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Everything posted by gunmetalzgt

  1. i might have the ipod wire for this if your interested?
  2. I hate it when things like this happen. the worst for me was a guy on a push bike fell onto by car. made a massive scratch and the f****d off!! i was fuming! !! a neighbour told me he saw it out the window!!
  3. Good job!! I bet you're well pleased, i know the difference it makes
  4. i've searched but couldn't find anything. could a blowing exhaust make fuel consumption go through the roof?? i've had i sorted now but i was just wondering.
  5. i would love this!!! pity i might be selling up!! im a GM as well!!!
  6. Good job!! i hope the prices are nice!!
  7. don't worry about it, i had to do that too with the proper spacers from CS. Hope the rest of the job goes smoothly
  8. im not sure if you can code a used key in but yes iy could be people just trying to flog them anyway. people do that with the megane keys that cant be programmed in.
  9. Yeah if it comes off you can have first dibs on the JWT. im not removing the pioneer as i have nothing to replace it with. thanks
  10. I've already had a couple of PM re the spacers but i think ill leave them on the car for now. ill take them off and sell them and other mods off if i go down the part ex route. thanks
  11. Now on an ebay auction folks. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-2003-53-UK-GT-PACK-REDUCED_W0QQitemZ110464127428QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item19b82cd1c4 thanks!!
  12. its look like the belt has split and thats all thats left. i can see a jaggedy bit in th pic. i think thats only half the belt left there. plus the belt is the wrong way round. i'd get that changed pronto
  13. oooooohhh, feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!!! that is incredible!!
  14. thats insane!! what would you use that for though??
  15. Ill add you as soon as i recieve my Xmas pressies! iasked santa for MW2 and forza3
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