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Everything posted by garetgax

  1. Thanks that answers that then.
  2. im after a k1 and have a japspeed k2 at the moment so would be willing to do a straight swap?
  3. IT might have been asked before but anyone got any experience with the japspeed race manifolds. Are they worth the money, do they make any difference etc? Any BHP gains after up-rev? Im already after some hfcs and a plenum spacer but wondered if these were worth getting prior to getting the up rev done. link below http://www.japspeed.co.uk/Nissan-350Z/N ... -19-1-261/
  4. Im after some HFC's either berk or kinetix for an 04 zed. Also after a plenum spacer for a sensible amount
  5. none from me as I forgot my camera
  6. A few bits to clear some garage space £225.00 sold set of 4 oem 18"s in good nick with bridgestone tyres with loads of tread. one has a slight scuff see below Also got an oem exhaust see below £150 sold A right non led rear light offers? k sport harnesses 4 point £150 cheers G
  7. No probs mate better that the ticket and stand pass gets used.
  8. Forgot to add hope the car gets sorted Peter and glad no -one was hurt.
  9. If the spare ticket doesnt find a decent home we need an extra ticket for shell. We were intending paying on the gate for her so more than happy to pay for the ticket etc if it doesnt find a home. Dont need a stand pass though
  10. Cars ready to go for tomorrow Looks like the weathers going to be good too .
  11. the last car 400/400 sprint car miss it badly Dougal shells GT4 was one of the best cars weve ever owned, reliable, handled well and was pretty good on track. 2nd impreza we owned The best car we have ever owned first impreza what an eye opener Cant find any digital pics of our MR2 and the FTO (only kept it for 2 months as it was awful). Wanted a rex but never got round to getting one was always a bit worried about the reliability issues. The evo was awesome but cost me more than prob all the cars put together minus the sprint car to mod and run. IF id not got into jap cars im sure Id not have a mortgage now . Shell always wanted a tt supra or gto but wouldnt get rid of dougal so it never happened. Wish I could afford a R34 v-spec................one day .
  12. Well good news is Shell has swapped her shifts now so she can come . Ill just have to pay full whack for her in the gate. Good job I didnt book any track time banking on her being at work . V jealous of you boys with track time. Looking forward to Sunday though hope the weathers good
  13. Well just to add to the above i can pee over a metre . this thread has turned stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid and kinda reminds me of the MLR. Really thought the zed community was a little less "my dads bigger than your dad"............................as the man with very large collars often says"theres only one way to sort this out.............FIGHT!!"
  14. just over 400 at the mo the zed and my golf GT tdi. In the past though its been a bit more but always with just 2 cars. My car Power Michelles car Power total Tomcat turbo 220 MR2 200ish 420 Evo 4 350 Fto 220 550 Sti 330 Celica GT4 270 520 Peugot 309Gt 140 uk impreza 405 540 Golf Gt 140 Zed 276ish 416 Last few years been stuck with company oil burner else it would have been more methinks
  15. [The police should be able to act though to be honest.]...............that implies a) they give a toss are competent enough to do their jobs c) havent met what ever stupid targets they have this month I bet rather than going out and policing and finding the scroats they will be sitting in a layby drinking coffee or hiding behind a hedgerow in a van with a speed gun. Even if they do find them they wont prosecute...........I had a guy opposite my friend a few years back reverse into my tomcat and drive off. 3 teenagers knocked on my freinds door and told me what he'd done and also that he'd "told them not to say anything". Reported it and he paid up but the police just gave him a warning . Vik really hope you find him and I'm wrong in this case about the dibble. Oh and if there are any dibble on here who are offended by my views.......sorry but I really dont give a @~*" their my opinions and you dont have to like them.
  16. My 2 penneth............... As many on here have stated most in the private sector have been feeling the pain for some time. I've been made redundant once during this mess (thankfully got another role straight away......many havent been so lucky) havent had a pay rise or bonus (despite personally earning both the business's ive worked for in the last 3 years over 500k clear profit after tax), have a pension that quite frankly is pretty much worthless. I earn less than most teachers and certainly ones my age and I am probably more qualified than they are too. Its worth pointing out not all public sector workers dont put the miles in ,my wife is a nurse so I sympathise but dont agree with striking, she cant strike and the changes within the NHS (protected my arse cameron) more than justify work to rule if nothing more. SHe works well over her contracted hours and has done for the last decade. The bottom line though for all you folks in the public sector whinging is that your work conditions, hours, holiday entitlement and pension ( even the revised one your resisting against) and now pay (the disparity between public and private pay scales has diminished significantly over the last few years) make you all in a far better position than most people out in the real world . So get a grip, man up, deal with it etc as you need to wake up and smell the coffee. THERE ISNT ENOUGH MONEY!!!!!! OH and how would you like it if you had to keep taking unpaid leave to look after your kids because of someone like you wanted their cake and eat it? (Doesnt affect me but it would pee me off) over. Final point .....Bock I believe it will effectively be a sliding scale as I understand it the changes will take effect from 2015 . So effectively if youve just started in the last few years you'll be greatly affected and if your at the end of your career youll not be affected at all.
  17. the services at j24 is prob best its only 10 mins from the gate.
  18. Right well well be setting off in a sec via Alton Towers . We should arrive around 6 ish. Looking forward to meeting peeps etc this is our first Zed meet. nothing like starting big .
  19. A salt talc at the end to stop the blood dripping on your jeans?
  20. kind of amusing though .......surprised he didnt die of asphyxiation
  21. [sanding attachment only... to make it more fun ].............if that floats your boat may I suggest the wire attachment then
  22. [ Would rather dremmel my own testicles off ]..................bet it depends on the attachment
  23. Is it me or are half the people on this program complete and utter dimwits with about as much common sense as my left bollock? How on earth have these people got through the selction process? I mean comments like "everyone in paris uses the metro and no-one has cars in france" "do the french like their kids?" "I cant see why anyone would want a kids booster seat that doubles up as a rucksack.....wouldnt they leave it in the car".........."we think a teapot light would be a better idea"..."do people in france drive cars?" . My god I thought I had no sense but with this lot in the room I think I might come out as proverbial einstein
  24. Well were dinkies (dual income no kids) so as long as nothing too bad happens for another 50 years I really couldnt give a stuff . We like our cars, we like our holidays........and im not convinced the changes in our climate arent just natural cycles anyhow. Rather than going and hugging a tree Im going to turn all the lights on in the house and go for a drive .
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