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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Add it to the Milltec and decats and i should be able to beat electric wheelchairs to the crossing:) As if lol.
  2. I might even show a picture of the holes in the bonnet!! They are not a cheapy but what the heck, you only live once. thenoname
  3. http://www.gtmotorsports.com/product.ph ... 258&page=1 Struth it was a job and a half finding this again.
  4. Mark at Abbey is putting it on car now. I will get the link and post it up for you to read.
  5. Has anyone had a GTM FX35 HR 2WD 500HP STG1 SUPERCHARGER fitted to there 2007-2009 350Z please? And if so are you pleased? Cheers thenoname
  6. I want front and rear and l want them yeterday please:)
  7. This ebay one never loaded!
  8. Red, wait till you see the seats lol. I have a choice of full leather racing seats, all black or the centre being Red. (£435) including the runners and thats the price for a pair. (Ebay 380381559984) Or l found a dedicated custom site in Leicester, and you drop your car off with them for 5 days and they take your seats out and do a bentley Mulliner job on it, which is most likely what l shall go for. (http://www.uvworldwide.co.uk/leather-in ... 52r2tm3rf4) The mulliner option retains your electric seats and heating:) I am having black with a red strip. The armrest was made to my spec and because it is a perfect tight fit, you don't have to velcro it down. So you just take it out when you want access to the bluetooth module and cubbyhole. Plus I made it quite high so it was comfortable on the motorway and long journeys. When you are in town using the gears alot I just put it on the passenger seat. But Maciek will make it any depth you like. I suggested he round the cut out to give it more shape and loose the box look. But he was working to my measurements and it is exactly what I was after, It is perfect in height as I don't have to lift my arm up each time I want to change gear, i just move it forward. And it is so comfortable. The one thing that lets most sports cars down is the lack of a driver's armrest. The Zed was crying out for one, and those flimsy ones on ebay although leather were only 1" in depth, and were as much good as a chocolate fireguard! Hopefully the pictures of the seats will upload! Peter
  9. thanks for that. As for the knob. No l don't. The gaitor is not a short shifter and did not sit well with my £80 nissmo. In fact it looked rubbish plus it was cold to touch. I put the OEM back until I have time to cut the boot down and get myself a decent leather one. I am also on the hunt for a leather Handbrake now. I have a sever Rhumatic illness and if my hands get cold they hurt to a pain scale 10. So l have to go soak them in hot water! Shame I had to cut the photo's down! Peter
  10. It certainly looks the nuts, Especially with the red and black gators and arm rest that has yellow piping. Shame I can't get my head round the hassel of uploading them as you need to see it the pictures to appreciate them. I sent them to Maciek at Redline and hoping he will upload them:) Peter
  11. Only went and dropped the new lever on the concret carpark. 3 chips in it, sufficient enough shall we say to warrant getting another one. The leatherwork came from Maciek @ Redlinegoods.com, and the handbrake lever from Richbrook. The hardest part was retrieving one of the grub screws from the internals that I dropped, apart from that it was straight forward enough. However, had i not had the support of the Forum with all the pictures that members had put up, and the easy to follow step by step install instructions that came with them, I would not have even attempted it. I can see Graham getting upset because we did him out of a nice Sunday morning beer and cheese snacks:) Thanks to all who contributed and help to make this Forum such a great place to visit. Ok now what plonker said this bit went on "£$%^&*("£$%^&*(£$%^&*()_ ::) Can't do the photo's as I am 2 thick to photobucket! I will email them to anyone who want to uplaod them for me:)
  12. Thats a nice yellow Zed. My car being silver looks real crappy and I hate it!
  13. I think it is fine as it is. CAPITALS ARE EASIER TO READ for us oldies!
  14. I hate these blue tooth modules on the Zed! I have 2 now so 1 of them can go on the sale page if I can find it. Should have gone to speck savers
  15. Trust you to throw a spanner in the works!!
  16. Speak to Mark at Abbey Motors. Do not attempt anything yourself. He will explain why. Unless 1000 forum members scream at you 1st.
  17. I pay exactly the same as you for my Zed and l am with AXA which is Swift. I have a claim though which l am regretting as it was a hit and run on my Pathfinder in Feb 2010. I should have got the work done private.
  18. Don't listen to him. He only wants you to go and change it so he can laugh at your antics? Never got to do mine. Just as I was about to gather up the tools, the wind started to howl. Nothing worse so I shall have a go in week. Now we're is the sale page I have 5 new tyres for sale so get ya money out everyone:)
  19. Not about the gap. My handbrake has 3 holes in it and my drill is to big for the car. I will be fine:)
  20. I need it for the holes. My drill is a tad to big for working in the car!
  21. Umm I think I shall have to pop over! To be honest, I only need the right tool. (A Dremmel) And l think it will be straigh forward enough to do. I am not stressing!!! £$%^&*()_+"£$%^&*()_"£$%^&*()_
  22. Are you saying that Graham and dave are giving up there Sunday to fit handbrakes! Now there's dedication!
  23. Tha car is fantastic mate. You have done yourself proud:)
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