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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. So your cars called bits and bob's then? You must spend as much time as me or more to have that many posts since March Lol
  2. Well I hope this meet is in the warm? We could have it in Rykas at the base of Box Hill. That way we can sit supping tea why Graham is outside fixing handrakes/wing mirrors. gearboxes.Turbo's and SC's!!!
  3. OMG a naked handbrake. this is X rated Adult stuff. Can you put naked pictures on here? Excellent stuff. The combination of this and Graham's imput should convince me to give it a go myself. I can alwas cut it off and fill up the whole and spray matt black if it won't work. just leave it in gear:) thenoname
  4. Best I come down to Dorking to get it done. I keep saying that:) Wonder if someone out there has managed to fab a cover to go over the bottom of the gaitor? Thenoname
  5. It's the handbrakereplecement it'self that we would like to see pictures of not the boots:) Cheers
  6. 4RE Leather


    Yippee something has gone right for once. I went to straighten out the bubblewrapp to cover the spoiler in prior to taking it to Taras when I felt some small lumps. Stuck to a great big dollop of sticking tape was all the bolts and washers. The bag had split but the tape saved them:) Every single one accounted for. And to think I was going to lob it and get some more! Thenoname
  7. If the gaiters arrive from Poland by Wednesday I will give it to taras at RT Performance Brentford when he puts the spoiler on. I read a post on the USA 350 forum where he took his apart and came unstuck. he went on to say he drove around without a handbrake for over a month. Like I said pictures tell a thousand words:) thenoname
  8. I bought the same hand brake in Titanium as you. However as previously mentioned. Can us new guys have the photo's back please. Pictures tell a story that the written word can't. Thanks Thenoname
  9. 4RE Leather


    Taras never convinced me, I think! I thought I convinced myself and he convinced my Wallet ha ha/
  10. 4RE Leather


    £220 and well worth it. I was put on to him by a mate who had his ferrari done. Jonathan has a website just give him a ring. He has a white Audi with tints and I asked him to do mine the same. I am extreamly pleased as he is a proffesional and gives a written guarantee. yes you might get them cheaper or buy the film yourself, but I learnt the same way as most on here. Get it done properly the 1st time:) Peter
  11. 4RE Leather


    Ok guys. We can end this nowas it's sorted. It came from seban. I contacted the US -UK supplier who said they do not have a template or fixings. The trader on here just puts bolts and washers in b4 he sends them on. TARAS at PR Performance Brentford is fixing it but don't go on his site unless you have some spare dosh. I was amazed at the quality of their work so I am having some extra's done. Thanks to all for their advice and help and you have been great as usuall. Everything is slotting into place and SC is on order:) I will recomend autoshades of Sutton if anyone wants a decent window Tint. Tints with a silver car is a must. I vurtually rang up and drove down and it was done 1 hour later! In fact I was so manic today that i did the unthinkable. I was parked up in Asda by a brick wall. Started the engine in the usual manor and forgot the golden rule. Check it was in neutral. I am so lucky that I got away with a small graze on the lower lip of the car:) Peter
  12. 4RE Leather


    Thanks to the guys who suggest Chiswick I will ring them tomorrow thanks. I have found a counter sunk bolt that has a slot in it for a screwdriver. It fits so I can at least go down the shop and get the bolts. Can anyone give a guestimate as to length please? It would save me taking the trim off my tailgate to get at the OEM one? Thanks Guys. I love this site. Better that the TV anytime. more expensive but hey. You can't take it with you!! Peter
  13. 4RE Leather


    The bottom line is I need a fixing kit and with over a thousand nuts bolts and stuff not one is the right thread. It is identical to the seban one advertised on here RS0205NS350-NS but thus far they have not emailed me back even if it's to say get lost so as I can move on. Poncing about on a puter is no fun when you can't get answers. And I find the worst are online traders who only respond if there is something in it for them. With the exeption of the traders I have dealt with on here Someone somewhere on here of the other 350z site must be able to respond with a yep I can sort that for you. I could try taking a bolt/screw from the OEM one that's on the car and see if that fits. But what i really want is my initial question answered. is there anyone who can put it on for me living within a decent range from Morden.
  14. 4RE Leather


    I don't think at £14 it was insured and I only paid £180 half price. and it is the Seban one advertised on the traders And To be honest it would be less stress to smash it up and bin it than return it. The damage is miniscuel and the sender is stressed as his Misses has had a baby. Just annoyed about the nuts. Hence the best thing is for some one to message me and say. I can put that one for you! Lol Peter
  15. 4RE Leather


    I did notice a 3 page post on here but everyone was contradicting and there was no definative answer? Bit to big for me to stick under my arm and take it down champions to find what the nut size is, especially with a walking stick in the other!
  16. 4RE Leather


    Hi. I just bought a Nismo carbon Spoiler and it turned up in the box with every single one on the 8 pieces of tape holding the box sliced open. And just for good measure one of the wings was poking through a whole in the corner. It took the laquer off a bit but I can touch that in. I got it from a nissan Z owner off ebay and it shows no signs of ever being on a car. so I presume it must be new. So it was a shock that in the short distance from Chatham to Morden this kind of damage could occure. Excuse spelling but I am to angry to care. Does anyone know if there should be a fixing kit or template please as inevertably apart from the spoiler the box was empty? In addition would anyone know who is the man for fitting these on please? Or any member living within a decent distance want to earn some dosh. Hope it fits in the car to transport it! Or on it for that matter!! Regards Peter
  17. The adventura (like mine) has a sat nav as standard and automatically when you put into reverse the rear camera comes on. I had the Pathfinder and my mate had the Navara. The system on the Zed is different and i wanted to know if i can interface a rear view camera with it. If not I might get one of those interior mirrors that is both a DVD/ Tv and rear camera!
  18. Thanks Gents:) Now I am not being lazy and have had a good look. (Blind Bat) can some kind sole direct me to the guide page for bumper removal pls. I spend so much time reading other posts I am never going to finsd it! Peter
  19. Hi folks Has anyone put any parking sensors on front and rear and encountered any issues. for example, do I have to drop the bumper? If i were to get a supply and fit. What sort of price are we looking at? And last. I have the oem sat nav and wondered if like my pathfinder adventura I could put a rear view camera on that will interface with the sat nav. Thanks in advance as always Peter
  20. Same problem here. I have a 2009 Zed. Just keep the climate control on all the time and set the temp. I have mine at 22 constant. Peter
  21. Alex is sending some of those down as I write. price was not an issue performance and safety always is. Thanks for the info on the spacer. Peter
  22. What size tyres have you got. I have 245.40 on the front to compliment the 275 on the back. i told them to put w rated but they must have heard that Abbey is putting a SC on so they kindly put Y rated on!! No wonder my savings are going down. Having a tracker and 4 defusers fitted on Thursday, and them buggers ain't cheap!! Peter
  23. Thanks for that. l should imagine that due to the milage and the car is 2009 they are the oem so soft as S**t. I will try get the yellow stuff pads from the guy on here. As to the spacers. I am not to bothered. It was not a cost issue. I put new 275/40/18 Bridgstone on last week but they did not fill the arch as much as I wanted. So a 20mm spacer would have got it spot on. To bring it out with a tyre would have meant getting the equivilent off a 215/40 but I did not want the inner going wider for obvious reasons. I might just leave it and sort the pads out. Any ideas about the spacer from the Castlenut to the split pin? Cheers Peter
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