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Everything posted by Stoker11

  1. Hi and welcome Lee,i am in NE Lincs,Cleethorpes
  2. Been very windy here in Cleethorpes,massive high tides, been some flooding but fingers crossed no one has been hurt.At work at the moment,one of the stores buildings has been badly damaged,and we had a tidal surge at our cooling water intakes which was impressive.Keep safe everyone
  3. Tonight on Grimsby Road approx 21.00,number plate ****FOX,sounded nice
  4. Black Chrome,not too dark looking
  5. Black 370 at the Cleethorpes car show and a black 350 parked up at the boating lake car park.
  6. Hi and welcome,not too far from you,Cleethorpes.Good luck with the search
  7. Passed a silver Zed on the A165 north of Beverly this morning,waved and got a wave back!!!
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