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Everything posted by jollyranchers

  1. Anyone got smoked front indicators fitted to their Kuro ? Such as these ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360214791238?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I know the clear ones are a popular replacement for the orange ones , but not seen many smoked ones Cheers
  2. did the windscreen people replace all the trims too ? i need to get mine replaced too
  3. Edit: Sorry, never saw the link, only got genuine Nissan ones in stock mate. Alex. alex , what's the latest price on the OEM leds ?
  4. The guy must have the worst eBay feedback I've seen ! , must be really honest !
  5. I'm needing one too ! The eBay traders that are breaking cars seem to want the world for them !
  6. Id be interested in some pics of kens gt4 refurb , looking to get mine done in next few weeks Any pics ken ?
  7. Throttle controller on sp7 REALLY livens up the z , it won't make you any faster but doesn't half liven the car up
  8. Glad to see they are still holding their value ! How many miles has it done ? , mines on 38k
  9. Keep them standard ! Black with gloss polished lip always makes the rims look smaller
  10. Can someone please tell me what that front lip is? I like it. I'm interested in how the rear indicators have been tinted on this ? Who's ride is this ?!
  11. Very nice , another gt4 brother ! How much did you get it for ?
  12. Very nice , best colour , how much did it set you back ? Mileage ?
  13. So , most of us have the oem mats which are very good, however mine have seen better days , before I get some more has anyone got anything different ? Seen these on eBay , no idea on quality has anyone got these ? Or anything better ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Mats-to-fit-Nissan-350Z-Black-Red-350Z-logos-/190462929711
  14. You will 99% guaranteed need to drill out rusted bolts , as others have said don't even attempt if you haven't got new bolts , a good set of drill bits and a grinder handy
  15. very nice ! , any more pics of your car ?!
  16. I've always wondered if you could record your own insurance phone calls which if you need to in the event of a dispute can produce the recording ? They always say to you calls may be recorded for training purposes , what's stopping you recording your own of the conversation? So if you had a crash and were in dispute you have the conversation to hand ?
  17. I need to replace the front and rear brake pads , I've seen official brembo branded ones for £65 Delivered for both sets. Is there anything better before I order ? If I went for a non standard pad ie EBC red stuff or similar is this classed as a modification in the eyes of the insurance ?
  18. Tdi Warrington fit exhausts too , However you aren't going to get much cheaper than £50 to fit
  19. I've had autogrips when I first got mine they are ok
  20. this place gets rave reviews http://www.rimfurbish.co.uk/index.html
  21. The only way I have found to get a true reading is to do this first thing in the morning or after car has been stood and is cold. You get two goes at getting a true reading then the dipstick gets contaminated and as you say oil is half way up the dipstick Trying to do it hot or after ten mins doesn't give you the most accurate of readings
  22. what about these http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649 tempted
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