searched the guides but can't find a good guide to changing lines, I read that coldel did a good one but can't find it, if anyone has a link to a good one, and a guide to bleeding aswell it would be much appreciated Cheers Paul
  20. I stopped and looked at that car a couple of weeks ago. Was pretty mint. Let me know if you want me to test drive it for you
  21. Where abouts? I'm working again but if it's quiet I can sneak off for a bit
  22. First time I've ordered from you guys and I can't fault the service. Great to deal with and my bits were delivered on the date promised. Cheers
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