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Everything posted by Bockaaarck

  1. Great news, a really good decision, congratulations Chris
  2. All the very best, have a fantastic day
  3. Tarmac, I've been after a decent Y pipe for a little while and this looks like a beauty. Am I likely to have any issues marrying this up to my Milltek exhaust?
  4. Hi Matt, this is quite a common issue. A solution could be as simple as removing the boot weight to getting the struts re-gassed or even replaced (should you wish to incur the costs involved) Have a good look through the forum, there are quite a few threads in this little issue
  5. San Marino or Daytona blue Zed, I think that's the colour classification, it was an 08 plate coupe and very nice too
  6. Spotted near the lights by the Green Park Brasserie just after 2:30 this afternoon, very nice looking Zed, got little wave as well
  7. Seen going round the roundabout by Co-op and the HSBC about quarter past four, needed a good clean
  8. The Sunset might have been me on the school run to Wooton Bassett just before half past eight. Were you in the red import heading towards Wroughton? Yes mate, tried to give you little wave but as I going round the corner it probably looked like I was trying to kill a wasp or waft a really smelly fart out of the window
  9. Just caught a glance of a Blade or GM zed heading in to Bath on the A46 not far from the motorway junction about 8-ish. Then saw a nice looking Sunset on the B4005 just outside Wroughton heading toward the M4
  10. .....and on that point make sure you use someone who you either trust or others can vouch for (like Sarnie)........times are hard and a fee is a fee to some IFA's. Agreed
  11. Leeroy, the suggestions offered seem reasonable and backed by experience and knowledge. No disrespect to any of the guys who've responded but if I were you I would make sure are legally protected by speaking to an IFA. That may give you a more solid platform to jump off from. As Sarnie and others have explained there's quite a lot to consider here. Renting out your current place may be a good solution and for some people it works well. However you also have to be aware of circumstances outside your own environment. If we do get a double dip, the Feds decision to pump $600 billion in to the US economy worries me a little, that may have a knock on here, we have signs of inflation already. Hopefully you will stay in employment but what if you don't? What if your tennants lose their jobs, or what if your property is unrented for a couple of months, will you be able to cover the costs? Don't forget you'll need to have some kind of repayment vehicle for that IO mortgage. I don't want to be a doom monger but these things need to be considered. If you're going to rent out you have to consider the competition in the local market, research in to your competition is the key. Also remember a house is only worth what someone will pay for it. If it's £300,000 this year what will it be next year....£400,000 or £200,000? With a reported 490,000 public sector job lossess coming in to effect over the next few years. With the delayed shock waves of the banking crisis still being felt across the world (Gold prices still rocketing, governments buying their own gilts etc) nothing is certain Research and professional advice is what I would suggest. Best of luck
  12. Fair play, what a top neighbour, got to be worth a thank you bottle of plonk
  13. Nice Azure spotted coming on to the roundabout by the Jurys Inn hotel off Fleming Way about twenty past eight this morning
  14. We're in the USA .... that makes it the 7th floor lol naughty naughty
  15. Ian, it's such a shame you've got this up for sale, but if you've found the right R34 then go for it mate. Just hope whoever gets this car (if you decide to sell it ) understands what a fantastic Zed they're geting their hands on.
  16. That is a great looking Zed you have there my friend, not so keen on the rear spoiler, but I am a bit of an old duffer Lovely looking car
  17. I know, it's tragic isn't it I think the other car is an Infinit G6
  18. The better half and I went to New York last week for a lovely break which we both desperately needed. We had a fantastic time in such an amazing city and really enjoyed ourselves. We did the usual stuff, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park and managed to see some fantastic exhibitions at the Museum of Modern art and the Guggenheim. We also did some exploring around Greenwich Village, Brooklyn etc, and thoroughly enjoyed it. While we were there I also kept an eye out for any Zeds, of which there were quite a few! I managed to get some snaps of some of them so here they are below for your delectation! 46th and Lexington 57th and Lexington 68th and Lexington 86th and Lexington Mmm there sem to be a lot of Zed's on Lexington Avenue..... Zed on 86th and 5th Avenue for a change, hooray!
  19. Nice looking Blade spotted at East 62nd and Lexington, didn't get a pic as I was stuffing my face at the time.
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