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Everything posted by Dene8

  1. No Elf, they're everywhere.......... on par with corsa's now I know of 5 sunsets in the bishop/darlo area alone
  2. & the girls pictured could quite easily come from Bish...... I vote preggers 7 months gone....
  3. Defo i paid £75 a wheel for 19's
  4. The two girls look like the type that would eat you, i'm not saying that in a sexual way........ they look frickin' hungry!!
  5. This could be the reason my sub has stopped working, i'll investigate on my lunch
  6. My Nismo's are Gloss black Matt, you'll get to see them on Sunday Cost me £300.00 to get them done, same day turn-around with a courtesy car for the day So the price you got quoted seems pretty good to me..............
  7. Looks Jay Think i need to set aside some monies and get this done myself
  8. Damn my puny tank capacity, on the plus side I’ll just have to fill up more often = Bev time
  9. Nice to know Joe Publics car is given one lick of paint with orange peel a-plenty and sluggish engines......
  10. Dene8

    fairlady badge

    Been hunting around for one of these too bud Ebay is full of skanky chavtastic ones, i want an OEM style one
  11. If by 'Shell' you mean 'BP' then yesh fwend Didn't ever imagine 600 miles to a tank was possible
  12. Just did and ordered some of their subtle headlight tint film...... i'll post up pics when i've done it....... Should be this kinda tinted effect.........
  13. I've seen aliens do something similar with crops...... Gutted for you mate, hopefully it all gets sorted out.
  14. Do you have your foot permanently planted to the floor...........? I've never seen mine drop below 25mpg........
  15. I've seen loads of zeds around the North East recently, they all look at me blankly with the "do i know you" expression when i ghey wave at them......
  16. That's why i only fill up in little amounts every other day, don't seem as much......... & i get to see the lovely Bev on the checkout wotsit
  17. looking Good Rich, guess what my next mods are going to be
  18. It's called your right foot
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