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Everything posted by Bockaaarck

  1. I'm really happy with them Heath, they make such a difference. No more issues with the traction control kicking in now i've got a decent sey of wheels I can actually get tyres for! Gives me a lot more confidence in the car.
  2. A beautiful Monteray blue 370Z roadster cruised passed me in the outside lane heading towards Wales at the M4/M5 interchange about 8am this morning. Very nice
  3. You've made a great decision getting a Zed and you're up for a lot of fun Welcome aboard
  4. You know what it's like though. Get in to the car park, find a nice space furthest away from any other cars. By the time you come back you just know someone will have planted a deciduous tree next to you
  5. As far as I know it's standard height I think, or at least I haven't lowered it
  6. Good shout, no harm in doing a quick check and calling him. Does seem very cheap
  7. Thanks guys, having struggled for several weeks to get any tyres for the 17" JDM wheels I had I thought I'd just be better of getting a whole new set of wheels. I'm normally crap at making my mind up but when I saw these 19" GTR Rota's I had to have em, very happy with them.
  8. Looks stunning, you've done an amazing job there
  9. Big thanks to Julian and the guys I met at Rare Rims a couple of weeks ago, especially for being so friendly and showing me a great variety of wheels. Can't forget the great service from Ben either, wheels and fittings arrived in excellent shape and have transformed the car Thanks guys, would be happy to recommend you to anyone.
  10. Got passed by a lovely yellow 370Z on the way home from work today around quarter to five. Nice to get a little wave back as well, smashing looking car
  11. Noticed a nice Blade Zed parked up on the Circus in Bath yesterday when I returned from giving mine a wash. I cheekily parked in front of it and took a snap of the cars together. Also the first pic on here of my new wheels (19" Rota GTRs) supplied by the guys at Rare Rims (thanks Julian / Ben)
  12. Tay, Are you at liberty to say which Nissan dealer you've been to in Somerset? We are bit short of really good independents in Somerset, Bath, Bristol area unfortunately. Bock
  13. Hi quicksilver, I like the look of these, pm sent Need to check they'll fit on my 2003 JDM. Cheers, Bock
  14. I love the Zed, so may well end up getting another, perhaps more up to date one. If I try and forget the Zed for moment and if I was good and saved a few pennies I'd be tempted by a good example of any of the following: SL55 AMG DB7 Virage 928 GTS
  15. Hi andlid, the car is still with them luckily, I'm currently talking to the insurance co, explaining the situation to them. Made my mind up, I'm not going to accept the car in it's current state, want them to sort it out properly
  16. Mmm you could be right. Having spoken them again it appears that the guys would have got some kind of worksheet to indicate the tailgate needed respraying On the worksheet it indicated a new tailgate badge had been ordered so they would naturally assume (I suppose) they were good to go on the respray. They would have removed and thrown the old badge away and got on with the job Now I guess I could do either of the following in these circumstances Speak to the insurance company and tell them what's happened and that I want the cost of a new badge taken from the excess paid on the repairs. Then I pick up the car with the Nissan burger and get a new Zed badge at a later date and remove/replace the Nissan burger witht the new badge myself (bit of a hassle). Or I could call the insurance company as above, explain the situation (cost of badge etc), then call the bodyshop and just tell them to remove the Nissan burger now, which will save me doing it. Then when I get a replacement badge it'll be easier for me to fit. I don't know how easy it is to replace on of those big badges, I can imagine it's a pain the arse. Mmm have to think on this. Bock
  17. Thanks again for the further responses guys. The car is still with them and I've emailed them a list of the things I sorted out and have been polite and fair with them. I'm going to call them later and ask them about the badge situation, try and pin down exactly what they can do about it. I'm sure I'll get it sorted, just a bit of hassle that I don't need really. However I did make it clear to both the insurance company and the bodyshop that if I wasn't happy with the work, I would want them to recitfy it. So they've had fair warning really. Cheers, Bock
  18. Well yes indeed, a badge worth £25 or £85 I don't think it matters, it's the principle of it. Or is that just me?
  19. Well you'd hope they would at least get in touch. If they said they had removed the badge to respray the tailgate but then couldn't then put it back, however they had kept the badge fair enough. I could then find ways of putting the badge back myself, althought that would be a hassle, I'd be happy with that. When I spoke to them on Friday it seems like they had no idea where the badge was but that everything was ok though as I had a new Nissan badge on the back of the car......"Ermmm, No ..."
  20. Welcome to the forum, you've made the right choice going for a Zed. The wiper arm issue is a familiar problem and has been suggested already, you can whip it off and spray it yourself if you so desire. There's loads of info and helpful threads on the forum about all sorts of stuff. So have a good search around and you'll soon find whatever you're after. And as nobody else has said it yet Pics of your new pride and joy please
  21. +1. You could drive you missing Z badge through that bumper gap..... That made me chuckle, thanks for the responses guys. I don't want to be picky or be awkward and as you've said tez the primer overspray is pretty minor, a good claybar and that should be sorted. However; when I think about it I don't feel that's really the point. If I accept the car as is then they can wash their hands of it. The bumper isn't fitted correctly and I certainly want that sorted. The badge issue in the grand scheme of things is also minor but it's a matter of principle. The badge they've fitted is not the one that was on the car when I dropped it off. If they couldn't get hold of a Zed badge then surely at least a phone call is required - "Sorry, we can't get hold of a Zed badge and we're not allowed to order parts from anyone other than Nissan, but we have kept the badge for you" I don't expect to deal with the hassle of sorting this out myself, having handed the car in to an 'Insurance Company Approved' bodyshop. I don't know, maybe it's just me, why is it so difficult to get people to do things properly these days?
  22. Ok guys as a few you may remember I had a load of students run over my car a couple of months ago damaging the bonnet, headlight, roof, spoiler etc. Finally, with much to-ing and fro-ing I finally got the car in to a bodyshop for the repairs to be done. I got a call from the bodyshop on Friday saying the work was done and the car was ready to pick up. So I scooted over to them to pick up the car and was really looking forward to getting back in it and driving it (they've had the car since the begining of June). When I checked over the car it looked great, the painwork had been blended really well and I was pretty chuffed with the result. Then as I looked more closely I picked up a couple of issues which I wasn't happy with. There was a touch of primer overspray on the front bumper, probably a dozen spots or so. More important was the fact the front bumper had not been re-seated correctly, leaving a significant gap between the bumper and light unit. Pic taken a couple of months ago Pic taken on Friday (drivers side original light) Pic taken on Friday (passenger light unit replaced There's a significant gap left between the bumper and light mounting. Then there's this... Damaged rear wing taken a couple of days after the damage was done, also showing the 'Zed' badge on the tailgate. Mmm, they seems to have blended the roof and tailgate ok, looks pretty good. The wing looks pretty good as well, looks like they've done that ok.....Mmm I don't seem to remember that badge being there? I was told that they had to remove the Zed badge to repaint the tailgate, which makes sense. Then I was told that Nissan no longer stock or have the Zed badge, so they replaced it with the Nissan burger. Now I asked them where the old badge was, as they must have done something with it, but there was no sign of it. I don't object to having the Nissan badge on the car, after all it is a Nissan, but it's not the badge that was on the car when I dropped it off to them for repair I have told the bodyshop that I wont be taking the car back as it is and told them to sort the primer overspray, get the bumper re-mounted correctly and have also asked them to source a replacement Zed badge and fit it to the car or I won't be satisfied the repair is complete. If they sort all these issues out it would then restore the car to the condition it was in prior to the damage being done and prior to the car being dropped off with them for repair. I think I'm entitled to get the car back in a condition at least as good as it was before going in to the bodyshop. I also think that if they could not get access to the same type of Zed badge they should have at least called me and indicated there was a difficulty. Then I would have been able to given them instructions as to how I wanted the issue dealt with ("Ah ok, I think I can get hold of one, what if I drop it of to you?..." or "Ok, don't worry about it, fit the badge you have, I'll sort it out later..." etc) So am I being unreasonable or not guys?
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