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veilside z

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Everything posted by veilside z

  1. older is better. more character on certain homes, solid walls, bigger rooms. better going for one thats altogether if your not good at diy. good luck with your search.
  2. my spacers work fine with my decats. no cel lamp at all. thanks again alex mate.
  3. great photos mate. thanks so much for sharing them. was lucky enough to do silverstone a couple of times but has nothing on monaco.
  4. dont know it depends which way they snapped it in at manufacture. the lamp can be swivelled 180 degrees you see so it fits either way up thus putting sprung clip towards the front or towards the rear. when you slide the credit card behind it should pass further behind the sprung edge.
  5. hit my lower splitter on the wall yesterday as some kind people overshadowed my drive and couldnt get out. filler and paint
  6. welcome bud. hope you are enjoying your car
  7. you can pull them out from the wing enough to slide a credit card behind, then push the spring loaded clip in and at the same time gently ease out. the end will pertrude out. careful though as only one end of clip has give whilst the others fixed.
  8. hi mate welcome hope you find what you want
  9. hope you get your sale. such a lot of car for the money mate..
  10. hows the new baby? bet you have the grin factor all day. enjoy it bud
  11. great purchase bud. have lots of fun and watch those speed cameras.
  12. hello bud welcome and best of luck on your purchase.
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